I Just Can't Help Myself!!

General discussion about the nineteen episodes of "My So-Called Life". Note: Our episode guide can be found here.
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I Just Can't Help Myself!!

Post by angelika » Jan 2nd 2000, 2:07 am

Okay. I was watching my videos tonight (I only have 6 episodes so far--the second boxed set), and I noticed some things that I just couldn't go without discussing. All right--here we go. :-)

One of the (many) things that I like most about MSCL is the way that it is scripted so creatively. (Particularly when actors finish each other's sentences, or a common idea or theme is repeated throughout the episode.) For example: In "Strangers In the House" when Sharon stays the night at Angela's house, she wakes up and Angela asks her if she wants the first shower. In the meantime, Patty and Graham are having the same conversation in their room. Also, in "The Life of Brian", Jordan has this philosophy, you know, where he doesn't like to make plans. Whatever happens happens. (and Angela thinks this is a REALLY deep philosophy) Strangely enough, Graham repeats the same philosophy later on to Patty when she asks him about cooking classes. Even stranger: at the World Happiness Dance, Brian tells Angela that that is HIS philosophy, but this time she says something like, "That is the stupidist thing I've ever heard." PURE GENUIS!! :-) When Angela leaves the dance, she goes outside and finds Jordan out there. He asks her, "Why are you like this?" "Like what?" "Like, how you are." "How am I? How am I?" Later in the show, we hear this conversation again, but with the roles reversed. Wow--I get goosebumps! :-)

Another thing that I think is amazing is the usage of irony. At the dance, Cory says, "It's just weird how you have a picture of how something's going to be, and then it turns out totally different." What's crazy is that he is expressing how Rickie feels. I noticed the same thing in... (well, I think it's in "Why Jordan Can't Read") when Brian and Angela are playing catch, and she says something like, "I can't wait until this happens to you. Because I'm going to look at you and laugh. And I'll say, 'See? See?'" Brian's face is really good here too--it's crazy how Angela captured Brian's feelings in that statement, and didn't even realize... well... anything.

Lastly, :-), I really like the fact that Angela is practically sickened by the way that Sharon and Kyle hold hands all the time, but when Jordan finally holds her hand, she realizes exactly why it's so important. Jordan has finally realized (through the miracles of Sonnet 130) that he DOES have feelings for Angela, and it's so awesome when he finally publically displays his feelings for her.

Thanks for hearing what I had to say--I'm on a MSCL high. Not that any of you could probably *ever* relate... LOL

Happy New Year!

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Re: I Just Can't Help Myself!!

Post by Lolita » Jan 2nd 2000, 5:30 pm

Oh my god!!! I just posted practically the SAME thing as you! A much shorter version but that is TOO WEIRD! I was watching episodes last night and I noticed exactly the same thing (about reoccuring lines). Too weird..... I hadn't even read your post yet...

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Re: I Just Can't Help Myself!!

Post by mia » Jan 2nd 2000, 9:46 pm

Dear Lolita:

Haven't heard from you before? Are you new here?


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Re: I Just Can't Help Myself!!

Post by Alee » Jan 2nd 2000, 10:05 pm

I just get sooooo happy when he holds her hand! It was like the best thing he could do. It's kind of pathetic, but I just love watching as he reaches for her hand and all. I mean, not that many episodes end so happy. Like Guns and Gossip is soooooo sad. I wanted to cry the first time I saw it. It's actually probably my favorite episode, though. (I haven't seen the last 7.)

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Re: I Just Can't Help Myself!!

Post by emmie » Jan 3rd 2000, 12:19 am

yeah, I just responded to Lolita's post before reading angelika's. hee hee. one of the funniest reoccuring themes, in my opinion, is how Brian is always stopping by Angela's house for no real reason other than to see her. in one ep (forgive me, I can't remember which!!) he vows to never go over to her house again. the poor guy doesn't even last the episode. too clasic!! ha ha.


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Re: I Just Can't Help Myself!!

Post by Jack » Jan 3rd 2000, 12:52 am

That is a great moment when he reaches for her hand. I could be mistaken, but I think that may have
been the last episode before ABC ordered another batch. If that is the case, the producers (thinking
ABC might not order anymore episodes) probably felt they wanted to end the series on an upbeat note.
What I found interesting about that is, if that episode's ending was somewhat a business decision,
it mimicked real life perfectly. They decide to have Angela end up with Jordan because it might be
the final episode only to discover it's not, so they return their relationship to it's previous state (not
exactly but close). This is poetic. How often have all of us wanted something so bad, only to get
it and have it go sour? Angela says later, "Everyone second of my relationship with Jordan Catalano
completely and totally sucked. And now it's over." That is another one of the many great lines in this


P.S. I'm glad to see so much recent activity on the discussion board. And some new voices. Let's
keep it active and alive.

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Re: I Just Can't Help Myself!!

Post by Lolita » Jan 3rd 2000, 3:08 pm

Yeah, I started watching all the episodes I have on tape again and then I stumbled upon this site. I could literally chat about MSCL all day!


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Re: I Just Can't Help Myself!!

Post by Alee » Jan 3rd 2000, 3:31 pm

It's like in "Dancing in the Dark" when Angela says that maybe she'd just rather have the fantasy. I suppose because fantasy is always better than reality, right?! She didn't want Jordan because she knew that he wouldn't live up to her fantasy; she knew things could go wrong.

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