
Looking for "My So-Called Life" items or willing to part with one?
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Frozen Embryo
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Post by TEAMDSNY7 » Sep 2nd 1999, 10:30 am

i read the information about the boxed set guy, and i have the same problem!! i have ten of the first episodes, but am missing the
other nine. i was postinf this message to see if anyone knew where i could get the missing videos, but after reading his post i am
confused on whether they are able to buy. if they are not making them, then is there some place i can write to, or do they really make
them!? i desperately need to complete my collection... for MY "so called life!" HELP!! please let me know any information you have!!

the videos i do have are: father figures, self esteem, life of brian, other peoples mothers, dancing in the dark, guns and gossip, the zit,
the substitute, why jordan can't read, strangers in the house..... please help me to find the rest!

thank you soo much,

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Re: help!!!

Post by oldguy » Sep 3rd 1999, 5:27 pm


I got a letter from the video makers (BMG) and they said the video group got sold to some other company.
That's all I know right now. The situation about whether the last seven videos will be released is still to be
determined, after the dust settles following the purchase of the company.

Two or three of the videos you are missing are probably still available (at places like or
But like I said, the last seven episodes are in limbo.

I'll try to pass on any news if and when I hear it!


Re: help!!!

Post by Guest » Sep 16th 1999, 10:42 am

do you think it would do any good to write the new company!?

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Re: help!!!

Post by oldguy » Sep 16th 1999, 3:56 pm

Unfortunately, they didn't give me any info about the new company.
I don't have any names or anything. It's a little mysterious ----
It sounds like BMG sold part or all of their video subsidiary, at
least the part that includes the MSCL videos. The group I actually
wrote to is called "Bugjuice", and I thought they were the branch of
the company that sold MSCL. But they made it sound like all of
this happened without their being told anything about it (or at least
they aren't saying anything else).

Sorry it doesn't make sense ---- I'm as confused as you. I just
figure that somewhere along the line whoever owns the rights will
start selling them again --- because it seems like there are quite
a few of us who want to buy! I would think the MSCL videos are
a guaranteed sale in the many thousands of copies.

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Re: help!!!

Post by BeeJay » Sep 16th 1999, 4:14 pm

Go back to the forum index page, then general discussion - english, and down at the bottom choose page 3 and then see the item "Boxed Set #3" - it's an email I received from Bugjuice telling of the ill-fated 7 episodes. At this time, there is no news on the remaining seven.

In the meantime, we (me, Mia and several others, at least) are writing to MTV hoping to influence them to air mscl again. Your help would be appreciated. In fact, everyone with an interest in mscl should write and email MTV telling them how much they want to see the show aired again.


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Re: help!!!

Post by worldsapart » Sep 18th 1999, 11:45 pm

Do you have an address where we can write mtv (like a postal address)?


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Re: help!!! MTV Address

Post by BeeJay » Sep 19th 1999, 3:09 pm

MTV Headquarters:

NEW YORK, NY 10036-5797

Remember, we want to target the Programming department, so mark your envelopes Attention: Programming Department, or Attention: Vice President of Programming

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