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Site Relaunch
Site RelaunchThis right girls and boys the new site is up and running.
Please let us know what you think. Mike Glenn Project Manager for MSCL.COM Re: Site RelaunchIt's like...really cool! It rocks!
Re: Site RelaunchI really like the new design...the only thing that's annoying is that fact that it's telling me (on the board) that I haven't read any of the
messages (they all say "new"). =) Tracey Re: Site RelaunchThe new design is very easy to use. About bloody time those dark and mysterious image maps were removed!
I would feel better about it if someone used a spell-checker. And remembered that proper English punctuation does not use spaces before exclams and queries. I would feel better yet if this project team did not turn away all offers of outside assistance with such matters as spell-checking and editing, as they have done on several occasions. When such favours are freely offered, on a site that is risking difficulties because of violations of copyright, one might do well to take them. One needs all the help that one can get. A Concerned British Fan Visiting the States Re: Site RelaunchTracey, my message board all read "new" also, but then it just mysteriously cleared up.
Re: Site RelaunchOh my gosh, this new site RULES!!!!! Congratulations, you guys -- you done good. I'm so happy right now, I feel personally invested in this whole thing. Crazy I know, but it's so awesome to see the new design you've come up with!! Thanks!
Re: Site RelaunchMine did the same thing, but once I signed in, it recognized my name and only put "new" next to the TRULY new ones.
![]() ![]() Re: Site RelaunchWooow ... one of the best sites just gott better.
![]() ake Re: Site RelaunchHey British guy --- chill out, dude. The people who put the site
together are under no obligation to enlist your services --- I don't think you should give them a hard time about it. I for one often prefer to read the separated exclamation marks, etc. (On com- puter, this type of separation can make text much easier to read.). Remember, rules of language & writing are destined to be broken (How else would the world have so many different languages and dialects ?). Sorry, I just had to throw in the separated question mark above ! Re: Site RelaunchI'm just so glad that it's finally done. And I love the changes. Not that I had much to complain about before. Actually it's been a good MSCL day. I just found out that the 2nd MSCL box set I've been waiting for has arrived and I just have to go pick it up. Then I checked in here and found the site was finished being updated. Great job. And thank you to all of you. I think that the nasty british person has some things to deal with.
Re: i agreeand as for copyright infringement, there is a thing called "fair use". they aren't making profit off this site or claiming rights to any of the material (read the disclaimer). i don't think they have much to worry about.
Re: Site RelaunchWell I'll take a deep breath and make every attempt to put this nicely.
First off on the spell checking and punctuation. The person who put almost a year of his personal time in to designing the new site is from Europe and English is not their first language. Actually only about half of the team uses english as their first language. We launched the site rather quickly due to issues that have nothing to do with the redesign and more with moving the site to our own server. So If you see a mistake please feel free to drop us a line at comments@mscl.com As for the offer for assistance I'm not sure how you can say we have turned down assistance in the past. I have been the project manager for MSCL.COM since Feb. of 98 and was a member of the original forming group started be Steve Joyner. I have at numerous times offered team memberships to people. At least one of which was posted to this board to someone who wanted to have a site to attempt the revival of the show. I will make the offer here to anyone who would like to devote time to this effort please drop us a line a comments@mscl.com I will be happy to consider any help that might be offered. Now as for the copyright issue, please review the "Fair use and Parody" clause of the US copyright laws. Mike Glenn Project Manager for MSCL.COM Re: Site RelaunchMike,
Don't let "anonymous" get under your skin. I think all of you at mscl.com are doing a fine job. I'm positive I'm not alone in appreciating the sacrifice of personal time all of you have made in putting together a wonderful website I visit every single day. I have "met" several people on this discussion board who I consider friends. It brightens my day when I see that any one of them have posted a message. I have exchanged e-mails with several of them, was able to acquire the "missing episodes" from one and even had a brief conversation with one via aol messenger. I would not have met any of these people if it weren't for this website. I thought I was alone in my enjoyment and appreciation of one of the best shows that has ever aired. Thank you all for showing me I was wrong. Take care. Jack Re: Site RelaunchI'd like to take a moment to second Jack's sentiments. Interesting that "Anonymous" felt it was his/her duty to publicly critque the site, but didn't feel it was necessary to leave a name. I don't see him putting his valuable time and efforts into a site that brings happiness to so many people. Some people just don't get it.
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