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About the author: Jim Brooks

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When I asked Sascha how I should do this, he said, "Just tell your fans what
they want to hear." So, I replied, "What fans?" But, seriously, I don't know
how I'm going to begin or end this, so if I start rambling, just stick with

First, the default question on every `about the author` on this page is "Why
do you do it?" I'm not going to give you some long-winded speech about how I
wanted to make known my feelings on how it would end or how I wanted to keep
the show alive in my heart or what have you (all of which is true by the way).
The answer is short and simply that I love to write and I love the show. For
almost my entire 18 years on this earth, I've enjoyed writing. It's just one
of my hobbies (the other being playing drums - just thought you'd like to know
that, although I'm really just tooting my horn). So, this whole fan-fiction
site interested me because I could "publish" my work, for lack of a better

Anyway, with that said, what about me? Me! Me! Me! Well, I'm a college student
at Temple University in Philadelphia where I've lived my entire life. My major
is Film and Media Arts, what else? And that's basically it. I don't have
anything special to add.

What am I doing now? I'm starting on my 5th story of which I have the basic
plots and pretty much every scene laid out, just gotta add the words. And no,
I'm not gonna update this when Sascha adds that story to the page.

Well, I doubt anyone got past the second paragraph, but if you're still
reading, then thanks for stayin' with me, I appreciate it. And if anyone has
any comments on this or any of my stories, please drop me a line. Even if you
read one of my stories and hated it beyond belief, it makes me feel good that
*someone* is reading them. So, thanks. Have a good one. Bye now.

Fanfiction contributions by this author

  • Episode No. 20 - Communication Breakdown by Jim Brooks
    Published: 1997 | Size: 41 KB (7863 words) | Language: english english | Rating: PG-13
    Average: 3.8/5   3.8/5 (125 votes)
    Angela feigns sickness in order to stay home from school and avoid confrontation with Brian; Graham’s car breaks down and is forced to spend the night at Hallie’s apartment; Sharon breaks up with Kyle, so Kyle starts a vicious rumor about her; Brian attempts to tell Angela about the letter, but fails
  • Episode No. 21 - Interpretations by Jim Brooks
    Published: 1997 | Size: 37 KB (7167 words) | Language: english english | Rating: PG-13
    Average: 4.3/5   4.3/5 (98 votes)
    Angela and Jordan patch things up; Jordan tells her he’s ready to commit to a relationship; Rayanne gets over Angela; Rickie finds out the Pride House has been temporarily shut down due to health violations; Jordan passes a test with Brian’s help; Brian finally fesses up to Angela about the letter
  • Episode No. 22 - Opposing Hearts by Jim Brooks
    Published: 1997 | Size: 33 KB (6488 words) | Language: english english | Rating: PG-13
    Average: 4.0/5   4.0/5 (53 votes)
    Graham reveals to Neil that he kissed Hallie; Angela talks to Brian about the letter; Graham and Hallie name the restaurant; Angela and Rayanne finally talk
  • Episode No. 23 - Cupid's Arrow by Jim Brooks
    Published: 1997 | Size: 31 KB (6033 words) | Language: english english | Rating: PG-13
    Average: 4.0/5   4.0/5 (80 votes)
    Rayanne and Rickie are depressed about spending another Valentine’s Day alone, so they spend it with each other; Sharon organizes the Valentine’s Day dance, but it gets canceled at the last minute; Angela spends Valentine’s Day at Jordan’s house where she meets his dad; Jordan reveals his mother died during his birth
  • Episode No. 24 - Accidents happen by Jim Brooks
    Published: 1997 | Size: 37 KB (7330 words) | Language: english english | Rating: PG-13
    Average: 3.7/5   3.7/5 (53 votes)
    Graham and Patty spend the weekend away from the kids, but it only places them further apart from each other; Angela goes downtown to see Jordan’s band; Jordan gets drunk and Angela refuses to drive home with him; Angela asks Brian (who is now driving) to come pick her up; Brian gets in an accident with Jordan; they both end up in the hospital
  • Episode No. 25 - Opening Night - Part 1 by Jim Brooks
    Published: 12 Jul 2000 | Size: 54 KB (11436 words) | Language: english english | Rating: PG-13
    Average: 4.0/5   4.0/5 (83 votes)
  • Episode No. 26 - Opening Night - Part 2 by Jim Brooks
    Published: 06 Sep 2001 | Size: 83 KB (16377 words) | Language: english english | Rating: PG-13
    Average: 4.2/5   4.2/5 (84 votes)

“I cannot bring myself to eat a well-balanced meal in front of my mother.”

Angela Chase, Episode 1: "My So-Called Life (Pilot)"