What's up with the log-in thingy?

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What's up with the log-in thingy?

Post by Nostradamus » Aug 24th 2002, 12:00 am

Not that it's a serious problem, but sometimes when I'm logged in and make a post, it shows up as "guest". I'm not the only one who's had this happen; I've noticed several registered users having to go back and claim a prior post. They swear up and down they were logged in. I'm not sure but I think this might have something to do with the preview button... :?

I don't mean to gripe, 'tis only a minor annoyance. Other than this, the new forum seems to be holding up great :)
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Re: What's up with the log-in thingy?

Post by Sascha » Aug 24th 2002, 6:01 am

Nostradamus wrote:Not that it's a serious problem, but sometimes when I'm logged in and make a post, it shows up as "guest".
Yeah, there seems to be a bug in the forum software which also appears on other sites using this software.

For Internet Explorer 6.x users, it helped sometimes to add the domain "mscl.com" to their list of allowed cookie domains: choose Internet Options on the Tools menu, and then click on the Privacy tab. Select "Per Site Privacy Actions" and add "mscl.com" to that list by clicking on Allow.

The error appears only on a few configurations, I'm using IExplorer6 & Mozilla and had no problems.

But I will also update this board with a few bug fixes over the next days, maybe that helps too.

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