Jordans Car!

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Jordans Car!

Post by Guest » Oct 31st 2001, 11:50 pm

This is a long story and I will explain for serious interest. My friend has purchased Jordan's convertable and is willing to sell. He has never seen an episode, but I'm sure he just might now. He might keep the car after watching the show but please reply if interested.

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Jody Barsh
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Jordan's Car

Post by neal » Oct 21st 2002, 1:26 pm

Can you give me some more info about it? What is the model, type, and year? Is it the actual car from the shows or is it the same model type and year? Thanks.
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Paint it black
Nicky Driscoll
Posts: 18
Joined: Nov 14th 2002, 12:18 pm

Post by Paint it black » Nov 22nd 2002, 10:28 pm

Not to rain on your parade but what? you have a car allegedly owned by Jordan? Is it just me or am I finding this hard to believe. Ok im sure u have a car, that looks like some other car but so??? - Ps will you ship to the uk?

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