- My So-Called Life (Pi... - #1 »
- Dancing in the Dark - #2 »
- Guns and Gossip - #3 »
- Father Figures - #4 »
- The Zit - #5 »
- The Substitute - #6 »
- Why Jordan Can't Read - #7 »
- Strangers in the Hous... - #8 »
- Halloween - #9 »
- Other People's Daught... - #10 »
- Life of Brian - #11 »
- Self-Esteem - #12 »
- Pressure - #13 »
- On the Wagon - #14 »
- So-Called Angels - #15 »
- Resolutions - #16 »
- Betrayal - #17 »
- Weekend - #18 »
- In Dreams Begin Respo... - #19 »
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- #1580Steve wrote on Monday, 26 August 2024:The best TV show of all times aired 30 years ago today, and I was there to see it...we had a time.
- #1579G wrote on Wednesday, 27 March 2024:Just discovered this show and...something's going on here, inside of me. Guess I'm gonna find out something. For now, just regretting wasn't born earlier
- #1578Oliver Lamport from Canada wrote on Tuesday, 26 March 2024:This is the best website
- #1577Spootnek from Ohio wrote on Friday, 14 July 2023:What was the name of that song about Claire Danes that you used to have on here? I couldn't find it just now. I can't remember the name or the artist I just remember that it was great.
- #1576lain wrote on Monday, 17 May 2021:love this site. what a relic
- #1575Magic Angela from https://magicmythology.com/ wrote on Saturday, 18 July 2020:Just started watching - love it.
- #1574Kayla wrote on Thursday, 06 February 2020:just started watching this show last year and its really good! wish there were more shows like this:)
- #1573michael h from home if the grunge wrote on Friday, 01 November 2019:hi i would just like to tell people of mscl site keep going glad you still have it up after 20 years.is there a facebook tie in cant signup for the in your forum: right now. so ill ,it.ill just put it here.i think its suiting to the show that sharon has two beds and touching if she had sister sibling who died (that would befiting to the show and aligned with its emotional context)im not familiar with this vcustom" as to keep the deceist childs bed where its at.where does that come from and could you tell me.
- #1572lewis from England wrote on Friday, 01 June 2018:Hi everyone! I'm so amazed to find there are so many other people still active with such a love for this show! I'm 16 and I only know one other person in my area who watches this show IRL (lucky, all things considered) but it's so much better than all the drivel sitcoms you see on Nick/Disney etc. now... Somehow 23 years later it still manages to be one of the most relatable shows I've watched.
- #1571Ellie from England wrote on Monday, 31 July 2017:Hello MSCL Family! I only recently discovered this website, but I found my love for this amazing show through the one and only Jared Leto #perfection ;)I'm 16, so although it took me a while to get introduced, i'm just as hooked as all the other 90s teens! I love it; i find the series better than most of todays TV, but i think that is because the show is very relate-able due to the story lines and characters. #AngelaChaseIsMySpirtAnimal
- #1570Anonimous from Italy wrote on Saturday, 03 September 2016:Hello :) I discovered this show just some days ago and I am completely obsessed with it! It's so strange to think it's 22 years old now. I wasn't even born back then. But I love it. I am so glad to have found this website, there are a lot of people loving MSCL, and this is awesome... I didn't expect that much of love for this series! It's amazing to see all the comments on here from the 90s...
- #1569Avery from Phoenix, AZ wrote on Sunday, 13 December 2015:MSCL always really meant something to me. It is very special and in my top 5 favorite TV shows ever. I am very grateful to be part of this community.
- #1568Joviana Marques from Brazil wrote on Thursday, 23 July 2015:It is extremely difficult to say anything about My so-Called Life because this series hit me in such a deep and poetic way, that I need a thousand pages to say how much every little nuance made me rethink my own life and inspired me as an artist. MSCL is so, so beautiful, that it really hurt sometimes, to look at it :)Btw, I love this site! Great texts here!
- #1567brooke wrote on Thursday, 21 August 2014:I have loved this show for many years. I wished it got a second season but the only season of this show will live on forever.
- #1566Aayaan Upadhyaya from India wrote on Sunday, 23 March 2014:This show is amazing. Ever since I saw 'My so called life', I have not been able to get over it. Such a shame it was cancelled so quickly, it deserved to have many more seasons. Angela, Rickie, Brian, Sharon, Rayanne, they all became people we could relate to.
- #1565Josephine from Sweden wrote on Tuesday, 07 January 2014:I watched this when I was 15, back in the 90s, and completely fell in love with it. I totally related to Angela, as I was so filled with that teenage angst you then thought only belonged to you.I recently re-watched the whole thing and have to say I might love it even more today. I feel the teenager in my heart wanting to break free and scream,and I wish I still had a few episodes left to watch...I wish I could get to watch it for the first time and fall in love all over again.
- #1564Olivia from United States wrote on Wednesday, 08 May 2013:I'm gonna be fifteen at the end of this month and I can't help but think about how I'm gonna be Angela Chase's age. In all honesty, I'm kinda excited because two days before, I'll be getting my braces off and for some reason, I feel like my life can finally get exciting. I have a really deep connection with this show and I'm so glad I found it.
- #1563Thom from United States wrote on Tuesday, 04 December 2012:Hello,everyone..I have been a long time fan of this show,and this site.I remember when it went off the air,and was heartbroken...but what was made still stands the test of time,the issues are still prevalent.I miss it...
- #1562Julia from Ottawa wrote on Sunday, 18 November 2012:the most perfect show ever
- #1561Aamu from USA wrote on Saturday, 17 November 2012:I love MSCL it's a wonderful show!Thanks to my little sister for getting me hooked onto the show which is now on Netflix!I hate that it ended like it did and I hope that there's a way to finish the series like with an audio book or something.
- #1560JordanCatalanoLover from Liberty High, Pittsburgh wrote on Friday, 16 November 2012:I was about 4yrs when MSCL came out. I never watched it until i my boyfriend who was actually 15 in '94 and loved it, had burnt DVD's of the entire series before the official DVD's came out. He told me i had to watch it and that if i didnt i would die without ever knowing what a truley magnificent show it really was. He was more sad that they didnt play any Rickie parts more gay, like actually dealing with being with another guy. Once i watched it i was in love. They were so different from my life, i had Lizzie Mcguire and Zoey 101 to fall back on. I wish i were 15 in '94 when it came out. I would have done everything in my power to have had it contiue on for at least another 3 seasons until Angela was done with high school. Or at least to find out if Graham eventually cheated, if Angela and Jordan, you know 'did it' and what would happen to Rayanne and Angela's unstable friendship. Im just happy that i learned about it before i turned 20. What an amazing television show. i
- #1559rayanne from usa wrote on Thursday, 19 July 2012:hello! I love this show and am hooked. I want to buy the dvd
- #1558Rachel from New Jersey wrote on Tuesday, 29 May 2012:I watched the show when it originally aired. I was 28-29 then and I loved it! Was sorry to see it cancelled. I caught some episodes when they ran on MTV. Now it's on Sundance Channel and I'm watching it again and enjoying it all over again. The nostalgia is even more of a double whammy now. I have been considering buying the DVD set in the near future. Its a very realistic view of adolescence and high school while having some firm roots in the times it aired. I miss plaid shirts and doc martens, boo hoo...and ive had that hair color more than once in my life...ah, crimson glow!!
- #1557Remembering 90s from Finland wrote on Saturday, 07 April 2012:I would really like to register to the forum, but it seems a little hard for me. It is just the thing that im not american so i cant understand all those stuffs. well, Im still wondering this guy Tino. In finland Tino is gipsys name, so I always imagine him as a gipsy.... and he is older than rayanne and jordan, and what he does is buying booze for kids and making fake ids for them. Some kind of criminal... As all of you might know, in finland youngsters are adult legally when they are 18. It is always so funny to see for example in mscl, how schoolkids have driving license and they have to wait until they are 21 to buy just a one can of beer. driving license on an 16-years old finnish brat could be just a disaster. kids drink heavily in here! criminality would be huge in here if the law would be same like in USA.
- #1556Remembering 90s from Finland wrote on Thursday, 05 April 2012:This show was seen in finland very long time ago. It was something like 1997... and i loved this so much. I was eleven then and so excited. i have been watching mscl on youtube almost weeks. maybe ricky and brian are my favourites.... but the most important thing is why i watch this show almost all the time, is that when i was at highschool, i did not have friends like angela or ricky. I was anguished by other brats and i wanted to have good friends to feel safe. mscl is also enjoyable to watch because no-one uses cellphone or bloody facebook! those guys meet and talk then, write letters and do everything normal. sorry if my english is too bad.
- #1555Lara wrote on Thursday, 05 April 2012:Where did the school scenes play? At this school:Perry Traditional Academy . Would be nice if anyone could help me ;)
- #1554Another MSCL Guest wrote on Monday, 06 February 2012:Sorry to see the show leave the Sundance Channel schedule. Watched it every Mon. nite - always a special hour. Hate to be returning to the regular broadcasting now.
- #1553Krakow wrote on Sunday, 01 January 2012:Amazing show!
- #1551Brian Krakow from Canada wrote on Friday, 25 November 2011:My So-Called Life is fricking amazing. It really impacted me. I related to the characters so well and had such a good time watching the show. I love Claire Danes so much. She's so beautiful it hurts me to look at her. It's cool that after so many years, this show is still so important, real, and relevant to anyone that watches it. This is the best show ever created. (In my humble opinion)
- #1550micheal from west wrote on Monday, 10 October 2011:hi one thing i noticed about sharen, angelas safe friend that she is distancing herself from. she seems to have gone from wearing glasses to contacts and wearing looser fiting clothes with ties but the jeans got even tighter and tighter in school then went to wearing more baggy designer sporty clothes.
- #1549micheal from nw,yakima wrote on Sunday, 09 October 2011:hi i got in to mscl when i was rebroadcast on mtv mtv had a betteer opening name of the show sequence where the namecard mscl shook and shimmered, moved around,kind of blurry instead of just a still picture like on the dvds its just a stationary mscl. namecard.back then i thought oh hey its like 30something but for teenagers or wonderyears but now im in my 30s and it has a deeper meaning its about her finding her own voice breaking from her parents or distancing and also having the thought of what she wants. to have more freedom of movement from her mother.and finding different friends.breaking from the bounds of childhood to the other bounds of young adulthood and the stumbling blocks contained within.in my case if you want to know i didnt break to much from my parents but i did enguage in bad behavior and on friends i kept the same friends from childhood they came into my life right at that junction point between childhood nd young adulthood so i kept that going through my teenage years then they became ill defined then the`friendships just dropped off people moved or got married or the friendship stagnated and eventually faded away. but i only gained a few during later teenage years.
- #1548Marco wrote on Thursday, 15 September 2011:Hi folks: I am in the middle of watching this remarkable series for the second time.This series is for all ages; I am 55 years old!It totally blew me away the first time. I am so touched again by those all those remarkable scenes that leave us so involved, and sometimes in tears. I will be back to the Forum afer I go through all episodes again, but suffice it to say at this point ,that I was really moved last night by that scene in which Ricky tells Angela about that gun incident in an early episode; the touching moment was when he asked her if he really meant anything to her, and she gives him a beautiful sincere hug. That look on Ricky's face feeling the love was unbeleivably endearing, so well acted and so sincere. I love Wilson Cruz...
- #1547Angela from Savannah, GA wrote on Thursday, 21 July 2011:I was 14 when MSCL aired. I watched every episode With expectation and held my breath till the next show came on. Here I am over 15 years later doing the same thing.. thanks to Netflix! Someone please bring back MSCL!!!!!!!! It is as relevant today as it was back then! Why in the world it only lasted 19 episodes will forever baffle me! It is the best show ever!!!! : )
- #1546Katie from Louisiana wrote on Tuesday, 12 July 2011:I recently re-visited this painfully beautiful gem and find myself connecting with all the characters in a way I haven't before. I was actually born a year before they aired the pilot, but it happily fell into my lap during my still-occuring teen years. The subtle details yanked at my heartstrings making me feel dreamy and honored to witness true magic.MSCL will forever be in my heart
- #1545Liz wrote on Thursday, 16 June 2011:When MSCL first aired I totally fell in love with it. I was 18. I felt like Angela embodied everything about my teenage years. The music still makes me tingle. I just started re-watching it tonight for the first time and am startled by how much society has changed! This was back in the old days where we used to be so innocent at 15 - no texting, no email, no internet at all! And now I'm relating with the parents!
- #1544stevedoesdiesel from Dorset, England wrote on Friday, 06 May 2011:Just got the boxset on Dvd to replace my old home recorded Vhs, This is such a fantastic series. It still hits a nerve and tugs at the heart strings. I love it and I think I always will.
- #1543Dani wrote on Monday, 18 April 2011:I love this show. I watch it on DVD at home. It still feels like it came out yesterday!
- #1542Rachel from Seattle wrote on Saturday, 16 April 2011:I used to love this show.I just re-found it and Istill love it just as much.This time I can see thingsfrom an older perspective.It's amazing.
- #1541Amy from England wrote on Tuesday, 23 November 2010:Such a great show - still obseesed with it to this day. Will never understand why they never made any more episodes. I just love the tension between the characters and the acting is superb. Only 9 when this show was originally aired but watched repeats of it when I was around 14/15 so could really relate to it .
- #1540vanessa m. wrote on Saturday, 23 October 2010:i first watched MSCL in '04 and re-watched it all over again this week and well im 100% sure its the best show ever that cannot compare to anything else. it has made such an impact in my life that all my dreams and thoughts this past week have all been of MSCL, i have even dreamed of how to finish the show, something tht unfortunately will never happen...
- #1539Ethan wrote on Monday, 30 August 2010:I'm only just watching MSCL for the first time now, I was 3 when it started, and it's one of the most amazing TV show's I've seen. It sucks it only lasted a season but it's cool that it still has a solid fan base after all this time. The only problem is that now I can't enjoy other teen shows in the same way I used to as NOTHING compares.
- #1538Carly wrote on Sunday, 09 May 2010:MSCL has literally taken over my life. I watch the season over and over. I'm constantly quoting it, and talking aobut it. My friends are not appreciative. Best show ever created.
- #1537Katerina wrote on Monday, 01 March 2010:best show ever. i wish they had more episodes. i love the whole cast. everything about it is flawless
- #1536Alayna from Tacoma Washington wrote on Thursday, 25 February 2010:Angela love Jordan lots.s I think this movies is relationships. Jordan is really hot.
- #1535Rob Miller wrote on Wednesday, 03 February 2010:Cool site.
- #1534Wafa from Portland Oregon wrote on Monday, 25 January 2010:MSCL has been something me and my girlfriends watched since we were in junior high and high school (when it first came out). To this day it is dear to our heart and we watch it as a way to remember our high school years. I just wanted to say that it would be really wonderful to have a reunion episode where it shows Angela thinking back to what ended up happening, or something where we can see what ends up happening with Brian and Jordan Catalono. My desperate attempt to get more MSCL.... :)
- #1533Virginie from France wrote on Tuesday, 19 January 2010:Hi !Please could you send me the tab of Juliana Hatfield's song: "make it home"?I love that song, but I can't find this tab.Thank you !
- #1532Zoe from Massachusetts wrote on Sunday, 06 December 2009:When "My So-Called Life" was originally aired, I was two. It amazes me that, fifteen years later, it continues to be relevant to teenage life. Fifteen years later, Angela Chase is still capable of reading minds in a pure, endearing way, uniting those who watch in more ways than one. This show, though consisting of just nineteen episodes, has the potential to live on for decades to come. And, that is more than any of today's teen dramas can say.
- #1531Shayne wrote on Friday, 20 November 2009:This is no-doubt, one of the best shows to ever appear on television. I identify so much with the characters. Angelas mind, Rayeannes personality, and being myself, bisexual, Ricky.
- #1530Grace wrote on Sunday, 15 November 2009:I have been in love with MSCL since I first saw it on tv. I dyed my hair red, wore flannels and felt like I was Angela. Years later I still love it. I just bought the DVD set (I've had the VHS set for years). I have watched 'so called angel' every xmas for the past 6 or 7 years. I still love everything about this show. It's great...
- #1529Goerge wrote on Sunday, 01 November 2009:I'm one of those people who watched the show when it first came out in the 90s'. Though I only saw part of the episode "So Called Angels" on enight. It left such a strong impression on me that I had to see the whole episodes all over again later on. Miracle per se... It represents so much of the 90s' and the teenage era. I wish I could do it all over again.
- #1528Shay wrote on Sunday, 11 October 2009:It's funny. I'm not a huge TV show person-- not a big surprise, when you consider what shows are actually on for teens right now. A casual comment in a Youtube video made me look up MSCL. I love it. Gosh, it's unbelievable. I'm really upset there's only one season, but I s'pose that's never going to change, not now, and I'd better just live with it. When I found out that Hulu had all the episodes online, I jumped up and down, hysterical. I adore this show. Things haven't changed much, have they? Anyway, MSCL is definitely one of my all-time favourite shows. It's brilliant. Here's to all the real-life Angela's, Rayanne's, Rickie's, Patty's, and -sighs- the Jordan Catalano's. :)
- #1527Julia from California wrote on Sunday, 13 September 2009:How can you not love My So-Called Life?
- #1526Shanna from Ireland wrote on Saturday, 15 August 2009:Loved it then, love it just as much now. It has stayed with me for almost 15 years, and no doubt will stay with me for the next 15. Brilliant site, thank you so much for keeping such a brilliant show alive.
- #1525Kathryn from New York wrote on Sunday, 21 June 2009:Wow. How is it possible that such a beautiful and poignant show could be so criminally underrated and only allowed on for one measly season! I'm 17 in 2009, but let me tell you, MSCL is just as relevant now and it was 14 years ago. MSCL adheres to all ages, races and genders and it's a truly amazing feat when a show (about high school nonetheless) is able to do that. My mom was able to enjoy the show during it's original run and even as a married 29 year old with one child and one on the way, she still absolutely loved it. I'm just happy to enjoy it just as much now.
- #1524Beck from australia wrote on Saturday, 13 June 2009:i remember watching a mscl marathon one boxing day.. in the late 90's... just finished watching them all again on dvd almost 10 years later..amazing! this show has stood the test of time.. i laughed along with these guys, cried with them and felt their pain... relative to my angst ridden teen years...and i still swoon at jordan catalano..what a dream...
- #1523Charlotte wrote on Monday, 08 June 2009:Best show ever. As good today as it was when it first aired. In a class by itself
- #1522Susan from Carrollton wrote on Saturday, 06 June 2009:I love My So-Called Life. I wish it was still on the air but I'm glad it hasn't disappeared from our minds.
- #1521Kseniya from Russia wrote on Tuesday, 28 April 2009:Oh my GOD!!! I fell in love with JARED LETO!!! I can't live without him anymooooore!
- #1520Kseniya from Russia wrote on Tuesday, 28 April 2009:Hello, everybody. I'm a big fan of Jared Leto's art. Have you ever seen the drama Requiem for a dream? I advice you to watch it. Have you ever listened to the songs of this handsome guy? Of course i'm a fan of MSCL. And best of all i liked JORDAN(Jared).
- #1519Lauren from Florida wrote on Thursday, 23 April 2009:I've visited your website off and on since discovering it years ago. It's terrific! I fell in love with MSCL at the age of 12, when I watched its original airing on ABC. I own the 2002 dvd release and just today ordered the 2007 release, which I'm so excited about! (Can't wait to see the bonus features!) I even own 2 MSCL books :) Thanks for a great site!
- #1518Beverly from Frankfort Ny wrote on Thursday, 23 April 2009:this show is truely inspiring anf has helped me every day of my life. i really appreciate the work everyone put into this show. i love it. i watch it almost everyday. i can relate in many ways, to all the characters.its heartwarming.
- #1517Tish from Canada wrote on Sunday, 05 April 2009:This is a great website and I LO)VE this show! I got the DVDs last Christmas and have been watching it all the time. Thank you for continuing the legacy of this show!
- #1516abbey wrote on Friday, 23 January 2009:i love mscl
- #1515Lindsay from www/blackout.embrrace.com wrote on Sunday, 11 January 2009:I love your site!! MSCL is brilliant!! =]xx-Linz(blackout.embrrace.com)
- #1514Sam from Zurich, Switzerland wrote on Wednesday, 07 January 2009:I love your homepage!I was a huge fan of MSCL ever since I saw the first couple of minutes of it. I bought the DVDs and watched the show over and over... I can't get over the fact that it got cancelled. MSCL was awesome and I will always love every episode!
- #1513Phyllis Stevenson from Waterloo, IA wrote on Tuesday, 11 November 2008:Wow I recently purchased the DVD series MSCL and have watched the episodes at least twice so far. Am really enjoying the show. It is really too bad that the show was not expounded on. Could have had lots of potential. I was around when it came on but did not watch it Oh well now I can.
- #1512Marisha from Cali wrote on Monday, 27 October 2008:I have been a huge fan of the show since is aired and recently purchased the DVD set online and it is bringing it all back to me, high school that is! I just attended my 10 Year reunion and this is all so surreal. I have fallen in love with Jordan all over again, never could resist the bad boys. Watching the show helps me remember what it was like, what I overcame, how much I have grown, and how I struggled with my parents. Most of all, it makes me miss those butterflies you get in your stomache when you desire someone so much, are facinated by them, yet they are out of your reach. And that first kiss... you can never get that back.
- #1511Rose wrote on Saturday, 20 September 2008:I'm a fan of MSCL. I watched My So Called Life when I was teenager. Can you bring back MSCL with old/new cast members? I'd like to see Briangela together.....
- #1510bishop wrote on Monday, 25 August 2008:my ex liked this show. i did not like it then and still dont like it now. she was/is a psychopath. crazy lenore. love bishop.
- #1509jessi wrote on Sunday, 17 August 2008:It's really comforting knowing this website still goes on. Here in pain the series is barely known buteverytime I review the series..i come here to have a look of the site. Lately i've been reading the fanfiction writings, and really liked them.
- #1508Mystic from Reading, Pa wrote on Tuesday, 22 July 2008:hey becca... i'm with you on that one
- #1507Becca from Wilmington, NC wrote on Tuesday, 22 July 2008:MSCL is my faveorite T.V. show of all time. I'd like to call on others to help me bring back some 90's fashion. I'm talking grunge! Lots of flannel, Doc Martins, and Funky hair! (Big Grin). So whose with me?!!
- #1506Mystic from Reading, Pa wrote on Tuesday, 22 July 2008:I remember when this show first started. I watched every episode. When the cancelled I was extremely upset.I LOVED MSCL!! I never knew that they released it on DVD and now have to order it (i have then on vhs home recorded). MSCL will always have a special place in my heart. It was great to stumble on this website and find out that I'm not the only one who was in love with this show. I'm dedicated to making all my friends that never watched, watch it now. I know they'll fall in love like I did all those years ago
- #1505Yvonne from Wolfsburg, Germany wrote on Thursday, 10 July 2008:What a brilliant website! Thank you so much for letting me have all those memories of my favourite TV series ever! I just found out you can buy it on DVD over here in Germany by now, and that's exctly what I'm gonna do. It'y yo good to know there are so many folks around that still love and adore Mscl, Ithought Iwas the only one. At the time it aired I coul relate to everything so good, I thought they were talking about my life! Except for the fact that I allowed my Jordan Catalano to "um" me...
- #1504Fred Smith wrote on Wednesday, 02 July 2008:I think your website is wonderful. It is such a noble aim to provide info on this wonderful TV series. My So-called Life is one of the best programmes ever. It is very moving, insightful, heart-breaking, entertaining, fun and inspirational. It is one of the all-time great achievements in film and literature. It is every bit as good as Shakespeare, Milton, Dickens and James Joyce. It is one of the greatest ever achievements of western civilisation.
- #1503jennifer from gettysburg, pa wrote on Monday, 23 June 2008:on another note, i wish with all my heart that they would make a movie and bring everyone back from the series and pretty much give everyone a taste of what happened over the years. and trust me i have thought so many years of what would happen in the movie at least 4 hours of a movie lol but on a serious note i wish i could have seen what exactly happened after...i think we all do :)
- #1502jennifer from gettysburg, pa wrote on Monday, 23 June 2008:I love mscl now and forever. i was 13 when the show came out and im 27 now and it will always be my favorite show of all time. every friday is my mscl night when i watch the series....no lie
- #1501Jeffrey from Jacksonville, Fl wrote on Monday, 16 June 2008:I loved My So Called Life! I am a big fan of Claire Danes! I just recently bought the series on DVD, and it is so good to see the show again.
- #1500Tammy from Calgary,Alberta,Canada wrote on Wednesday, 30 April 2008:I so loved this show - when it was first on, and now on DVD! I have almost finished watching it on DVD - but I know I am going to be sad all over agian when I get to the last episode!! I guess I will just have to watch it again and again!
- #1498Amanda from Florida wrote on Saturday, 12 April 2008:I just found this website and I am so glad I did. I love MSCL! I was 14 when it first aired and could relate completely to Angela. I even rocked the flannels! There will always be a place in my heart for MSCL.
- #1497Mandy from Baltimore, MD wrote on Monday, 17 March 2008:Love, Love, LOVE this show! I could completely relate to every episode.
- #1496caroline from adelaide wrote on Friday, 14 March 2008:"my so called life" what can I say like thebest underated show of its time everI just watched it all for the first time and I am hoooked to bad there are no dvd releases in Australia for it coz I wud buy them in a heart beat
- #1495Brittany from Denver wrote on Thursday, 13 March 2008:I remember when the show first came out, I was 13. We werent allowed to watch much television growing up, so I remember sneaking into the living room to watch the first few episodes. I was utterly and totally in love with the characters and the plot and dedicated a small space in my heart for the show. Because adolescence is such a trying time, I found myself relating in so many ways to Claire Dane's character..although I did end up developing a long term crush on Jared Leto, not Jordan Catalano. Over the years I have longed for some tangible connection with my past aside from just memory, and I finally bought the complete series of MSCL last night. I watched 12 episodes already. Finally, I feel peace :)
- #1494Megan from Pennsylvania wrote on Tuesday, 11 March 2008:I loved watching MSCL wel over ten years ago on MTV- I was so glad to get the DVD box set for my birthday- the show is fantastic...each episode really hits home and makes me want more...
- #1493Cami A. from US wrote on Monday, 10 March 2008:I just discovered MSCL a month ago, it's been 14 years since it first aired, but it's the best show in the world! I'm obsessed.
- #1492VICKI from WISCONSIN wrote on Monday, 18 February 2008:Loved this show when I watched it on TV over 10 years ago, now I'm renting it one DVD at a time through Blockbuster so that MY 16 year old daughter and I can watch it together.
- #1491Kelli from Michigan wrote on Monday, 18 February 2008:I loved this show! I was too young when the show came out but when MTV played the serious I feel in love with show and was sad to find out that their was only ONE SEASON. what a mistake to end a show like this that catches a high girl 100%. It dealt with real issues and made you feel like the characters were real. You actually care for the characters... I wish there more shows like this one.
- #1490Jessica from Ohio wrote on Sunday, 17 February 2008:I was not old enough to understand the show in the 90's...now I wish they would have never stopped with production...
- #1489sbel02 from france wrote on Saturday, 16 February 2008:hi biiiiiiiiiig fan of mscl, of jared and claire danes i want to see all MSCL crew but in today >
- #1488Katharina wrote on Tuesday, 12 February 2008:Hi at all! I'm german, but I'm also a big fan of MSCL. It was the first english book I read complete till the end and since I've watched all the episodes, I'm a real fan. I love this site, because it's about MSCL even when there are no more new episodes!
- #1487Shannon from Maryland wrote on Sunday, 10 February 2008:I just bought the series on Amazon. It's as good today as it was when I was 14!!
- #1486Heiko from Dortmund,Germany wrote on Wednesday, 23 January 2008:Hello! In December I bought THIS GREAT SHOW and watched it between 2days! It was the second time cause I watched it first 12 or 13 (?) years ago! I never saw a better show and surely Ill never watch a better show anymore!! Thanks for this present!! Greetings to everyone who made it and to all the fans!!
- #1485Fred from France wrote on Tuesday, 22 January 2008:Every episode is a jewel. I'm so glad to see how many people are feeling the same about this so close-to-the-heart show... thanks to MSCL.com.
- #1484Doris from Serbia wrote on Tuesday, 22 January 2008:Loved this show when it first time aired, so I was about 10 years old then, and I will always love it.It's amazing how every time I see those episodes I notice something new,what was funny before is even more now, and I'm still attached to these caracters.Amazing DVD box set,I got it last week and I looove how it's made :)Great site!
- #1483Romy from Germany wrote on Wednesday, 16 January 2008:Wow. Just in this moment i find these site. It's great! I saw the first season of MSCL when I was 12. Later I've never heard from this show again. But I never forgot, how great it was. Yesterday I got the DVD-set. Now I'll see it again - after 12 years. I'm looking forward anxiously.
- #1482Denise from Los Angeles wrote on Saturday, 29 December 2007:I just love this show!!! I didn't remember that much about it until I started watching it all over again recently. I can so relate to Angela even now and Im 35. I swear this character was created using my life, LOL. I wish that there were more than 19 episodes.
- #1481Annie wrote on Friday, 28 December 2007:Im a huge mscl fan and just got the dvd set as a christmas gift.I have always felt sad that mscl never went past its nineteen episodes but having a web site like this lets its greatness to continue. I will share this incrediable show with my daughter and i hope it gives her as much joy as it has given me.This show was one of a kind and will continue to touch the hearts of many to come.
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