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Post by andrewgd » Jan 21st 2004, 3:52 pm

Anyone else catch the State of the Union? I had told myself I wasn't going to watch, but then it was on right after American Idol, so I couldn't help myself.

After watching (and groaning) for about 30 minutes, I wondered...would I have the same reaction if the same exact speach was given by a known democrat? Probably not. Bush definitely needs to learn how wipe that smirk off his face. He obviously did it when he reached issues that he knew piss off the democrats.

There were a couple of scarey moments.

"For diplomacy to be effective, words must be credible, and no one can now doubt the word of America."

If you think about it, that is some scarey crap right there. He's basically saying to follow what we tell you to do, or we'll blow the crap out of your country. He's saying that our will is unstoppable. If we decide you're evil, and you aren't listening to what we're telling you, we'll blow the s**t out of you. And you better beleive it because we already did it in Iraq.

"America is committed to keeping the world's most dangerous weapons out of the hands of the most dangerous regimes."

And what country (who has the worlds largest arsenal) lauched a war against another country with zero weapons of mass destruction? Hmmm...

There's so much more there. I did enjoy the shots of Kennedy rolling his eyes and head in disgust. I'm glad the Dems actually booed him at the point of the Patriot Act (unforunately, all the jerk did was smirk even harder. Jerk. :P )

Everything this administration does is only done if it is advantageous politically. Rove knows that this will be a tough race, and he's getting the president to do everything possible to get votes. Even if that means turning his back on other conservatives and offering amnesty. Bullshit that its not amnesty. What a f##knut thinking its not. (Well, I know he knows it is, but he has to say its not to win over some of the rightwingers)

There's so much more to rant about, but I'm spent at the moment. ;)
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Post by guitarchick » Jan 21st 2004, 4:15 pm

I can't watch Bush speak without feeling physically ill. I just know that every word coming out of his mouth is complete bull so I couldn't sit through is speech. But I did watch the democrates responses. Some good stuff was said.

Has anyone seen the new Incubus video? It's called "Megalomaniac" and there are shots of flying hitlers intercut with shots of a Bush look alike who turns into an eagle and eats up all the fish. It's really artsy and intelligent... pretty impressive.. especially for a mainstream rock band that gets played on MTV and Clear Channel stations... I mean I don't see how clear channel could refuse playing Incubus (like they did to the dixie chicks).. they're just too popular.


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Post by andrewgd » Jan 21st 2004, 4:42 pm

Here's a good article putting some of Bush's points in context (and doing a bit of a reality check on them) Its a lot more level headed than my rebuttles could be ;) ... ress_x.htm

"A search effort led by CIA appointee David Kay has turned up no weapons and no evidence of any advanced weapons program." Hehe, but apparently there have been activities. I loved Bush's line in the speech. No weapons of mass destruction. No weapons of mass destruction programs. No weapons of mass destruction-related programs. BUT!! There WERE weapons of mass destruction-related program activities!!! Hehehe, talk about having to talk your way out of a sticky situation. I just read Blair is being formally accused of warcrimes in the Hague now, for the exact same things Bush did.
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Post by starbug » Jan 22nd 2004, 5:30 am

andrewgd wrote:There WERE weapons of mass destruction-related program activities!!!
isn't this just another way of saying 'dual use' components...which are perfectly legal as long as you can justify the dual use. His arrogance, his assumption of the fact that people just don't notice this blatant disregard for the truth, is astonishing.

I despise people who use ambiguities they have created as a smoke-screen for what they are really doing. It's like Blair at the moment: 'I stand by the totality of what I said'. What? I think he's been taking lessons from Bush in more than one area.

I listened to a few moments of the speech, but like you, guitarchick, I feel physically sick. And that smirk makes me want to smack him.
I also suffer (as I did with one Margaret Thatcher) from an inability to restrain from yelling a range of colourful profanities at the screen, followed by a row when Mr. S tells me to calm down, and a fury that prevents me from sleeping that night :evil:
andrewgd wrote: I just read Blair is being formally accused of warcrimes in the Hague now, for the exact same things Bush did.
I haven't heard this... will go check it out.


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Post by andrewgd » Jan 22nd 2004, 6:33 am

Here's the link: ... t=3&dir=62
An eminent panel of legal experts is to accuse Tony Blair of committing war crimes in Iraq in a formal complaint to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

The panel, which includes law professors from universities in Britain, Ireland, France and Canada, will claim on Tuesday there is compelling evidence that the Prime Minister broke international law and UN treaties by invading Iraq last year.

The eight experts will recommend that the ICC launches a formal investigation into the Government's conduct - the first step towards indicting ministers for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Their dossier will add to the renewed controversy over Mr Blair's stance on Iraq. It will be published a week before Lord Hutton issues his report into the death of weapons expert Dr David Kelly, which examines the Prime Minister's role in the decision to name him.

The ICC has already rejected several attempts by Greek and Belgian lawyers to investigate the Government's behaviour, but in this case its lawyers have contacted the panel in advance to ask for a copy of their report.

The panel includes Guy Goodwin-Gill QC of All Souls, Oxford, Professor Christine Chinkin of LSE, Professor Upendra Baxi from Warwick University and Professor William Schabas, director of the Irish Centre of Human Rights.
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