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Re: ARGH x1000

Post by andrewgd » Nov 13th 2002, 2:11 am

kiarda wrote:I hate it when there is nothing you can do to benefit yourself and at the same time disadvantage them.
What you can do is to report all of your dealings with AU to the

I've reported this to as many people as possible, and it does make me feel better, even though I haven't gotten any refund from AU.
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Post by Michele » Nov 13th 2002, 6:01 pm

I have posted about this in other threads, but I'm SO FRUSTRATED and needed to vent some more. I got a tracking number for my order over a week ago (which I have now memorized from checking so much) and I have been trying to track it, but it still says the dreaded "billing info received". I have heard that the 4-19 sets are part of this so-called "second wave", but I want to actually TALK to someone at AU to find out exactly what is up with my order. I have called dozens of times, no one picks up, and it's not like I have time to sit here all day on the phone (I'm at work)!! This morning I left a message on AU's machine, but what a surprise, no one as of yet has returned my call. I have also e-mailed 2 times. I'm SICK of waiting, it's been so long. At this poing, I don't care about the stupid lunchbox and the bonus disc. ALL I WANT ARE MY DAMN DVD'S THAT I ORDERED AND PAID FOR MONTHS AND MONTHS AGO. :evil: :x :evil:

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fun with AU. have some.

Post by macaroon » Nov 13th 2002, 11:54 pm

I ordered a set of DVDs to be sent to my sister in seattle. she moved within the city in september, but I didn't stress because at that time I thought we'd just be getting the DVDs from amazon. in october, as soon as it was obvious the DVDs would ship, I emailed ross (10/20) to inform him of her address change. I was courteous and respectful. I was almost sweet. I got an auto reply saying he was out of office until 10/21. I resent the mail the next day. I waited a few days (life gets busy), and emailed again 10/29, and also emailed wade asking him to change the address. nothing. in my tiny mind, I hoped against hope they'd just gotten the email, changed the address, and done the right thing. 10/31, I phoned and left a message, and sent an email to all the people whose names I knew at AU (ross, wade, mike), forwarding the mail to wade. someone has to respond, right? stop laughing, it's not funny anymore.
between 11/4 and today, I forwarded the same mail (original header included) once a day to all three people when I was at work, noting each time exactly how many times I'd sent it thus far. monday and yesterday I phoned and left messages at least once per day. I was still really nice until this morning. see, I got my discs in pennsyvania yesterday, and annie, in seattle, closer to AU, had nothing. was she wave 2? or was she screwed? this morning, I sent an email to AU saying that I was going to resend the email every half hour (and call some too, for good measure) until someone told me what was going on. as I sent the 13th mail, my cell phone rang, and it was wade at AU. I missed it (my fault) and phoned back, twice, leaving messages. I sent the mail some more. I tried to be funny. I made jokes about the "nine times" in ferris bueller, and made a "cheaper by the dozen" joke. they were apparently unamused. oopsy.
mike finally mailed me back (14's the charm, take heart, kids!), and told me that the set had in fact been shipped to annie's new address, and that they had been shipped back to AU -- UPS said she'd moved. I called annie, because I like to have all my ducks in a row before I start shooting; she is laid off now and always home in the daytime, and had seen neither hide nor hare of a man in a big brown truck, so I knew AU was wrong. mike was trying to blame me for AU's error! ohmygod, that's crappy! and, to boot, mike told me that a new set had been shipped to the same address -- super smart, since it'd been returned undeliverable, right?
I started freaking out (wait, wait! was it actually a UPS error? did I get the address wrong? was I insane? would this ever stop?) -- and then wade called again. and gave me the old and new tracking numbers, verified the address on the new package, and said that he had physically *seen* annie's box leave on a UPS truck. sure, I'll believe that for now.
in the meanwhile, I called UPS and gave them the old tracking number and the new address. "that's not the address it was sent to," said the nice UPS lady. I gave her the old address. "yes, that's where it was sent."
so, in short, the DVDs are allegedly enroute now (to which address, I don't know), mike lied to me about the address to which the DVDs were sent to begin with, and, lastly, all three AU employees ignored 14 emails from me requesting an address change or information.
I hope this is over now, but I suspect it's not. I have more jokes up my sleeve for emails numbered 15-24 (that's all I have in my arsenal! what happens at 25?? *then* can I start swearing?), and I'm ready to use them. AU has not heard close to the last of me until I have all my promised toys in hand. at the very least, I'll email every day, and phone when I can (hey, it's their dime). and after this screw up, and after being ignored like this, I'll be filling out the fraud forms as well. their website *promises* a 7-10 day turnaround on issues. I waited longer for a response. I have listened to you guys complain and felt so blessed (I was only charged once, and I actually *got* my DVDs -- overpriced, but hey, they arrived!) that I felt I could not in good faith complain. but when they start messing with my sister, the gloves come off.

thanks for listening, and really, try the macaroon way of dealing with your own AU issues if you haven't already. a mail sent every 15 minutes or every half hour cannot be ignored for long.

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billing info received

Post by worldsapart » Nov 14th 2002, 1:59 am

I, like Michele above, only get the message that my "billing info was received" when I enter my tracking # on the ups website. What is that supposed to mean? The date on it is Nov. 4, about a week and a half ago. I ordered way back in February (like the 3rd day they were available, I think) and they aren't shipping them to me yet? No offense to those who ordered later and already have them, but shouldn't us preorders be the ones getting them first?

My DVDs are being sent to my work, and I watch every day as the UPS man pulls up and gives packages to everyone but me (weepy frown). I wouldn't think it would take 2 weeks to get a couple thousand small boxes onto trucks and get them on their way, but I guess anything is possible at this point. It probably would have been faster if Ross and his cohorts had simply walked them to our doors.

Well, I've been fairly patient so far, watching this forum but doing a very good job of keeping myself from complaining (despite the tempting subjects on which I could harp). I guess I can wait a few more days. But if it's not here by Friday, I'm going to be more than irritated.

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Post by Rickie Love » Nov 14th 2002, 2:49 am

Ok, this is not in response to your post but rather... the 'quote' at the bottom: Oz, talking to Willow about animal crackers, in seas. 2 right?? In that the monkey is the only one with clothes!! :lol:

Also, love your avatar(?) I too hail from Buffyland - a recent (this year) development, but what I lack in longevity, I make up for in obsessiveness. I have 'em all on tape now - will get the dvds next, God I can't believe I'm admitting this!!! :oops: :lol: Oh well...the show is MUCH better than I thought it'd be...

Oh ya, I haven't gotten anything I was promised from this lame ass comany either - namely a F*CKING REFUND!!!! I think we should just call the local Sacto Police Dept. at this point, ya know?? Even as a form of harrassment?? NO??? Surely they rate for SOME local law enforcement action....

Anyway, that's all for now :)
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Nov 14th 2002, 5:05 am

More Buffy fans keep crawling out of the MSCL woodwork - woo hoo!


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Your avatar

Post by lance » Nov 14th 2002, 2:54 pm


I love your avatar. Way cool.

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Post by Rickie Love » Nov 14th 2002, 3:10 pm

Candygirl, I have been admiring YOUR avatar from afar...guess I figured I should stay on topic these last few weeks, but what the hey... My name is Ricky (not really!) and I am a Buffyholi...well, you know the rest :wink:
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Nov 14th 2002, 3:37 pm

Ain't he tastilicious?



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buffy etc

Post by worldsapart » Nov 14th 2002, 9:25 pm

I too have been admiring the lovely James Marsters avatar on so many posts in the last few months, candygirl.

I have been a Buffy fan since early 2nd season (Reptile Boy, to be precise), and it is the only show other than MSCL that I have ever REALLY gotten obsessed over, mostly because they both delve deep into teen (and young adult, with Buffy) emotions, and it so happened that I was pretty much right at the main characters' ages when the shows started. I really wish we had been able to see MSCL develop over the years like we have Buffy. I mean, it's saying something that we're in season 7 and I'm still addicted. If MSCL stayed consistent, I think it could have been the same -- imagine getting to see them all in college!

As for my signature line, it was a hard decision to pick a quote, but I thought this one would just be quirky and fun, while still showing my love for the show (Buffy, that is). I toyed with the idea of a MSCL quote, but all of the distinctive ones have probably already been used by someone at some point (I mean, we only had 19 episodes worth to choose from, for crying out loud!).

The UPS man left me empty-handed again today. I really want to know if my DVDs are sitting in a warehouse somewhere, lost and alone (and pissed at having to wait so long to get on their way!). Once again -- how hard can it be to get them on a truck and get them moving?! I ordered in freaking FEBRUARY! But I'm not the least bit annoyed....


PS -- All you Buffy/James Marsters fans...have you heard about Amber Benson's new movie "Chance"? I HIGHLY recommend you go see it if it comes to a film festival near you (or to theaters, hopefully sometime soon). I saw it at the premiere in Birmingham, AL (Amber's home town), and it was amazing. Hilarious and touching all at once. That girl can certainly write. Maybe she should do her own tv series -- then we'd have something else to obsess over....
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Post by Rickie Love » Nov 14th 2002, 9:46 pm

Hey there WorldsApart - I heard something about Amber doing that. It's good, hu? I heard she got lots of Buffy folk involved, for like CHEAP as they're all friends, etc. I think that's great and I'll definitely be checking it out! :D

OT again, (by the by, Candygirl, I'd never even explored any of the chats going on in OT, etc., just outside this very forum! One track mind, that's me! :lol: ) I'm sitting here groovin' on Jamiroquai Funk Odyssey - Little L!! Man! I may have to get up momentarily and DANCE DANCE DANCE!! Woo-hoo!!! :D
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Post by flwrchild2 » Nov 15th 2002, 12:10 am

A little off topic- but i absolutely love Buffy! This last episode was pretty damn creepy and funny, but anyways...

the people at this company are sooo full of sh*t, I am starting to wonder why they didn't go into politics. When i called to see where my damn dvd's were (after sending them an email threatening legal action), he told me that he had sent me an email (yeah right, imagine that,no email) and that they JUST received my payment and it will be shipping out friday, they said that last friday!!!! I swear, what kind of company is this. If I would have known this, I wouldn't have bought a pencil let alone $115 dvd collection!!!!!!!! Ahhhh! i AM SO SORRY, but i have to vent somehow!!!

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Post by wend74 » Nov 17th 2002, 4:21 pm

i'm so glad you guys love Buffy too! and the spaced quote...more Americans need to use the word Wanker!! its great to see !! i didn't know you guuys could get stuff like spaced i thought we brits only exported crap like benny hill and mr bean!!

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Post by wend74 » Nov 17th 2002, 4:24 pm

oh and....i still don't have a dvd set i would have thought the international sets should have been shipped first as they would take longer then we'd probably all be getting them around the same time but hey that would have made far too much sense!!

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Re: fun with AU. have some.

Post by kmacp » Nov 17th 2002, 10:13 pm

macaroon wrote: between 11/4 and today, I forwarded the same mail (original header included) once a day to all three people when I was at work, noting each time exactly how many times I'd sent it thus far. monday and yesterday I phoned and left messages at least once per day. ...
mike finally mailed me back (14's the charm, take heart, kids!), and told me that the set had in fact been shipped to annie's new address, and that they had been shipped back to AU -- UPS said she'd moved.
i did the same thing about my cancelled order... I think i'm up to 15 emails and 4 voice mails.
mike wrote back saying "Order cancelled. 7 times. Respectfully Mike"
oh... okay silly me.. did i need to mention that i don't just want to not get the DVD's i want to get my freaking money back.?!?
i can't believe these mo mo's


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