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The Interactive FanFiction Story

One of the longest-running fanfiction stories on the 'net.

Chapter 23: What to do?

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Chapter 23: What to do?

written by anonymous author

added on: 16 Jan 2000 - based on characters created by Winnie Holzman

Angela: I can't go home...
Brian : It's okay... you can stay here... for the time being.
Angela: I mean, how can I like, just go home and face my mom, and my dad when I keep seeing hallie and... I can't go home...
Brian: But you have to, eventually. I think you need to decide what you're going to do...
Angela: (VO) oh, that's easy for you to say...
Angela: i don't know... I... just DON'T know.

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“Do we have to keep talking about religion? It's Christmas.”

Danielle Chase, Episode 15: "So-Called Angels"