About the Quality of the Discs

This forum is for questions/discussions about the now sold out first DVD box set by BMG / AnotherUniverse.
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So-Called Loon
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Post by So-Called Loon » Dec 7th 2002, 11:11 am

DoubleBilled wrote:Listen up Aborted Fetus. One. Last. Time.

blah blah

4. What you are doing is popping your head in the room wearing your Court Jester hat screaming like a loon, "Hey! Blah blah stop saying that blah blah! How dare you blah blah." Way to be, genius.
Hey. Don't bring ME into this. :wink: I rarely do any screaming. :lol:

I finally got to watch a couple episodes on a large wide-screen with surround sound. Though not fantastic, i thought the picture was... good. I was a mite annoyed at how loud the music was compared to dialog.
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Post by andrewgd » Dec 15th 2002, 4:33 pm

I finally got around to finishing the first disk. Granted, I love having the whole set to watch. I'd gladly pay $55 again, even knowing the quality (I feel bad for the $115 people though).

Now, I just have to say this. The quality of the dvds bite bigtime. I have seen better .mpeg movies online. Heck, I've even seen better quality realplayer movies. There's nothing like having a closeup on a characters face, and seeing green and red blotchy squares pop in and out every half a second. Grrr. Nothing like watching an intimate moment between Angela and her mom, and having the whole frame pulsating at you. Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink. I'm not sure which is worse, a fuzzy VHS picture, or a pulsating artifact dripping DVD copy...

It just goes to show you the amount of respect that this show has gotten from any company over the years. BMG really just crapped this one out. They must be overjoyed that its selling so well, since they put a big fat ZERO dollars into making the disks.

Like I said, I'm glad I got them so I can watch them, but it they were done piss poorly.
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Post by jellybean » Dec 17th 2002, 9:13 am

I've just watched the first disc and I have to say that I am quite pleased with the quality of picture and sound. I'm no videophile, but I do know what to look for after reading various posts.

I was watching on a Phillips 32" widescreen and there were a few bits were peoples faces were pixelated (in the pilot) but as the program went on I noticed less and less as I was drawn into the story. Sometime I might sit down and watch from a purely technical perspective and see how it looks, then again I might not.

It's on DVD, it works, I'm happy 8)

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DVD Box Set quality - and comments

Post by Foggy » Dec 17th 2002, 11:09 am

My sons comments on the DVD box sety:-I'm glad to say the dvd's are lovely, it's great being able to watch the
show in good quality with no adverts, cuts or channel branding logos. Being
the pedantic fan, and having a thing for graphic design, I would have
personally designed the dvd boxes slightly differently (such as using the
shows font on the spine of the cases as well as the front, the bold Arial
that they used seems a little misplaced) but the cases are still solidly
designed and I can now watch my favourite show without fear of my tape
recorder chewing up the episodes. Besides, being a tv show it's all about
the episodes and I'm glad to say that on a recent viewing the show has
proven to be just as enjoyable and heart warming (not to mention stressful
and emotional) as ever. So to sumerise they're great dad, thanks ;)

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Post by Mold E. Peaches » Dec 20th 2002, 6:07 pm

jellybean wrote:I've just watched the first disc and I have to say that I am quite pleased with the quality of picture and sound. I'm no videophile, but I do know what to look for after reading various posts.

I was watching on a Phillips 32" widescreen and there were a few bits were peoples faces were pixelated (in the pilot) but as the program went on I noticed less and less as I was drawn into the story. Sometime I might sit down and watch from a purely technical perspective and see how it looks, then again I might not.

It's on DVD, it works, I'm happy 8)
that's exactly what i've been saying all along, yes, i admit there may be some pixelation, and there are technical issues, and the artwork is very crappy, but if you like the show, then it's a relief to at least just be able to sit back and enjoy all 19 episodes again.

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Post by ithurts2look@u » Dec 21st 2002, 10:09 am

that's exactly what i've been saying all along, yes, i admit there may be some pixelation, and there are technical issues, and the artwork is very crappy, but if you like the show, then it's a relief to at least just be able to sit back and enjoy all 19 episodes again.
Amen to that peaches! I've only watched them on my PC so far, (so quality a bit pixely anyways) i've yet to hook my other DVD into my TV... as long as we can watch em all... who cares??
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Post by crimsonglowgurl » Dec 25th 2002, 11:14 pm

i havent read all the forums so i dont know if this has been answered already..but sometimes in the middle of watching the dvd will pause, and then go in really slow motion for a minute without sound...and then it resumes normally....is this just a defect or is there something im doing wrong?????

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Re: argh

Post by Jason R » Dec 25th 2002, 11:30 pm

didn't happen often to me, but it might be layer change.
crimsonglowgurl wrote:i havent read all the forums so i dont know if this has been answered already..but sometimes in the middle of watching the dvd will pause, and then go in really slow motion for a minute without sound...and then it resumes normally....is this just a defect or is there something im doing wrong?????

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Re: argh

Post by Nostradamus » Dec 28th 2002, 3:11 am

crimsonglowgurl wrote:i havent read all the forums so i dont know if this has been answered already..but sometimes in the middle of watching the dvd will pause, and then go in really slow motion for a minute without sound...and then it resumes normally....is this just a defect or is there something im doing wrong?????
If you're playing that on your computer, it could be another program running in the background eating up resources... it happens with mine a lot, but not in slow motion, just intermittant pauses. :?
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Post by crimsonglowgurl » Dec 29th 2002, 5:11 pm

Jason Rosenfeld wrote:didn't happen often to me, but it might be layer change.
Sorry to sound so clueless but whats a layer change?

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Re: clueless

Post by fnordboy » Dec 29th 2002, 8:47 pm

crimsonglowgurl wrote:
Jason Rosenfeld wrote:didn't happen often to me, but it might be layer change.
Sorry to sound so clueless but whats a layer change?
Some DVDs are made with 2 layers of data, so that you can fit more data on them. A layer change is when the laser that reads the data switches from one layer to the next. Sometimes you will have a pause in the video stream when this occurs. Well, technically you will always have a pause, some more noticeable than others.

How much of a pause is dependent on a few factors. If the makers of the DVD put the layer change in a bad place (which is the case with the MSCL discs) then it is more noticeable. The smart thing to do is put a layer change in a fade to black so that the viewer will barely notice the change, if at all. Another factor is your player, the better the player the less noticeable it is. In most cases the more expensive the player the better it is, but not always. I personally have a pretty inexpensive Samsung player (about $150) and have no issues with the layer changes. Though I am sure there is someone out there with a $1000 Pioneer who has issues with it. I haven't played the discs at all in my more expensive JVC though.

Hope that helped.

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Post by crimsonglowgurl » Dec 29th 2002, 9:23 pm

Yes it helped alot! thanks so much! :D

Rainbow Brite
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Post by Rainbow Brite » Dec 30th 2002, 3:50 pm

I've gotten through four of the five disks so far. The quality of the discs, themselves, is just fine. Much better than my crappy eight year old ( can you believe its been 8 years!) VHS copies from when the show first primiered. I loved the show then, I love it now. The "grainyness" or pixilation is no better than my "Sex and The City: First Season" DVD Set, I even returned it before I realized it might be my dvd player. Cleaning it helped a little but it appears to be on other friend's sets as well. I must say the only thing that dissapointed me was the..."low creative quality" of the box and DVD template. The box is flimsy, but so are my HBO produced boxed sets. My friend and I had to laugh the first time we saw the DVD Menu with the script font and funny noisy dissolve to the chapter selection...and the cheezy rolling credits for the DVD producers. Especially all the hell I went through to get it. I have many friends in multi-media design and production, and this looked like their first term projects before they actaully knew what they were doing. But, the actual episodes look fine and sound good which is important.

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