Claire Danes in Brokedown Palace

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Claire Danes in Brokedown Palace

Post by NIGHTJESSI » Feb 28th 2002, 9:33 am

Many of us have heard how much MSCL's Angela was upset with this flick, which follows a couple of teenagers and what happens to them after they are framed for drug smuggling overseas. Anyone have any feedback?

The movie is slated to air Friday, 3/1, on USA from 9 to 11 p.m. Eastern.

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Re: Claire Danes in Brokedown Palace

Post by Guest » Feb 28th 2002, 6:01 pm

The character Claire plays in thie movie, Alice, is so far removed from the character of Angela that there is no point in attempting to draw any sort of comparison or parallel. The two characters, and thus, storylines, are wholely unrelated. If you expect this movie to be "My So-Called Life after High School" then you will be sorely disappointed.

With that out of the way, I give a strong recommendation for the movie. Claire's acting is superb and the story is simultaneously troubling and engaging. Definitely worth the time, perhaps even worth two viewings. IMHO, this is overall the best movie Claire has been in to date. Well, this and Little Women.


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Re: Claire Danes in Brokedown Palace

Post by NIGHTJESSI » Mar 4th 2002, 1:09 am

I wish I had been able to access the board and had read your post, Bill, before Friday night. Based on previously reading that Claire was unhappy with how this movie turned out, I wasn't feeling too bad that I didn't make it home from work in time to catch it. Now that I've read what you wrote, I do hope this one plays again.

"When you drink from the cup of life, chug." ~ Citibank billboard


Re: Claire Danes in Brokedown Palace

Post by Guest » Mar 4th 2002, 10:34 am

Well, it's just my opinion, so you may think differently after viewing it. I will say that the movie is <I>very</I> disturbing in places and is not for everyone. It is available on DVD (region 1 only) so you may be able to rent it.

I had not heard that Claire was unhappy with the movie. I do recall that she made some pretty negative comments about the country where they filmed the movie: comments which were not well received by said country.


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Brokedown Palace song

Post by Pedro » Aug 21st 2002, 5:24 am


Apologies for yet another non-dvd post, but I wanted to submit this one in the forum that gets the most views....

If any of you guys own the Brokedown Palace DVD, can you please tell me what the name of the song and artist who sing the song featured at the beginning of the trailer??? (the bit after she says 'What could be better than a country named after the exact thing we were looking for')

I really like it, and its driving me mad cos I have no idea who it is or what the song is called! thanks!


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Re: Brokedown Palace song

Post by Sascha » Aug 21st 2002, 8:10 am

Pedro wrote: Apologies for yet another non-dvd post, but I wanted to submit this one in the forum that gets the most views....
Please don't do this again. If everyone would start ignoring the subforums and just post where they like, we would have soon the same chaotic mess as in our old forum. I moved the topic to the appropriate forum.
If any of you guys own the Brokedown Palace DVD, can you please tell me what the name of the song and artist who sing the song featured at the beginning of the trailer??? (the bit after she says 'What could be better than a country named after the exact thing we were looking for')
I don't own the DVD, but a search in google for "brokedown palace trailer song" brings up a page ( where the song "Look Who's Perfect Now" by transister is mentioned. Maybe that's the song. Just compare the lyrics (should be available on that site).


Post by Pedro! » Aug 21st 2002, 12:42 pm

Ok, Ok! Im sorry! God, I feel liek im back in school....I promise not to do it again and hopefully the harmony and organisation of the forums will remail! :?

By the way, thanks, I think u may have solved my quest! THANKYOU!


Brokedown Palace

Post by Hollis27 » Aug 21st 2002, 2:53 pm

It's called 'Silence' by Sara Mclaughlin. :wink:

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Post by tuatara » Aug 21st 2002, 4:57 pm

If the song is "Silence" (which seems about right), then that would be by Delerium, not technically Sarah McLachlan. At least if you're actually looking to buy a CD with that song on it or anything (it's on a number of compilation albums - I think it's even on one of those "Pure Moods" CDs). If you're just looking for an MP3 of it though, searching under Sarah McLachlan will probably be more successful.

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Post by Debs » Aug 21st 2002, 7:37 pm

In case you were curious about "Look who's Perfect Now" - this song is featured in the Drew Barrymore movie, "Never Been Kissed". I think it comes in during the 'reveal' prom scene where everyone (including the teacher) find out she is 26.

In case you were wondering... It is a good song mind.

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Post by Pedro!! » Aug 22nd 2002, 4:09 am

Hey everyone, thanks alot, I already have 'Silence' by Delerium as it features on the Brokedown Palace soundtrack which is excellent, and I think the song im looking for is 'Look whos perfect now' by Transistor.

You have no idea how long i've been searching for that song!! I bought it off last night, so thanks everyone!!!

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