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CD art & liner notes for *unofficial soundtrack*CD art & liner notes for *unofficial soundtrack*Tracey (and anyone else interested):
I made a page for us to "display" our CD art ideas. I have absolutely NO problem with you taking any of my images and altering them, so feel free to do so! You can resubmit them to me through email (somastars@aol.com). I'll give everyone who submits anything proper credit (unless they wish to be anonymous) and ALL submissions will be displayed. If anyone submits an image and they wish to NOT allow altering by others, please tell me and I'll note it on the page. Any alterations to an image will result in credit for BOTH (or more) contributors (again, unless they wish to be anonymous). Please keep images to 5x5 inches or less. And when you submit an image, please note which section of the CD it's meant for (cover art, liner notes, etc). Here's the page: http://www.geocities.com/somamoons/mscl.htm Re: CD artI really like your idea for the cover art! I'm interested to see what everyone else has as well....
Good job, guys! I'm so impressed!
Re: CD artI got some special stickers and paper for making cd labels and inserts, so once we get all the artwork decided on, I can print it all out and send it to oldguy or something...I experimented with it and it's pretty cool. Go to soma's page to see all the artwork ideas so far. And PLEASE contribute your ideas- we want all the input possible because it makes it more OUR project. I mean, you can be involved in the cd production, and I personally think that's pretty cool. Plus, you could get your name in the liner notes! =) I have so much fun playing with the images! All you need is paintbrush and an imagination...go at it!
Tracey Re: CD artI would like information in the liner notes detailing each song such as, what episode, what scene,
the importance of the song (if there is one), that sort of thing. It's one of my pet peeves to pick up a soundtrack and not get any information other than the artist and who owns the rights. Oh yeah, Tracey, it's nice to see I'm not the only one with MSCL on my mind let in the evening and into the night.
Re: CD artI actually hadn't thought of all that stuff, so I'm glad you brought it up...all the details would definitely be nice....and yeah, got mscl on the brain...I spent half the evening messing with my new cd labels (I forgot to buy the software to make them, so I was trying to adapt paintbrush...long story) and doing some rough designs for the mscl labels...
Tracey liner notesI was thinking we could do a one page back to back and fold it (think Pearl Jam's "Ten" - just the folding style, not the graphics layout). I was going to look at some cds that I have to see what size paper they use (letter or legal) and how they fit the images onto it.
I was thinking we could do reproductions via Kinko's. We can take the images to them via disk (retains clarity better than paper to paper) and also get color/glossy/whatever. I know color glossies run $.99 PER side, but if you don't use glossy it's cheaper. And sometimes they have specials - like if you leave them overnight they'll charge half price or something. I'd love to do the Kinko's thing - I'm kinda used to it. I had to do a brochure for my job once, so I know how to layout things so they fall into place when folded. Anyway, once we got a layout I could call Kinko's to get a finalized price. Re: liner notesWould Kinko's be concerned about copyright infringement? This happened to me once at another
copy place before there was a Kinko's (I owned the copyright so it didn't matter, but it would've). Just something to look into. I have been thinking about the legality of the whole thing but I believe as long as no one is profitting then we can do what we want. We're just a bunch of "MSCL fans/friends" doing a group project, and that's the story I'm sticking with! I think we're okay, but if anybody out there has any previous experience with this shakey legal area (music/photo/art duplication and such) please share it with us.
Re: liner notesMy brother went to kinko's once to copy some pictures for a school scrapbook, and they made him swear it was for a school project and then he could only copy one picture from each book, so yeah, I think we might have some problems getting kinko's to do it. And technically, this is quasi-legal from a recording standpoint, because they assume that we'd go out and buy the artists entire cd if we don't have this. BUT, I personally probably wouldn't buy many of them just for one song, and if I wanted it THAT bad, I would probably buy the album anyway just because I like the artist or something...anyway, the copyright thing is the whole reason I figured that I could reproduce them on my printer at home. They wouldn't be glossy (because, like soma said, it's cheaper), but the quality is pretty decent (I tested it already).
Tracey Re: liner notesI've made liner notes and cover art on home equipment before.
Actually, it usually turns out fine --- the only really tough part is cutting the paper perfectly straight and to the right size! I don't believe we are doing anything illegal. Even if we sold this CD, it wouldn't be illegal --- We would simply owe royalties to ABC and to the bands who recorded the music, etc. But if we don't earn any royalties ourselves, we have nothing to worry about. Kinko's makes a lot of money, though, so they are trying to cover their own butts from lawsuits. Let's just do it ourselves and then we won't have to worry about Kinko's paranoia. Re: liner notesabout that copy right thing with the artists as long as no one gets anal about it we should be fine.i was just wondering how many people want this cd because it could get a little costly. i would pay for the costs to make it and the shiping because this seems like it will rock.
Re: liner notesTo sell this CD WOULD be completely illegal! So let's not even think about that. It says clearly
on any CD, or videotape or book or whatever that it cannot be reproduced without expressed written permission from the artist. One of the reasons for this, royalties aside, is exactly what Tracey said, she wouldn't by a CD for one song, but there are plenty of people who would and there are plenty of one-hit-wonders that continue to sell CD's because of one song and they want to keep it that way. Now, that being said, here's how we get around this: 1) Oldguy doesn't sell the CD's. He sells everyone a pencil or something for 8 bucks (or whatever the cost is going to be) and gives the CD away as gift along with it. It's an old ticket scalpers trick. 2) Most likely if ABC or the recording artists "get wind", a nasty letter from a law firm will be dispatched demanded us to cease and desist. This happened to a friend of mind who actually sold a book on how to build the robot from Lost In Space (the TV series, not the movie). He continued to sell it at Sci-Fi Conventions and nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. He thinks the reason for this is bacause he's too small a fish. They'd spend more in litigation then they're ever going to get. I think that's where we'd fit in. We're too small to worry about. Oh, I think we'd get the nasty letter to scare us, but that's all. So I say damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead. P.S. Even though I knew my friend's experience in this sort of thing, I placed the original post to see if anyone out there had a similar or different experience. (your over-worked, over-tired, fellow MSCL fan) Jack Re: liner notesYeah, selling it commercially WOULD be totally illegal. But you're right about the "selling a pencil" trick. Actually, someone did that on ebay for a set of MSCL videos. He (or she) was auctioning off "gum," and the videos were like a thank you gift for buying the gum.
I had been kinda skitish about the copyright thing, too. I'm glad someone brought it up. But we should be ok as long as we stay in the "grey" area. ![]()
Re: liner notesthose mscl videos on ebay....i was the crazy one that bought them....and i didn't get my gum =)
Tracey Re: liner notesJack, I have no intention of trying to sell other people's copyrighted material.
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