Rockstar: INXS

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Rockstar: INXS

Post by kappster » Aug 10th 2005, 3:08 am

Is anyone else on here watching this show? For those of you who are not in the states, it is like American Idol, but the contestants are competing to become the next lead singer of INXS. I hate these types of shows and I am ashamed to admit that I am hooked. I am a big fan of Jordis and I am pulling for her. She won me over with her version of "The Man Who Sold the World". Amazing. There are a few others who are impressive as well. MiG is really good every week. Marty always does better than I think he will. Ty was really good with "No Woman, No Cry" J.D. is a douchebag and comes across like he is trying way too hard. Not much range in his voice. What do you all think? Who's your pony?

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Post by schris » Aug 10th 2005, 5:06 pm

I admit that its one of my guilty pleasures - I think I watch it cause a lot of them are so bad. Like watching a wreck. Its awful but you can't turn away. Anyways... I totaly agree with you on the Jordis thing. She is really good each week and that was an amazing performance with "The Man Who Sold the World". I could go on and on about how the rest of them bug me. I will also agree that J.D. needs to go. Now. Brandon is really a hilbilly. Jessica has zero personality. I think its strange that one them will be the lead singer for INXS. I just hope they pick someone who will fit in. My Vote? Jordis. Or Ty - maybe.

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Post by kappster » Aug 10th 2005, 10:41 pm

you are totally right about Jessica. Zero personality. I can't believe they have kept her around for another week. At least they had sense enough to get rid of the Hillbilly. Brandon is actually really good, but only with certain songs. And I definately can't see him singing for INXS.

Is it just me, or is INXS really not that relavent of a band any more? Don't get me wrong....I was a huge INXS freak from 7th grade to 10th grade. I was in 8th grade when 'Kick' came out. It was the first CD I ever owned. I had the t-shirts. I had Shabooh Shabah, I had The Swing, I had Listen Like Thieves. But I haven't listened to any of them in years. And I really don't see how they can replace Michael. I watch the show because I like some of the singers and I like most of the songs that they have to sing, but I really don't care to hear them sing any INXS songs. I wouldn't consider INXS's music in the same catagory as most of the songs they have to sing on Tuesday nights.

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