mscl goes on book

Discussion and questions about the FanFiction section of You can also post excerpts of your unfinished stories here if you're looking for feedback or ideas.

Post by Guest » Aug 15th 2003, 7:47 pm

Nik wrote:Like said before--If continuation is what you desire--definately check out the FanFic. I have read all of Shannon Bryan's and Shobi's entries. I love them. I am now deciding who's I want to read next. It is great to have so many different ideas and views about where these characters go.
I agree the fanfiction available on this site is wonderful. Some of the reviews attached to the stories are pretty harsh though. So far Shobi's stories have been the best for me I haven't read much of Shannon's yet but I like what I've seen and have heard lots of good things. Some people are not satisfied with the fanfiction because they feel the authors haven't been able to capture the characters or tone of the show properly, I don't carry this sentiment myself. It's true that I haven't yet found an author who has presented the characters the same way I perceived them but I wouldn't expect that to happen. A common complaint seems to be that Jordan is rarely consistent with how he is in the tv series. I might be wrong but I think Jordan was on the cusp of major emotional development when the show ended and could not be realistically portrayed in the same way in anything that attempts to be a continuation. People have made criticisms about fanfiction involving Jordan discussing his feelings with characters such as Sharon or Rayanne. I can see how they would find this unlikely but I maintain that Jordan is someone who will often do the unlikely. He has a heart to heart with Patty in "In Dreams..." for crying out loud, he is capable of anything...imho.

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Post by grim4746 » Aug 15th 2003, 7:51 pm

whoops! the above post was mine. I forgot to make sure the site hadn't bumped me out before posting. I don't know how long it'll take me to get used to that. :oops:

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Post by lithiumkat » Sep 8th 2003, 3:31 pm

i'll agree i thought it was utterly ridiculous and was extremely dissappointed. it was just...............stupid to say the least.
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Post by TooCool4Skool » Jan 10th 2005, 12:26 am

Would Winnie Holtzman ever think about just writing a book? That would be sooooo cool if she did... I know that I would read it. It would almost be as good as watching the show... almost. :(

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Post by schris » Jan 11th 2005, 2:12 pm

I just read the first two chapters and it's awful! :shock: If you want to read something that is true to the characters go to the fanfics!

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Post by Nothingman » Jan 11th 2005, 7:52 pm

Yeah, it is bad. I should find my copy and sell it for $200 on ebay, then I can laugh all the way to the bank.
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