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  • my so-called life is absolutely the best t.v. showever made. it relates perfectly to so many people's lives, and it's completely real. there is no reason whatsoever that it should have been taken off the air. if they were to ever bring the series back, it would definitely have a higher rating thanks tMTV's My So-Called Life Marathons. (Which, by the way, are the highlight of my weekends.) It would get the attention it deserves for being a well made, enjoyable drama for parents as well as their children.
  • my so-called life is absolutely the best t.v. showever made. it relates perfectly to so many people's lives, and it's completely real. there is no reason whatsoever that it should have been taken off the air. if they were to ever bring the series back, it would definitely have a higher rating thanks tMTV's My So-Called Life Marathons. (Which, by the way, are the highlight of my weekends.) It would get the attention it deserves for being a well made, enjoyable drama for parents as well as their children.
  • Well, my first message got entered without the text so I'll try again. MSCL was one of the best, most creative shows that network television has ever put on the air. The only thing I can say about its cancellation a couple of years ago is that Ted Harbet is no longer calling the shots at ABC TV. I guess there is some justice in the world! Now, when is there going to be a reunion show??
  • Megan Kesslar - 01/13/98 03:39:32My Email:kesslarm@euclid.dne.wvnet.comCountry: usaComments:This is great, I also found out about it in US, Keep up the great work!!
  • I found this addy for thissite in US magazine and I love it. THANKS andy
  • Shiara - 01/03/98 04:52:10My Email:alsao347@tld.netCountry: Puerto RicoComments:I'm a 17 years old and I've always been a fan of MSCL, I'm very happy that I'm not the only one here!!!So please if there are any news and stuff E-mail me.If heres like a fan club or saomewthing send me the information.Bye...
  • HI!!!!First of all, I'd like to say thank you for this fantastic website, to both Sascha and all the authors. I became a huge fan of MSCL at the beginning of 97, when I discovered the transcripts for the shom on the net. I'd heard about the show before, but i hanever seen an episode, and i still haven,t. Regardless, it is my favourite show!!!!Still, I am dying to see this amazing show, and actually watch the characters act out the scenes I've read. Does anyone know if MSCL will ever come to Australia???? It isn't even on Australian MTV down here, and I'm getting really desparate.Pease, if you have any info at all about if and when MSCL will come to Australia, e-mail me.Thanks heaps!!!
  • Sascha!I'ts just a great site - intresting and very spacial.A great idea for MY SO CALLED LIFE site!I'll visit here again that's for sure!Keep it up!MSCL - the best show ever!Hadar
  • nice webpage!!!!! nice poems....nice stories....!!! keep up the good work!!!!! I LOVE MSCL!!! Jordan and ANgela 4ever!!!!!
  • I've just been introduced to MSCL a few days ago, and I immediatly looked on the internet. What I found was the news that the show had been canceled three years ago! My loss was almost overwhelming, but I also found an online community that cared as muchor the series as I do. These stories allow me to continue experiencing the lives of my favorite characters. Send me mail if you want to tell me something (particularly if it has to do with MSCL!).
  • Well, I just wouldn't have been happy without posting here twice! When I first visited this site, it was something that kept MSCL alive for me. It made sure that the show will live on forever. I think the site has become much more now. An instituton, solid ground for us to stand on. The site has evolved and stayed strong. Not crumbling, but withstanding the test of time. See. having good grades in English Comp. does come in handy :-)
  • I think it was a real tragedy the My So-Called Life was cancelled due to low ratings. I really enjoy this site because it lets you know what could have happened...Great job and Great Site. Kudos to everyone whose contributed.
  • Hi Fiction-Fans !Nice to see you all around here ;-)The so-called FanFictionSite is now online for morethan 3 months and i still can't believe this hugesuccess of this site. It started with about 20stories and it has now already reached the magical number *50* stories !!It's very sad that Rob Smith stopped writing. And i hopehe will come back some day !And here's a good place to say 'thank you' toSteve Reed for sending me the complete collection ofthe so-called 'gothic' life stories !I hope we'll reach the 100. story before the millenium ... :-)MSCL will never die.Enjoy the stories and please don't forget to send the authorssome feedback !Sascha.
  • Hallo alle zusammen!Also Sascha, diese Page hast Du echt super hinbekommen! Großes Kompliment an Dich! Ja, das einzige was ich jetzt noch etwas vermisse sind weitere Deutsche Fan-Storys. Ich hoffe das wird noch.... :-)Los. Leute haut in die Tasten :-)Eine Freundin und ich haben auch vor kurzem eine Page über MSCL und R&J veröffentlicht. Es würde mich freuen (URL steht links!) wenn ihr auch dort vorbei schaut!So, dann hoffe ich mal, daß das mit den Umlauten und dem ganzen hinhaut,Tschüß Angie
  • julie,i don't know where you can get a complete set, but you can check out this site:, the guy who does the site, is really on top of things and posts when mtv's going to be re-running the show as soon as he finds out. also, someone who posts there may know where to get a set. hope this is helpful!! --shanap.s. i tried e-mailing this to you, but the mail got returned. hope you get this post.
  • I love mscl and was wondering if anyone knows where i can get the complete set of the episodes? everytime they run them on mtv i don't find out til the middle of the marathon :< i would love to have all the episodes, i love the show and do not understandwhy they cancelled it! thanks!
  • My So-Called-Life is the best show EVER to air on television. It was so REAL. I cried when it was cancelled! ha! I love MSCL very much and I don't know why it was cancelled!
  • Hi! I run a MSCL page (add. above) and I plan to host Spanish fanfic because I am learning to speak/read/write Spanish. So if anyone has any Spanish fanfic, you can e-mail me and I will give it a home.THE ENDJulie Stevenson
  • Hi everyone! I love these stories. Every single one is great! I'm so glad that you keep sending in stories for me to read. Especially since I was left hanging when the show ended. Keep sending in the stories.Love you,Bethany
  • Hallo Leute!Das ist echt Spitze hier eine Nachricht über meine Lieblingsteene -Serie zu schreiben.Ich hoffe, dass ich nicht der einzige Junge hier bin, denn ich stehe total auf Claire Danes.Romeo und Julia war auch ein sehr sehr guter Film und ich habe ihn mir aus Amerika von meinem Austauschpartner mitbringen lassen.Vielen Dank nochmal!Euer Seb!
  • I'm so pleased to see that this page just keeps ongrowing! To all the authors, your work is great.MSCL is so special to us all, and I really love the idea that it still endures, two years later.
  • I LOVE THIS PAGE!!!Hey, super endlich kann ich mal auf Deutsch meine Meinung zu MSCL ablassen, ohne in irgendwelchen Wörterbüchern blättern zu müssen. Da kann ich wohl nur noch eins sagen: Super! Auch eure Seiten über MSCL, genau wie die Serie, absolut sper. So, wo ich schon so nett bin, kann ich euch auch noch eben in den Himmel loben. Eure deutschen Seiten über die Serie sind die besten im ganzen Netz. (Das es sonst auch keine Deutschen mehr gibt, behalte ich mal für mich. :-) )
  • Hi hi!I wrote almost all the poems on this page, plus I just sent sab my new lyrics to Red, so I was just wondering why no one ever wrote to me about the work on this page that is mine. I'm a feedback person.Julie S.
  • Hi Liz and everyone else struggling with the German language! :-)I promise I will translate my story into English soon! The language probably won't be as accurate as the German, but you will at least understand it, I promise I will start to translate it soon! :-)cya,Decadence.
  • I never realised that there were so many people out here as devoted to MSCL as me! I've read nearly all of the fan fiction here, and am starting on some of my own. I'm currently learning German so hopefully I'll soon be able to read all of the scrits! PS - How come MSCL is so popular in Germany??
  • Way cool! I'm WORKING on the ones im Deutsch. I'm not following along too well, but I'm trying--AND I'm going to see if maybe we could read them in class for an exercise! That would just kick ass. Yeah.
  • Great Job! I'll be coming back often. I'ma big fan of MSCL and still watch it almostevery day. I'm glad people all over the worldstill enjoy such a great show. I hope you keepup the great work and I look forward to allthe new fan fiction in the future.
  • U did a GREAT job!I love this homepage v much!Keep going! :)
  • Thanks a lot!I really enjoy reading all the scripts!'cos in H.K. the TV hasn't been shown MSCL anymore! reading these r just like keeping MSCL alive 'n in my mind!Keep going!I'll come back regulary!Yeah, we have a time!
  • this page is pretty cool.what is really good is e.r. holdridge's stories, and for some reason they are quicker to print off than they are from other sites.i hope this page grows and grows, and gets a lot more fan-fiction and other stuff. i'm definetely going to come back regurarly.
  • I Love This Page!If there is any page on the net that keeps MSCLalive, it is this one. The one place where fans can truelyexpress their imagination and love for the show, thankyou for this page.
  • hello ppl! well, i guess i'll just use this forum to thank sasha for creating this page, and also thank him for including me in the idea. thanx man. well, i'm in the midst of writing a new script so i'll try to get it to sasha soon. im gonne restart from20 instead of continuing on ER's scriptsin order to preserve i sanity. hehe....laters..
  • Great site. I have enjoyed reading the stories. keep it up
  • This page is really great. I really love the poems by Julie, especially the "red" one. But Kristine, one word, why? Anyway thanx for the page, I have to go read some more now. Bye!
  • If you would like to see my happy + sad MSCL poemextensions, please go to Pauline's Realm at
  • Hello!This is one great webpage. I love reading all of the fan fiction. I'm so happy that there are other people out there who, like me, wished that MSCL would have had some kind of a better ending.What I've read so far (everything written by E.R.Holdridge) is absolutely fantastic, *in my humble opinion*. I can't wait for his next offerings.I was on-line last night from 11:15pm to 4:00am reading episodes 22-29. Was I teary-eyed? But of course!!!Thanks again for this site. I (and many, many others) sincerely appreciate it. :]Bye!!Kerrie W.
  • Hi there!After a long time I can finally write auf Deutsch again... Meine Güte, ich komm ganz durcheinander... Klasse Seite, prima aufgemacht!!! Ich werde mich demnächst mal durch die ganzen Scripts wühlen...
    Und übrigens: Danke für denLink zu meinem Forum! :-) Welches allerdings von Spinnweben durchzogen ist, weil seit zwei Wochen dort niemand mehr was geschrieben hat (hint, hint, everyone ;-) )...cya,Jan.
  • hi, sascha!hier schreib ich dann doch wohl als erster wasin dein gaestebuch. hatte es nicht gefunden,weil da steht ja forum und nichtgaestebuch... ;-)haste im uebrigen toll gemacht! lob!!cu,volker(btw: geht auch blink??? sorry, couldn's resist...)
  • Welcome everybody! After several weeks of hard work :-) is the MSCL fan fiction page online. I hope you enjoy reading all these fantastic scripts as much as i did. In this guestbook/forum you can leave every comment you want. We'll have a time !! Okay, für alle deutschen Fans, die hier reinstolpern: Auch an euch herzlich willkommen! Wenn ihr wollt, könnt ihr hier auch deutsch schreiben, scheinbar verträgt Geocities ja die Umlaute also viel Spaß noch wünscht euch Sascha
  • hi,
    i'm a huge fan of the show. it's pretty kick-ass. delighted to see it back on trouble, prety kewl. i LOVE the song that jordan (jared) sings to angela (claire) in the episode where she goes to see them reherse. it's so nice! anyway, i've been trying to find the guitar chords/tabs for it everywhere but to no avail. so if anybody out there know's them could you please please please mail me?
  • MSCL was the best show I have ever seen- it has a special place in my heart. It described my own life. And, wow, Claire Danes acts so well, it is amazing! I have followed her since I have seen MSCL, and I think her talent is amazing- I admire her! She is soo lovely :-)
  • I love MSCL! It was and always will be my all-time favorite show! It was the show that first introduced me to the man that I am gonna meet someday(my goal), Jared Leto! Keep up the good work! This is an awesome site, and I frequent it often!
  • i would just like to say that my so-called life has ment so much to me. Even though it was shortly lived, i will always love it. it helps me deal with alot that goes on in my life, and me and my best friend kinda became friend with our love for the show.
  • What else can i say but ....MY SO CALLED LIFE was the greates show ever made!
  • I vaguely remember watching My So Called Life when I was younger, but it was two years ago that the show really grabbed my attention. MTV had a My So Called Life slumber party marathon-which,not only brought back memories, made me proceed to staying up all night enthralled within the lives of Angela, Rayanne, and the rest of the characters. I don't know what it was about My So Called Life, I think it was mostly the fact that it was directly pinpointed at the teenage life and reminded me of my own life, I could relate. Angela wasn't some bay-watch babe (although I do think she's beautiful), and she had a soul, she expressed herself in a way most teens only hope to express. I think the writers for the show did an amazing job-I have a lot of the videos. I wish I could have them all. This is one of my fave quotes from the show:
    "Once upon a time there lived a girl. She slept in a lovely little cottage made of gingerbread and candy. She was always asleep. One morning she woke up, and the candy had mold on it. Her father blew her a kiss and the house fell down. She realized she was lost. She found herself walking down a crowded street. But the people were made of paper. Like paper dolls. She blew everyone a kiss good bye and watched as they blew away. "
  • i, like everyone who signed this guestbook, think mscl was the best programme that has ever been aired. i would love a tv station to show it again over here but so far i have had no luck persuading them. i was wondering if anyone knew if it is possible to buy the box set i keep hearing so much about over here. also, does anyone know where i can get 'red' and 'sedated' by jared leto or the buffalo tom song that played when jordan and angela finally got together. i think it is called 'at night'. please email me if you can help.
  • I really enjoyed watching My-So-Called-Life, and if it
    came back on TV again I would difintly dub every single
    I live in New Zealand which is a bit slow on getting
    good shows like this one. It aired once and we never
    got repeats which is a bit of a bummer.
    I really enjoyed the show which focused at all teenagers
    problems, and I guess it also helped someone out in need
    in the world, more than once. I just think it was a bit
    sad on how they couldn't continue the show.
  • I dont speak englhis but i love my so-called life and this home pag is the best of the world
  • hi! i try to find someone who have the song "red"(mp3)
  • Woah!....Yell "Bring It Back Damn It!" if u love MSCL. It had to be the the greatest shows ever aired in this world, so many people found themselves reflected in the characters, and found many things we didn't even know about ourselves... and c'mon every has a "Sharon" and everyone has a "Brian"... I think he sits two rows back on the left in my Bio Class. Its so sad that something so good and referred to as life support by the fans could be thrown away into the tv trash like that, can't they see how it has effected so many lives. As long as we are still here there will always be flashbacks to the time when Jordon Catalano reached for Angela's hand as they walked threw the corridors together and we he first called out her name at "Lets Bolt"..... MSCL will always be apart of me cause it has a permanet reserved seat in my heart. Viva MSCL Viva!
  • I AM ADDIDCTED TO THIS SHOW. MY ROOMATE AT SCHOOL IS GETTING SICK OF HOW MUCH I REFER TO QUOTES FROM MSCL. I really miss the show. I keep thinking that somewhere there are more episodes explaining what happened with Brian and Angela....and Rayanne....or what Tino looks like! I know that there aren't any more but it is just wishful thinking. Never in my life has something made me as emotional as this show. Well I just wanted to give credit to this wonderful website!!!!!!
  • I loved my so-called life so much! I still can't believe they took it off the air. Angela really reminded me of myself. Even if it wasn't a true story, it made me feel so much better knowing that someone felt the same way I felt. I really love this site too. I come here all the time to read old scripts and be like, 'oh yeah, i remember that episode.' Anyhow, people who come here should chat. No one is ever in the chat room.
  • It is 5 years after MY So-Called Life aired. I feel like i am still mourning the loss. For a project in my writing class we had to pick a t.v. series and analyze it. What an opportunity to discuss my favorite television show. I cry when i watch, and when i watch any other teen related series, knowing that they could never compare to MSCL!!!!!!
  • So I know it's years after the show was aired, but I still think MSCL was one of the most true-to-life teen series' ever made and I still refer and Quote from it (how sad!). But that shows what an impact it has made on me.
  • Just thought that I'd see the possibilities of modeling, and what there was to offer...I was very pleased!!!!
  • I can add very little to what has already been said. I think in many ways MSCL is unique and irepeatable. It is the sole show that I have come accross with which I could not only relate to, but also empathise with. It was a little piece of true life. I personally would love to see the production team given the chance to finish their job. I can wish only the very best to the actors, actresses and development team. I would love to see an MSCL revival in our time, but if that isn't to be, I live in hope that we'll pass this part of lives onto the next generation.
  • I just wannna say that My so-called life was a part of MY life for a long time, and that Claire Danes, A.J. Langer and Jared Leto are still some of my favourites!
    It's soon six years since My so-called life went on TV in Norway, and I'm just so glad that norwegian a TV-channel is considering to send MSCL again!
    Guess who's gonna be busy 19 nights with watching TV!
    Love, Kristin
    PS: Check out the movie The Matrix, it's not with Claire Danes, but it's darn good! :)
  • This show was the greatest and most real on television and it was a shame that they took it off at all...I wish they still had the marathon on mtv
  • I remember seeing My So-Called Life for the first time and setting my eyes on a beautiful redhead. I was fascinted from the beginning. I felt like IW as a part of this world so magnifecently created. It will always be in my heart forever. It truly changed me and has helped me become who I am and I am so grateful for it.
  • What can I say? MSCL is a part of my life that has effected me more than a TV program probably should. There are a couple of things I have thought about. Firstly, maybe, just maybe, it was not entirely bad that it was cancelled when it was. I mean, everything rounded off so nicely, could a second series have ever lived up to the first? Just an idea. Secondly, I really wish they would bring the videos out in England. Does anyone know how old Angela and Jordan were at the time of filming MSCL? Me and a friend are having a "little disagreement". And to finish, a shameless plug for my website. I think it has a kinda MSCLish feel to it.
  • MSCL is the only show of which I would consider myself an addict.
  • I was in the 7th grade when My So-Called Life premiered and I feel in love after five minutes. I became so addicted, but I knew that it would die because of the horrible time slot. When it was on MTV I recorded every episode, but by the time I was out of middle school I didn't really think about the show too much. I had the episodes, the book, the soundtrack, but they just kind of sat there. When I was in the 10th grade I decided one day to watch the show and I was so amazed at how much I completely related to the show. When you are younger you like to pretend you understand certain things, but now I realize that I really didn't get it when it was first on. I really love this website because I needed closure and there is such wonderful fanfiction here. I have to admit that I did by the book that came out recently and I just wasn't very satisfied with it. I mean, would Rayanne's mom really have an affair with Brian Krakow? I guess anything is possible, but it seems like the real fans write the charact
    ers better. One thing that has been refreshing this past year is seeing the actors, other than Claire Danes, in different movies and shows. Devon Gummersal (sp?) on Felicity and Dick, Bess Armstrong in Pecker, A.J. Langer on It's Like, You Know. And it was so wonderful when I was watching tv with my dad a couple of weeks ago because he had never seen ILYK and he was so happy to see "Rayanne" on there and after that we turned to Party Of Five and saw Wilson Cruz. I started freaking out. He was always one of my favorite characters. Anyway, I've typed to much. I'm just saying I love what you are doing with this sight.
  • There are some things in life that truly change your view on the world. for me my so-called life was truly one of those things. its rare that a tv show can have such an affect on so many people, but with the long list of entries i realize that im not alone in this belief. my so-called life is something that will forever remain in my heart. what can i say, we had a time!
  • What i can say about your series ?! Well i can say that i love you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I whish a lot of lucky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And a lot of kissies to............ Jared Leto and to Claire Danes !!!!!!!!
  • i love your series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • I totally related to this show! I can't believe it was cancelled. Not only did I share the same name with Danes' character, I shared many of the same thoughts, feelings and experiences, as I'm sure many teenagers do/did.
  • This site is absolutly fabulous! I am 15 and relate to everything Angela says, when I was younger I did watch it on ABC and cried when it was canceled, I now own all the tapes in box set. I just wish they could make shows like that. Everyone wants the
    show to come back, and so do I, but not if there is going to be different actors...and most likly there will be.......I mean there is only one Jordan Catalono.....
    All my freinds and I have had countless My So-Called Life Marathons and wish to have many more...personally my favorite episode is "Self Esteem"
  • MSCL is indeed, thoroughly amazing. That's all.
  • Thanks for putting together a website that showcases one of the best "teen" shows I used to watch constantly. I only wish there was a "closure" episode to answer all of the "unaswered" questions.

    BTW, I heard recently there was a death in the MSCL cast. Is that true? Can someone confirm?
  • curse you god for making me this way

    mscl forever
  • OH MY GOD!!!! Is that really a message from wilson cruz??? Just thought I,d say hello to all you super nice people - well you must be nice cuz you all watched the best tv show ever made!!Good to know that you all haven't forgotten the wonder of the sho
  • i do have to say that i really enjoyed watching my so-called life and it is a tragedy that its fire was put out so early on. MSCL was a beautiful and deep reflection of life. MSCL was art, not merely because of its beauty but also because it delve
    d into the depths of the human soul. It made life seem less bleak, and gave the veiwer a sense of hope. No other show before or since has created the true magnificance such as MSCL.
  • I want to be on your show
  • I wish My So Called Life was still on TV. It was the only show I could relate with.
  • Hey people!
    i would like to thank you for MSCL,it`s really good.all the actors were really great and I like them all.thank you and e-mail me.
  • Hey people!
    I would like to thank you for MSCL it`s wery good.all the actors were really great and I like them all.Thanks and e-mail me.
  • Hey, guys!!!! Ijust wanted to pop in and say hello. It warms my heart to know the show still means so much to all of you. I wanted you all to know that no matter where my carreer takes me, MSCL will always be at the very center of my heart. It was the
    most magical experience any actor could ask for. I knew that then but with every new job that belief is reinforced. you should all know that you were all a part of what made it special. We made it for people to love, and you did that for us. I thank you,
    we thank you. Anyway, come see me over on Party of Five, I'm having a good time. It's not the same, but it's good. What more can I say? We had a time.
  • This site is totally amazing! I love the show...I miss it so much! Sites like this are a great place for fans!
  • This is by far, the best site on the net for information about the TV show. Thanks to the Webmaster for all the work, both at the beginning and in maintaining it all these years.
  • I really like the Backstreet Boys they are so cool!!!
  • m.s.c.l. was the best show ever. i had to tape it if i was going to miss it. how many of us can relate to angela?
    definately better than dawson's creek!!
  • I loved MSCL so much Iregret that I missed when it originally aired.Anyway Jordan Katalano was the hottest guy ever.I had wanted so bad to be just like Angela. On the other hand i felt the same way she did. Now whenever I'm at a social event I compare
    how things are going.MSCL was just a TV show it was like another state of mind that I never got a chance to enter.
  • They showed the show here too, and I totally fell in love with it. I recorded almost every episode and I hope they´ll show it here again. This site is totally awesome. It´s great that you can actually go and see what kind of house the Chase family has
    :) Very clever. Keep up the good work!!!!
  • "My so-called life" is probably one of the better drama-series i`ve ever seen.
  • This is the best show! It is a shame they cancelled it!
  • Angela mit 15.. Traumoide !!!

  • I can remember seeing the first episode of MSCL and thinking to myself..."Oh my god, that's me". I instantly connected to the show and still watch old episodes that I have taped religiously. Everyone feels lost and alone at one point or another in th
    eir lives and this show helped me deal with that. I thank the creators and everyone who inspired them for this. And damn ABC for cancelling what was probably the best show ever created. I guess that's, like, all I have to say. I also think it's wonderf
    ul that there are other fans who are keeping the memory of MSCL alive.
  • My So-Called Life was a great show that should never have been canceled, but the masses never understand art, the few of us who do can watch our videos in peace.
  • Great pages and a wonderful tv-show! The best. Mscl always brightens my day if I watch it from the video.
    Just so so so so GREAT.
  • Hello MSCL fans! Great web site for a truly great show! I still miss it five years later. I just watched a couple of the real-video clips off the site, and even these short clips blew me away! Like everybody else, it seems, I'm dying to buy th
    e last set of video tapes of the shows ---- Please, let's get these videos released! ---- Patrick
  • ATTENTION EVERYBODY: If you are interested in joining my SINCERE efforts to get MSCL re-aired, e-mail me ASAP. Also visit the "Revival" thread in the Forum.

  • My So-Called Life has profoundly impacted my life. It is one of the most realistic, if not the most realistsic depiction of suburban teenagers struggling with life. If we fight hard enough, we can get this show running again in syndication. Many people
    hope for new episodes. That is the last thing I hope for. It just wouldn't be the same. The magic continues through the hearts of those who love it dearly. May god bless you all.

    Eric Jakobsen
  • I just wanna say thanx to someone called SAM who invited me to the chat room on AUG 9TH. iVE ONLY JUST CHECKED MY MESSAGES SO im SORRY i WASN'T THERE.
    Anyway It's great to see that there are still so many dedicated fans for the best tv show, it kinda helps the legend stay alive. If any MSCL fans wanna talk about the best tv show eva then please email me. AND IF THERE ARE ANY MSCL FANS IN WEST YORKSHIRE
  • this show rocks!!! i really want them to put the show back on tv,they should have more show like this one!!
  • I just wanted to say that it's so nice to know that even though the show is finished there are still other devoted fans like me who are totally obsessed with MSCL. The show changed me life as it did many others. Thanx so much for keeping the story go
  • Hi, this is the fool who lost all her spelling bees in Elementary school here to tell you that when my entree below says " can even..." it's supposed to be Can't even..." sorry for being a retard!
  • All I can say is that the amazement and awe that you fell when you see a show like MSCL is intoxacating, it takes over your emotions, I can even watch it standing upright...

    P.S.- If anyone knows ANYWAY to get ALL the episodes on tape PLEEEZE tell me! Commercials, static, I DON"T CARE! Send me a copy if you taped them all! Money is no object! I just NEED a copy and not just a selection of what someone else thinks are the grea
    test episodes...:)

1579 entries so far. Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

“My dad thinks every person in the world is having more fun than him.”

Angela Chase, Episode 1: "My So-Called Life (Pilot)"