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Howdy, and welcome to Breathless. A year and a half passed since this idea was hatched over quite a few scotches at Canter's. This is half testimony to the difficulty of creating something while having a life, and half to indolence. Why 'Breathless'? Well, it was going to be 'Starfucker,' but that's taken and is probably edgier than we are. We wanted to do the first issue on 'My So-Called Life,' as we'd never been as obsessed by another show. But that kind of obsession leads one to thinking about one's relationship to movies, television, cultural artifacts and the construction of style out of these. Belmondo and Seberg are icons of all of these, beside being achingly cool. How much of this has really changed since 1960? Besides, it's, like, our favorite film.

Where does that overwrought enthusiasm come from? What is it that makes you play a 45 over and over, or chat endlessly about the latest developments on some show? Where does that joy and energy come from? A lot of questions. And just maybe an answer or two can be found within. And there's a hidden agenda. Entertainment means Industry these days, and we both live in LA (don't forget the remake), the city most on the edge of tomorrow, or doom, or both. This is where your culture and style come from, like it or not. We love this town, despite everything, and we hope a little bit of this irrational love seeps into this zine and into you.

Guy and Claudine


Claudine Ise and Guy Rohrbaugh

Tim Christian, Katharine Croke, Marc Ehrlich, Dominique Isé, Mistress Justine, Renee Anne Krist, Eric Krupin, Kyle Ylinen

Special Thanks
Rick McDonald, Sue Cornfeld, and Marc Ehrlich

All photography by Eric Belland, except three by Guy Rohrbaugh

Policies / Published every now and again / Send all correspondence to Breathless 1236 Huntington Dr. South Pasadena CA 91030 / or e-mail us at rohrbaug AT humnet DOT ucla DOT edu or ise AT earthlink DOT com / Submissions - we welcome letters, articles and proposals/ All rights reserved ©1996 Breathless and the authors/

Next Issue: Cultural Debunking

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“And, you know, with your hair like that? It hurts to look at you.”

Rayanne Graff, Episode 1: "My So-Called Life (Pilot)"