Entire Series on VHS!!!!

Looking for "My So-Called Life" items or willing to part with one?
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Overlooked Sibling
Posts: 48
Joined: Dec 23rd 2001, 12:48 am

Entire Series on VHS!!!!

Post by Colene » Dec 23rd 2001, 12:52 am


I am a big fan of MSCL and have my own collection of the series that I'd be willing to share.

Just to clarify, this is not the red or blue box sets. All 19 episodes were recorded from MTV (not Fox Family, which aired versions of the show that were edited for mature content).

There are 3 episodes per tape for five tapes (each tape running 2-1/4
hours in length) and the sixth tape has 4 episodes (running 3 hours in
length). They are recorded in SP mode on Fujifilm HQ 160 high quality
tapes (except for tape 6 which is recorded on a T-180 tape, to account
for the extra episode). There are absolutely NO commercials.

The episodes, as they appear on each tape in chronological order, are:

Tape 1: The Pilot / Dancing In The Dark / Guns & Gossip
Tape 2: Father Figures / The Zit / The Substitute
Tape 3: Why Jordan Can't Read / Strangers In The House / Halloween
Tape 4: Other People's Mothers / The Life Of Brian / Self Esteem
Tape 5: Pressure / On The Wagon / So-Called Angels
Tape 6: Resolutions / Betrayal / Weekend / In Dreams Begin Responsibilities

I know that the postings on here are sporadic, but anyone can e-mail me anytime and let me know if they're interested. I always check my e mail often: heav31@yahoo.com



Re: Entire Series on VHS!!!!

Post by Guest » Dec 24th 2001, 12:08 am

This is really great of you! I sent you an email, just let me know. Are you selling your set or copying it for interested people? How about only certain episodes and not the whole set... etc...I guess I am repeating my email questions, just reply when you have time. Happy Holidays!

Laura (zandorpha@hotmail.com)

Overlooked Sibling
Posts: 48
Joined: Dec 23rd 2001, 12:48 am

Re: Entire Series on VHS!!!!

Post by Colene » Jan 2nd 2002, 7:25 pm


I'd copy my set and sell to people :) I'd be willing to sell copies of all 19 episodes or just certain episodes...whatever people were missing. I know lots of people would want the last 7 episodes since it's soo hard to find.

Like I said, e mail me and I'm sure we can work something out :)
Colene (heav31@yahoo.com)

Posts: 7
Joined: Oct 2nd 2002, 1:03 am
Location: NY


Post by Synthetic » Oct 2nd 2002, 1:18 am

I have the last 6 episodes and the zit, I am missing the rest :cry:

colene again

Post by colene again » Oct 11th 2002, 4:27 am

hey guys...i'm still around and it's no bother if you want me to tape episodes for you. just email me (heav31@yahoo.com) and we'll work something out.


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