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Episode Guide

Episode 04 - Father Figures

German title: "Zwei Überväter" (Two Super-Dads)
French title: "A la recherche du père idéal" (Searching the perfect father)

First Air-Dates

    * USA: Thursday 15th September 1994 - 8pm ET/PT (ABC) [ratings: 7 / share: 12]
    * Germany: Sunday 17th March 1996 - 6pm CET (RTL2)


Angela gives Graham the silent contempt treatment while Patty must deal with her own father when both the Grateful Dead and the IRS come to town.

the transcript (TEXT-Version)


    * RUNTIME: 48:22
    * SHOOTING DATE: around Tuesday 01st February 1994



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“My dad thinks every person in the world is having more fun than him.”

Angela Chase, Episode 1: "My So-Called Life (Pilot)"