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The Interactive FanFiction Story

One of the longest-running fanfiction stories on the 'net.

Chapter 13: bus conversation

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Chapter 13: bus conversation

written by ?

added on: 10 Nov 1999 - based on characters created by Winnie Holzman

Brian and Angela get on the bus. they sit down next to each other. Brian is next to the window. He's trying not to look at Angela.

Angela: Brian? (he looks over briefly, then back to the window) I know, I know you're changing. but. I mean that doesn't mean that we can't be...I mean. I've thought about what you said. I have. and I guess that you have been victim to my, uh, mood swings or whatever. but I've changed too. Brian, (lowers her voice) that letter, it really...I really love that letter. and I...I want to know you better. I mean *really* know you.

Brian: Chase. What do want me to say? That I,(lowers his voice) that I love you?

Angela: no, no. I'm not...

Brian: because I do. but it doesn't change anything. weren't you listening? I don't *want* to be that person.

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“And, you know, with your hair like that? It hurts to look at you.”

Rayanne Graff, Episode 1: "My So-Called Life (Pilot)"