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« | ↑ 1999 | »

More videos on March 16th 1999


Bugjuice (a subdivision of BMG Video) announced the release of the next "My So-Called Life" episodes on video for March 16th, 1999. The tapes will contain the following episodes:

(06) The Substitute (07) Why Jordan Can't Read

(08) Strangers In The House (10) Other People's Mothers

(11) Life of Brian (12) Self-Esteem

Yes, episode #09 "Halloween" is missing. Perhaps they will release it with the next set in fall'99. The tapes can be pre-orderd as of now at and No mention yet about an european PAL-release or behind-the-scenes specials. :( discuss in our forum

« | ↑ 1999 | »

“My dad thinks every person in the world is having more fun than him.”

Angela Chase, Episode 1: "My So-Called Life (Pilot)"