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Episode Guide

08 - Strangers in the House

German title: Was wirklich wichtig ist (What´s really important)
French title: Opération à coeur ouvert (Operation on the open heart)

First Air-Dates

  • USA: Thursday 20th October 1994 - 8pm ET/PT (ABC) [ratings: 6 / share: 11]
  • Germany: Monday 08th April 1996 - 6pm CET (RTL2)
USA: This episode was scheduled for October 13th, 1994, but got preempted.



Angela's relationship with Sharon and Graham's job dissatisfaction both hit critical levels when Sharon's father has a heart attack.

the transcript (TEXT-Version)


  • RUNTIME: 49:02
  • SHOOTING DATE: around Monday 14th March 1994



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“And, you know, with your hair like that? It hurts to look at you.”

Rayanne Graff, Episode 1: "My So-Called Life (Pilot)"