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Deutsche Skripte

Transkripte der deutschen Synchronfassung von "Willkommen im Leben" / "My So-Called Life"

01 - Im Disko-Fieber (Pilot)

The very first episode of 'My So-Called Life'. We're introduced to Angela Chase, her family and friends. Angela dyes her hair a shade of Crimson Glow and spends her time now with her new friend, Rayanne Graff.
German transcript

02 - Spiel mit dem Feuer

Rayanne arranges for Jordan to sell Angela a fake ID, while Patty and Graham stumble through ballroom-dancing lessons meant to re-spice their marriage.
German transcript


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“My dad thinks every person in the world is having more fun than him.”

Angela Chase, Episode 1: "My So-Called Life (Pilot)"