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written by Laura

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Published: 30 Apr 1998 | Size: 1 KB (108 words) | Language: english | Rating: PG-13

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based on stories and characters created by Winnie Holzman

living the past
and future at once
seeing what only what i want to see
but all the time knowing the truth
in the back of my mind
perfect images shattered
by scattered acts of indifference
and stupidity
the dream can be placed back together
with the glue of a few words
if only
the words were yours
if only
the words were complete
if only
the words that lied
laid beneath a shroud of failing ice
trying to understand
what was lost
so we could begin again

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Episode No. 21 - New Beginnings by Laura
Published: 1997 | Size: 60 KB (11774 words) | Language: english english | Rating: PG-13
Average: 2.1/5   2.1/5 (56 votes)

Read this story now: Episode No. 21 - New Beginnings

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“Ignore her. She got up on the wrong side of the coffin this morning.”

Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez, Episode 9: "Halloween"