CANADIANS - lets beg showcase for a revival!

Discussion on bringing the show back on tv. Is "My So-Called Life" going to be shown in your country? Note: See international airdates from the last years here.
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CANADIANS - lets beg showcase for a revival!

Post by plummy » Jan 22nd 2001, 6:30 pm

I don't know how many of you remember showcase airing MSCL a few years back ('98-'99ish), but i really want it back!!! i have been emailing them around the start of each season, asking (ahem, begging?) them to re-air it, and everytime i recieve the same resonse: "we have no imediate plans to air the show...blah blah blah". Let's get them to re-air!!! Is anyone interested in this? What could we do, a petition or something?


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Re: CANADIANS - lets beg showcase for a revival!

Post by SodaJerk » Sep 15th 2001, 1:51 pm

that post was old, right? well, oh well. I'm new here, so, whatever. I'd really like to see MSCL on Showcase again, 'cause man, I haven't seen all the episodes, and I'd like to, if you know what I mean. No, but seriously here, I've only seen the episodes from the red box set, and I want to see others, like... The Halloween one, and you know, OTHERS.


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Post by steff » Sep 18th 2002, 2:45 am

i know this was a super old post but im all for bringing it back

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Way off-topic

Post by dTheater » Sep 18th 2002, 10:21 pm

I know this is way off-topic and I'm sorry, but since this is a thread about Canadian television, I had to take this chance to ask if anyone could tell me when "The Newsroom: The Movie" is supposed to air on the CBC this fall. I can't find anything anywhere on the CBC's website that lists an airdate and I'm desparate for this information. I'm hoping someone knows what I'm talking about.
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MSCL Cdn. re-airings

Post by CrimsonGlow » Sep 20th 2002, 11:17 am

Showcase channel better take note! I remember how they played MSCL from '95-'96 and that was cool because I really got another chance to let the show sink in more. Here in Canada, that channel is probably our only hope because MSCL is almost like, tailor made for that kind of channel. But to my fellow MSCL Canucks, there is hope somewhere, since Showcase now has branches of its own channel, like Showcase DIVA (a great spot to see MSCL on if it's now harder to get the show on the main Showcase channel), and I think Showcase has another branch now (not sure). Too see MSCL again on tv would rock.
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MSCL Cdn. re-airings (UPDATE)

Post by CrimsonGlow » Sep 20th 2002, 11:23 am

Hey! Okay, so I mentioned earlier, and it's really known that Showcase is the best (and only) hope to show MSCL (they did years ago) again. And it is a good idea to e-mail the channel, BUT, I found out a more effective way on Go to the discussion board and post a message(s)under "Programming Suggestions." This way it will be more effective and we won't have to deal with the annoying e-mail response of "thank you for watching showcase, blah blah whatever."
"Seeing a teacher's actual lunch is like, sooo depressing"

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