Looking for friends (or more) in Denver

If you want to share some events in your life or thoughts about life in general with other MSCL fans or if you just want post a rant to let some steam off - this is the place.
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Frozen Embryo
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Joined: Aug 21st 2011, 12:45 pm

Looking for friends (or more) in Denver

Post by PeachSnowFalling » Aug 21st 2011, 8:50 pm

Hi, I'm a rabid MSCL fan looking to make some friends in my general age range (20's; I'm 28 but have mostly younger friends) and possibly more if I meet the right person. Rediscovering MSCL has been awesome (I originally saw it as a little kid but only vaguely recalled enjoying it). I must say, it breaks my heart how the show ends; I realize it's meant to be a cliff-hanger, but come on, people!! That's just wrong! I'm an artist (BFA) and musician (focusing on guitar + vocals right now but I also have a keyboard and drum set). I am a medical MJ patient and hold strong views about decriminalization efforts so potential friends need to at least be "420 friendly." More interests include video games, philosophy, spirituality (I go to a religious science church; no, not Scientology or Christian Science), world peace, Buddhism, freeing Tibet. Radiohead are my favorite band; I've got Brandi Carlile's sig tattoo'ed in red on my inner forearm, and seriously, the music discussion deserves its own post (if not thread). If nothing else it'd be cool to meet some people to talk with MSCL with but having my own real-world versions of Rickie, Rayanne, Sharon, Brian (how about a female Jordan, if you catch my drift? :P ) would be awesome. I'm a cool guy, I'm just a bit shy and maybe a fair mix of Angela/Brian in terms of self-introspection and social awkwardness (especially with girls I like). I am uber-excited to be part of the community and maybe when they invent a group dream machine a bunch of us can get together and dream up some more seasons to MSCL (maybe with fan-fiction as a guide?), or at least a decent conclusion :wink: I'm not even joking. But in the meantime, it's good to be here and thanks for reading :)

*secret MSCL handshake/body gesture 0X *


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