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The Interactive FanFiction Story

One of the longest-running fanfiction stories on the 'net.

Chapter 10: Realisations

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Chapter 10: Realisations

written by Joie

added on: 19 Jan 2001 - based on characters created by Winnie Holzman


(ANGELA pauses, then makes a face, enters GIRL'S TOILET.)


(RICKIE stands put something in his bag. Enter ANGELA.)



(RICKIE pecks ANGELA on the cheek. ANGELA leans against the sink, sighs.)

RICKIE: What's up?

ANGELA: (Beat.) Did you know that Delia and Brian were together?

RICKIE: (surprised) What, like, "together" together?

ANGELA: (affirming surprise) Yeah, exactly.

RICKIE: (shrug) Well, no, I didn't. I mean, last thing I knew she couldn't stand him.

ANGELA: Yeah, same here. Sharon told me liked you-

RICKIE: (turns, surprised) How did Sharon know?

ANGELA: (realises her slip, vague) I don't know, Delia mentioned or something, I think. Why, does it bother you?

RICKIE: No. I mean, I like Delia, you know, as a person, but you know. I'm kind of glad she has someone else, you know. It's better. But I just didn't think Brian would be the one, that's all.

ANGELA: (bitter) Yeah, same here.

RICKIE: (shrug) Oh, well. That's nice for them. I mean, you're glad that Brian has someone else too, though, aren't you, right?

ANGELA: (unsure) Yeah. I guess.

RICKIE: Why, what's happened?

ANGELA: (sincere) Nothing...

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“Do we have to keep talking about religion? It's Christmas.”

Danielle Chase, Episode 15: "So-Called Angels"