Wot a cliver I D A

Discussion and questions about the FanFiction section of MSCL.com. You can also post excerpts of your unfinished stories here if you're looking for feedback or ideas.
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Wot a cliver I D A

Post by Guest » Jul 21st 1999, 11:41 am

Just writing to say I think the page which allows MSCL fans to continue
making additions to a never ending script..Evolving in many directions at once is probably the most origional web page idea ive ever seen. I once tried to write a script for mscl myself but didnt have the patience..This way is far more instantly gratifying...especilay when someone carries on one of your stories.
I had a terrific time today..making both serious and not so serious aditions to the plot..Its the best way ive found yet of wasting time at work ;) Rock on guys !

Ps: Maybe you should publicise it more ? Id imagine many MSCL fans whod be daunted by the fan fiction site would enjoy exploring the characters for themseleves
PPS: I think its tres cool how ther are both deep, emotional and true to life story lines and also ridiculous / hilarious ones
PPS: I am not an employee of MSCL. com ;) hehe. Im just hugely impressed

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