- My So-Called Life (Pi... - #1 »
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Patty and Graham suck!
I think that some of the scenes with Patty and Graham can be less exciting than scenes with Jordan and Angela but I also like the scenes wit Ricky and Rayanne less than the scenes with Jordan and Angela. I think especially when Patty anf Graham talked te same way as Anglea by saying like alot it was trying to show that even though they were at different stages in their lives they still struggled and had emotion. They mad the show more real.
This life has been a test, if it had been an actual life, you would have been given instructions on where to go and what to do
I do love Patty an Graham ( i have to say especially Graham he IS so hot).I just re-watch the pilot last night and you can't figure how much i missed him (and the entire show of course!!)They (patty and graham and all the others "grown up") are really important in the show, in my own opinion.Bur to be honest i remember the mother beeing "the mean one" as she says, like i remember Sharon beeing the girl i would never be friend with...i'll try to go further than that...
And i think it's especially interestin to loke at this when you're an adult, it's not only a teenager show...I mean i'm twenty, and i can feel "connections" with both angela and her parents.
OK, so even if patty and graham do suck and are annoying (which SOMETIMES they can be) BUT the big thing here is, since the show esp at least in the opinion of the topic starter is about teens, isn't that the point?!? aren't parents supposed to be annoying and aren't they supposed to suck.
I know when I was 15 I was at home a lot, my parents WERE a huge controlling major part in my life. And one of the things I always brag to people about MSCL like one of the things I always go on about being so great about the show is how it can be related to on so many levels and from so many perspectives. because, I can relate to Ang and everyone (I am 19, it's only been about 4 yrs when I WAS just like them) but as you get older you see the adult perspective more too and I watch that and I'm like taht is MY PARENTS I mean there is a little of all parents put into Patty and Graham. And I can watch that and think MY parent's are like that lol. and what again does IMHO mean???? I still havent figured that out *is frustrated* but anyway, I can also watch with my parents who relate to the teens thinking of me and my friends but also relate to the parents seeing in Patty and Graham themselves or friend's of theirs. Patty and Graham being in the show is what makes it a show that ANYONE can watch and get enjoyment out of and can find relatable to some respect. Whether it be the Patty/Graham part, the Angela/Rayanne, Angela/Jordan, Angela/Rickie, Angela/Brian, Rayanne/Rickie etc. etc, or the Patty/Angela, Angela/Danielle. I mean it's all those different relations hips and interactions that make it the wonderful multi faceted/perspectived show that it is. I believe that is part of what makes it different, It has like a nice in between appeal from like something like Dawsons Creek or teen shows like that and cheesy "family" shows like Full house both of which seem to depict things kinda unrealistically, This shows both sides, without really being cheesy. I can't explain it any better, I'm just going to hope someone here is going to GET what I'm trying to say here, But Yes you are entitled to think that the show would be better without Patty and Graham or that they suck, I'm just saying my opinion, which differs with that, because, like so many others, I think Patty and Graham are essential in depicting the REALISTIC life of a teenager Angelas age. The average teen of a two parent household, with a sister and finding her way through adolescence, and so on, and the life of that average teen that age more than includes the parents. But if you feel the show would be better without them, fine, i respect that, that is your opinion, I just don't happen to agree with it and I'm stating mine, so I expect and deserve the same respect as your opinion does. as does everyone on this board. Ummkay, hope that some of that made a little sense. "people always say how you should be yourself, like yourself is this definite thing...like a toaster or something, like you can know what it is even."
I agree with you lithiumkat. The show is better with the parents. How huge a part did your parents play in your life when you lived in their house while you were a kid/teenage? HUGE. I rest my case. It's unbelieveable without Patty and Graham. Plus, Graham is super yummy to look at!
In My Humble Opinion. Angela talk! Um, in my room, one seam is a little off and I stare at it constantly. It's, like, destroying me.
Tyler's response!Wow! This has been well bumped up, lol. Guess I should have expected such a passionate reply considering it was such an amazing show. K, so i just saw this thread that i'd forgotton all about and thought i'd reply, seeing as i started such a controversial topic lol. So, here goes........
Took on board what everyone has to say, and i guess a lot of people have got a point. Particularly how it affected Angela's life and certain plots in the storyline etc. But, I'm not eating humble pie just yet. Having thought about this, there were an awful lot of plots that were nothing to do with Angela and co and just about Patty and Graham's life. Does anyone think that these were neccesary? After all, it was Angela's 'So Called Life'. Or, was it My So Called Life being a little greedy and trying to appeal to too big an audience, thus causing it's downfall in ratings? I know a lot of older people enjoyed the show just as much as younger people but I've spoken to a few friends and the Patty/Graham senarios made them switch off. . Ouch, thats gonna cause problems. *hides under a table*. sorry, had to make the point. Everyones entitled to their own opinion, and I realise I'm fighting a losing battle, just thought it'd be a bit of fun. "My sons a homosexual and I love him. I love my dead, gay son"
Re: Tyler's response!Hmm. Got an email that this topic had been responded to.
Now's a great time to start. Or if you'd rather, i've got some crow. Good joke! 100%! Granted that the show was highly original in that it was from a teenage girl's point of view, but how many jillions of lame 'teens growing up' series have there been where adults around them were cliches or hazy cyphers? Say what? Greedy? Every show survives or dies by the ratings. Ratings require audience. It's demise had more to do with timeslot, poor handling, as well as early cancellation. Cheers' first season had dismal ratings but because it was a great show and was given a chance, it ended up being one of the longest running series ever. All i can say to whomever made the cancellation decision is: Well, that's to be expected. You can take solace in the fact that there will always be people with that sort of superficiality and poor taste. Plus there are those too young and naive to realize how much responsibility for and effect on a child a parent has and therefore how much what's going on their lives can affect their kids. Beyond that there's the plain fact that the show would have been half as good without them. Everything they said and did (with the exception of their activities in "Weekend") was quite relevant to Angela's life. Having been a kid once upon a time, i can look back and easily see how dense i was when that age and thought parents were so... irrelevant to the day to day. I won't continue. After all, i probably couldn't come up with more than a dozen or so more reasons they were necessary. Been a member since sometime BR (before Ross)
Re: Patty and Graham suck!Interesting. I think the adult relationships in the show are a great dynamic to MSCL. In most shows about adolescents, adults are generally in the peripheral, if they are present at all. MSCL unites the experiences of teenagers and adults and tells great stories from both perspectives. I think it is a great attempt to bring two demographics together and show them "how the other half lives." It's rare that teenagers consider adult situations, and adults rarely take teenaged situations seriously. The series highlights both, takes both seriously, and actually does a good job of linking common threads between them. Good examples of this are the "Father Figures" and "The Zit" episodes, dealing with parents and beauty issues for both generations.
Also, Rayanne's mother and the relationship they share is also apart of this discussion. A lot of Rayanne's character is shaped by her mother and her absent father, just as much as Angela's is shaped her her parents. I thought they did a great job with Rayanne's mother. Who is onlineUsers browsing this forum: No registered users and 1 guest |