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Post by socalledfan » Jul 12th 2002, 2:26 pm

Amber? Is that you? How's your daughter Rayanne doing???


BTW, I love that scene between Amber and Patty...the two moms could not be MORE opposite!

And, what Amber said is true, right? Don't you remember in grade school, when you just couldn't get enough of your friends?? :)
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Post by StrawberryGirl » Jul 12th 2002, 2:45 pm

candygirl, that was just great. :D I hadn't heard that MSCL quote FOREVER (it's not an episode that I have on VHS). It is so true though- I had friends in elementary school who were just the center of my universe- no, the center of THE universe, according to me. How funny.

btw candygirl, does the Girls Just Wanna Have Fun dvd have any cool bonus features? I may just have to get it- my vhs is pretty beat up. :D

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tune in Toyko!

Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jul 12th 2002, 4:15 pm

Sadly, there is absolutely NO bonus material on the GJWTHF DVD. There really isn't even a menu per se. You turn on the DVD player and your two choices are widescreen or not. They did choose a picture from the DTV auditions to show the difference, so that was pretty funny but I was very sad about the lack of bonus material.

I kind of get the feeling that Sarah, Helen, Shannen, and Jonathan don't really consider this movie the pinnacle of their careers. Whenever I see articles or interviews with them (especially recently what with Sex in the City, Helen Hunt's Oscar, and Charmed), I always hope that they will mention this movie. A girl can dream. :D

I finally got the DVD of Heathers (which has a great documentary as well as the script for the original ending) and was jumping up and down clapping my hands laughing happy to see that GJWTHF was listed in Shannen Doherty's selected works. In contrast to the glaring lack of GJWTHF, the Heathers DVD included recent interviews with Winona Ryder, Christian Slater, Shannen Doherty, Lisanne Falk, Michael Lehmann, Denise Di Novi, and Daniel Waters.

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Post by K-man » Jul 17th 2002, 11:08 am

So Called Fan and Candygirl,
Thanks for the input. I will have to go and re-watch Say Anything and pay specific attention to Lloyd and his behavior.
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jul 17th 2002, 3:34 pm

P.S. For those of you who are enamored of John Cusack


They have an awesome t-shirt of Lloyd holding up the boombox silhouetted in front of the whitehouse.


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Post by Debs » Jul 17th 2002, 4:42 pm


That's the movie. Anyone else remember it? :shock:
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Re: tune in Toyko!

Post by StrawberryGirl » Jul 17th 2002, 5:22 pm

candygirl wrote:Sadly, there is absolutely NO bonus material on the GJWTHF DVD.
That's so stupid that there's no bonus material! I'll probably still buy it anyway, and the second I do, they'll come out with some fabulous special edition set...of course. :roll:

I'd seen that Cusak for President site before. It's pretty bizzare, but I definately want a shirt. :)

And Debs, I've seen Shag a few times before, but my memories of it are still really vague somehow. Wasn't Pheobe Cate's name Carson in that movie? I used to think that was a really cool name for a girl, but that was before the whole stupid Carson Daly-TRL phenomenon. Anyway. I'll have to go rent it and refresh my memory. :)

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jul 17th 2002, 6:41 pm

Coincidentally, I just found a t-shirt very similar to the Cusack for President one, only without the White House behind him. Yesterday I was wandering around on Telegraph and there it was - Lloyd in all his yummy goodness!

Re: shag
Bridget Fonda too!



Post by Meg » Jul 18th 2002, 9:52 am

Ok, since Airbrone was mentioned, I have to offer my favorite quote:

"I could give two left testicles about you, your schoool, or your hockey game. I'm out of here in three months. Three months. Do you think that I am going to waste my time on you or anyone else? Well, you ain't worth it, bra. No one here is. No one."

Hee. I actually love the dumb surfer blonde (Mitchell Goosen), and Jack Black is hilarious in that movie! ("Did he just call you a piece of underwear?")


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Goooo, K-man!

Post by socalledfan » Jul 18th 2002, 1:43 pm

Hey guys....thanks for the Cusack for President link...TOO COOL! 8)

K-man, no problem, don't mention it. ;-)

Now GO watch the movie, and, as Lloyd's best friend Corey says...

"Get ready for greatness, Lloyd!"

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jul 18th 2002, 2:26 pm

Back to a previous question: one of the reasons that Lloyd is so great is that he's looking for a "dare to be great situation" which I admire. Everyone thinks that Diane Cort is out of his league, but he goes for it anyway. It takes a lot of courage to do something like that instead of settling for a safe bet. He's got balls and I admire that! Figuratively speaking, that is.


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Post by socalledfan » Jul 18th 2002, 2:29 pm

AND...he wrote this letter after they slept together.

"Dear Diane,
I'll always be here for you.
All the love in my heart,


Don't you love these fictional letters??? I'm talking about Lloyd's, and Jordan's (ghost written by Krakow)....


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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jul 18th 2002, 2:31 pm

That is sooo true. I still have a letter from the Boy Who Broke My Heart (my personal Jordan), even though it makes me cry to read it. And one day my grandkids will find it in a trunk in the attic and wonder who would do such a mean thing to granny.

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So true, sista!

Post by socalledfan » Jul 18th 2002, 2:34 pm


Yup, yup!

I had a Jordan too. My very own Jordan Catalano. He devastated me! And yes, I saved all his notes/letters. WHY?? They only tortured me, right?

It doesn't matter now though...I found my "Lloyd" (and married him too)!

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jul 18th 2002, 2:44 pm

For a while I thought that I had a masochistic side that was forcing me to keep these painful reminders. Then I realized I'm just a sentimental packrat! Even though he made me cry, it's good to remember that and to know why so that I never got involved with someone else like him. And when I found my Lloyd, it was that much better because I recognized how awesome he was, especially compared to my heart-stomping Jordan.

ahhh, l'amour!

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