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Why 'My So-Called Life' ?

written by Julie Stevenson

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Published: 30 Jun 1998 | Size: 2 KB (390 words) | Language: english | Rating: PG-13

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based on stories and characters created by Winnie Holzman

Because school is a battlefield for your heart.

Because your hair is holding you back.

Because the cafeteria is the embarassment capital of the world.

Because Jordan Catalano's gonna be there.

Because lately you can't even look at your mother without wanting to stab her repeatedly.

Because you have an unconsious wish.

Because, have you seen her vegetable bin? I rest my case!

Because Rayanne always knows who's going to be there.

Because when you're Yearbook Photographer, you're never _in_ the picture.

Because it's the perfect lie.

Because you have a hard enough time contacting living guys.

Because it's not red. It's crimson glow.

Because Brian knows some clever chess club way to get in, don'tcha Bri?

Because it's like a prison movie.

Because your a rudimentary reader with low literacy skills.

Because I just can't eat a well-balanced meal in front of my mother.

Because it was a lot like waiting for a flu shot.'s true.

Because this type of thing is not covered by the Phonics Manual. (That's probably spelled wrong.)

Because it's public property.

Because, what's medi-ocrity?

Because _I'm_ interested in the saxophone.

Because no one should hate who they are.

Because Sharon had beliefs.

Because no one was home at Rayanne's house.

Because...she's French!

Because you have to wash the pants seperate.

Because Brian left his keys in Rickie's pants.

Because we're not really talking about wallpaper.

Because you shouldn't always leave things until the last minute.

Because so what if Rickie is bi? His cousin can still drive!

Because I want a meal with all four basic food groups!

Because you need to borrow an atlas.

Because, have you ever tried to protect someone so much, it, like, hurts?

Because to Rayanne, everything is about--

Because people are always saying how you should be yourself.

Because I don't leave the lights on!

Because it's like the weirdest break up in history.

Because refridgerators are so revealing!

Because that is like, _so_ known!

Because there's never any soap.

Because out of darkness, hope is born.

Because. Just because. Duh Squared!

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Episode No. 20 - Cars and Kisses by Julie Stevenson
Published: 1997 | Size: 33 KB (6247 words) | Language: english english | Rating: PG-13
Average: 4.2/5   4.2/5 (40 votes)

Read this story now: Episode No. 20 - Cars and Kisses

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“I cannot bring myself to eat a well-balanced meal in front of my mother.”

Angela Chase, Episode 1: "My So-Called Life (Pilot)"