Worst Year Ever!!

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Post by wicked » Dec 14th 2004, 11:33 am

I tend to avoid these threads. I'm sorry for all the bad luck/pain people have had this year. I'm old enough that most of my friends are loosing parents right now, I'm lucky not only to have my mother ( and fatther although I haven't spoken to him in over 15 years, I do know where he is and how he is.) BUT my 91 year old grandfather who has just started dating again!

We've had money problems, and my son has major problmes with ADHD, amd I suffer from depression , but things could always be worse. I have a roof over my head, I am able to ahve presents under the tree for the kids, I have heath for myself and my family I haven't truly wanted to slit my wrists in a few years...so it can't be all that bad:)

"Life is what Happens when your busy making other plans"
"So this is hell. I'd never have believed it. You remember all we were told about the torture-chambers, the fire and brimstone, the "burning marl." Old wive's tales! There's no need for red-hot pokers. HELL IS - OTHER PEOPLE!"

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Post by emmie » Dec 14th 2004, 2:12 pm

why is it that bad things seem to happen all at once? I know the feeling when it seems like you are being bombarded one thing after another. I feel for ya, Lance and hope that things work out for you and your family!

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Post by TooCool4Skool » Dec 14th 2004, 5:06 pm

wicked wrote:BUT my 91 year old grandfather who has just started dating again!
Can I have his number??? :D :P
Moltar- Well hey, Thom asked me if he could see my knife, and Thom's doing a song about knife, and he wanted to see what one looked like. Isn't that right Thom? (Pulls out knife again)
Space Goast- (Turns to Thom Yorke) Is that right?
Thom- ...No.
Space Goast- Cuz it sounds like a good idea... so do it.

-Space Goast With Thom Yorke

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Post by lance » Dec 15th 2004, 7:44 pm

starbug wrote:Lance,
Sorry to hear that. I hope your family comes through this difficult time. It's kind of hard to be philosophical during such a rough time but positive thinking counts for alot. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Much, much appreciated.



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Post by lance » Dec 15th 2004, 7:48 pm

emmie wrote:why is it that bad things seem to happen all at once? I know the feeling when it seems like you are being bombarded one thing after another. I feel for ya, Lance and hope that things work out for you and your family!
Definately a feast or famine sort of thing. That is what chocolate and DVDS are for. (Looks to his right) I have plenty of chocolate mints. (Looks to his left) and I have plenty of DVDS. The coping mechanisms are in full use.

Thanks all for the kind thoughts.


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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Dec 22nd 2004, 6:26 am

TooCool4Skool wrote:
wicked wrote:BUT my 91 year old grandfather who has just started dating again!
Can I have his number??? :D :P
My grandfather died over ten years ago, but whenever I hear my mom utter the phrase "your grandmother's boyfriend" I am not sure whether to giggle or run away.

Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com

Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer.
You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?

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Post by Angela_Catalano » Jan 6th 2005, 11:47 pm

well its the beginning of a new year.. Hopefully things will go good from here on out...

The Thursday b4 newyears eve, well into newyears eve at 330am.. I got really bad pain in my left side, and was rushed to the hospital.. I once again had a sist on my left ovary that bursted... Thats the 2nd time already.. The last time I didnt have that kind of pain, I just vomited alot.. May have to get surgery to find out whats wrong with me, why they keep on coming back and then bursting...

But So far so good.. Last year my bday sucked... So Im hoping for a good 18th, and good times to come for everyone this year!!

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Post by wicked » Jan 7th 2005, 10:27 am

awe hunny I'm sorry this happened to you! Better health in 2005!!!
"So this is hell. I'd never have believed it. You remember all we were told about the torture-chambers, the fire and brimstone, the "burning marl." Old wive's tales! There's no need for red-hot pokers. HELL IS - OTHER PEOPLE!"

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Post by SanDeE* » Jan 8th 2005, 3:11 pm

I hope that you feel better and it's nothing too bad.

Hey - did you have a fun birthday at least? On my 18th I went to the local video rental place and set up my own account. I felt like such a grown-up!
Um, in my room, one seam is a little off and I stare at it constantly. It's, like, destroying me.


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Post by lance » Jan 11th 2005, 6:35 pm

Angela_Catalano wrote:well its the beginning of a new year.. Hopefully things will go good from here on out...

The Thursday b4 newyears eve, well into newyears eve at 330am.. I got really bad pain in my left side, and was rushed to the hospital.. I once again had a sist on my left ovary that bursted... Thats the 2nd time already.. The last time I didnt have that kind of pain, I just vomited alot.. May have to get surgery to find out whats wrong with me, why they keep on coming back and then bursting...

But So far so good.. Last year my bday sucked... So Im hoping for a good 18th, and good times to come for everyone this year!!
D'oh! Sorry to hear about your sist problems. Getting ill is never fun, occassionally ironic and humorous in a twisted sort of way, but not fun. I am glad you are doing better now.

Keeping good thoughts for your safe, healthy and financially rewarding 18th birthday.


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Post by Angela_Catalano » Jan 14th 2005, 3:29 pm

Thanks Guys!! I do feel alot better that way right now.. And I did definitly enjoy my 18th birthday. I feel more grown up. Since I smoke, I went out and bought my first pack buy my self..LOL Not a great thing to do but I just felt Older... I also went to a strip club with a couple of my friends I used to work with who are older.. I watched girls strip..haha But it was a really good time.. Just another thing I was aloud to do once I turned 18!!

I do want to get a credit card and set up video rental accounts also!!

Well Good luck to all!!

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Post by SanDeE* » Oct 12th 2006, 1:04 am

I haven't had a bad year so far, really - just a bad day. I didn't want to start a new thread. This week I've actually been quite happy because my fiancé is coming to visit Friday. But today sucked.

The sucky part was at work this afternoon. My boss usually has candy in her office for the students but hasn't had the chance to stock up lately, so another workstudy there decided to donate a bag. Here's how the conversation went:

Boss: S***** brought candy. Isn't he nice?
Me: Yes, it's very nice, but I've had a little trouble reading him lately.
Boss: Why?
Me: Well, he acts weird to me. I'll walk into the office he's in to get some envelopes or something, say hi to him, and he'll snap "NO" at me. Won't even say hello.
Boss: You take things too seriously.

The other workstudy has been doing that to me for 8 weeks now, and I'm sick of it. What's wrong with just saying hello? Common courtesy? I get it: he's trying to be cute and funny and get my attention. I can tell this behavior isn't mean-spirited. He is not a bad guy, and I don't completely dislike HIM. But getting NO barked at you for nothing everytime you see a person gets annoying fast. I do dislike THAT, however. So I pretty much stop talking and ignore him when he does that. I explained that to my boss and she still said I take things too seriously. (By the way, she has a big loud boisterous friendly personality, and has encouraged me to share my personal feelings with her since she shares hers with me. I'm done with that now, too!) Sure, I take work seriously because I want to be efficient and get things done (someone has to be: my boss is disorganized - never knows where things are, isn't super adept with the computer, etc.) and of course I take my classes seriously because I want to be successful. But I don't think I take things too seriously in my personal life. It reminded me how little she knows me.

I get worried people think that we have to do what I want to do because sometimes the people I hang out with can't decide on whatever (movie, restaurant, etc.), so I start throwing out suggestions. I'm afraid it translates to "MY way." I usually don't care what we do, I'm just happy to be doing something social, being with good friends, and I try to have fun no matter what the situation. And usually I don't have to try.

Maybe I'm down because of the fiancé-long distance thing. Maybe I'm down because I'm homesick, and I miss my family terribly. Maybe I'm down because I'm alone much of time, and when I'm with people stuff like what I described above happens. Am I getting too sensitive? I haven't thought so, but... I guess... I don't know. I think I've been withdrawing myself more and more. What's wrong with me lately?
Um, in my room, one seam is a little off and I stare at it constantly. It's, like, destroying me.


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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Oct 12th 2006, 4:36 am

I don't think you are overreacting at all. That guy might think he's being funny or cute but he's really being rude. I don't expect everyone I meet or work with to be my best friend, but I do expect people to have a little common courtesy. Saying hi in response to someone else's greeting isn't asking for a lot. I also hate when people perceive that as me being difficult. I'm not the one being rude!

I really don't think that you are taking things too seriously either. I mean, substitute another word for him yelling "no" at you. What if every time your boss said hello or asked you for something, you responded by yelling, "PENIS!" or "George W. Bush!" or "Lick my shoes!" or "Peanut butter!" I'm all for having fun at work and being friendly and joking around, but you can't do it in a way that makes other people uncomfortable which is why the phrase "work appropriate" exists. It isn't always what you say, but also HOW you say it. Your coworker isn't saying anything offensive per se, but it still isn't an appropriate response.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be efficient at work, especially when your boss isn't. I totally know what that's like! I've had some bosses who were not terribly detail oriented and one who was particularly incompetent. Working for people like that is twice as much work, which is why I ended up having to become even MORE efficient.

Having a long distance relationship after you are used to spending a lot of time together is a huge adjustment. Give yourself time to get used to it, but try to remember that you do have a support system. Try to see your friends on a regular basis, whether it's going to the gym, taking a walk, having a few people over to watch Lost, having a book club, inviting people over for a stitch & bitch/crafts night, getting coffee, etc. You could even have a weekly MSCL viewing! They don't have to be big social events either - even if you just have one other person for each activity so you can connect and spend time with someone and enjoy your friendships.

This might be a little out there, but it wasn't until a few years ago that I realized I have seasonal affective disorder. For some reason, it finally clicked in my head that October/November/December were always bad times for me. The change in weather tends to affect my mood, but the time change makes it a lot worse. I bought myself a sunrise lamp and a Verilux lightbulb, which I think helped. Just knowing what I was dealing with helped.

Since you are still in school, have you considered getting counseling on campus? Most schools have free, confidential counseling. It might be a good way for you to vent and get some impartial advice. Not that I mind talking with you, but sometimes it's nice to talk to someone who is a blank slate in terms of what they know about you. Do you want me to see if Miss Kryzanowski is available next week?

Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com

Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer.
You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?

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Post by SanDeE* » Oct 12th 2006, 11:58 pm

Thanks for the supportive words, candygirl. I'm not super depressed or anything, I don't need a therapist. I just had some crappy days lately and it was getting to me. Needed to vent. I think I'm going through the typical quarterlife crisis thing, with a million questions:

Who are my real friends? (Comes up a lot because of my recent engagement) Where do I belong? Why did I choose this major in college? What can I do with it career-wise? Do I want to go on for a doctoral degree? Am I doctoral material? Or get a second masters? In what? What should I do in the next year between graduating college and getting married (that means moving twice in 14 months)? Did I really just ask someone to marry me??? All the wedding questions. All the career questions. Living with the parents again. Or do I say screw it and move to be with my husband-to-be even though it's not a good city for jobs and I have a job waiting for me back in my hometown and it would save me thousands of dollars.

I guess, without any family and my guy around to talk to, I have been bottling up these questions and bottling up the little things that have been getting to me (like the work thing I wrote about earlier). Haven't really had much time to think about them because of school, frankly. Once in a while, when I have a bad day like yesterday and all the questions rise to the surface and I freak out a little. I feel like there aren't people I am close enough to around here to talk with about that stuff. Everyone is going through the same thing and no one talks about it. I find it very odd. It all comes off as just complaining. I don't want people to think I'm just a complainer, because I'm not. I can handle a lot. Just once in a while, I need to vent it all out to take the pressure off.

Part of it is school, too. I'm burned out. I've been in school for 20 years straight now, no breaks, with FULL or way overloaded semesters. I never had a study hall in grade school, always 15-22 credits/semester in undergrad, full load of 9 in grad school + job + several scholarship obligations + being elected president of one student organization and secretary of another. It's just becoming SO MUCH. I've even dropped a few things I love doing and wanted to do, like performing in an orchestra and stuff like that. My schedule is wearing on me: work all morning, classes/rehearsals all afternoon, researching/studying/homework all night. I can't even believe I have made the time to post here!

I'm ready to just BE for a while.
Um, in my room, one seam is a little off and I stare at it constantly. It's, like, destroying me.


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Post by Nothingman » Oct 13th 2006, 5:07 pm

I recommend two books. They're short and you feel better when you're done with them.

Susan Jeffers "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway"

Shad Helmstetter "What to Say When You talk to Your Self"
"To come to your senses, you must first go out of your mind." - Alan Watts

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