- My So-Called Life (Pi... - #1 »
- Dancing in the Dark - #2 »
- Guns and Gossip - #3 »
- Father Figures - #4 »
- The Zit - #5 »
- The Substitute - #6 »
- Why Jordan Can't Read - #7 »
- Strangers in the Hous... - #8 »
- Halloween - #9 »
- Other People's Daught... - #10 »
- Life of Brian - #11 »
- Self-Esteem - #12 »
- Pressure - #13 »
- On the Wagon - #14 »
- So-Called Angels - #15 »
- Resolutions - #16 »
- Betrayal - #17 »
- Weekend - #18 »
- In Dreams Begin Respo... - #19 »
FelicityI ordered my Felicity set through amazon.ca too, and I'm hoping it'll arrive by tomorrow. Yay! I can't wait. And it was so trouble-free compared to this neverending nightmare. Amazon had a great price for the Felicity set -- $58 Cdn which is about $38 US. For a full 22-episode season on three discs. I shudder to think I've paid out more than $250 Cdn to AU and haven't seen a damn thing yet, and even if I get the MSCL set, it'll still have put me back $130 Cdn, as opposed to $90 on Amazon. I've learned my lesson not to deal with small-time vendors again, or at least never, ever to pre-pay anything in full without there being a product yet. Let the buyer beware, I guess.
I heard that on the Felicity DVDs that some or most of the original songs used have been replaced with other songs because of copyright and cost issues. Have you watched any episodes yet? Is this true? What about the MSCL discs -- was all the music cleared or some replaced?
Can't speak to Felicity, but MSCL music is 100% intact. It caused a bit of a legal fuss when the project first started, but it was all straightened out before manufacturing began. I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.
-- Clarence Darrow I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it. -- Mark Twain I just recently got into watching Felicity. They started playing it from the beginning on the WE (Women's Entertainment) Channel. It's a great show. I hope that that is not true about them changing the original music for the DVD b/c of music clearances. I can't imagine it being the same without that music.
![]() Oh, and did the guy who did the music for MSCL (Snuffy Walden?) do it for Felicity? I thought that I saw that in the credits. "I have all these dreams where I know exactly what to say. And you tell me, you know, that you forgive me."
I just watched Felicity for the first time this morning (it just ended), and the whole time I was thinking the music sounded similar. So I checked, and yes, it is Snuffy Walden. so says Sparx.
I finished the first disc last night...I didn't pay that close attention to the music but I've watched season one of felicity many times on my vhs copies and didn't notice any significant changes in the music for the most part. I love the song "angel" by sarah mclachlan. they use her alot and a song by peter gabriel they play in the first episode I think it is. I've actually noticed alot of similarities with my so-called life and felicity. The voiceover, the music by snuffy walden, the overbearing parents, the crush/obsession, the geeky guy in love with the main character.....Ahhhh! I can't wait for the dvds!!!!
~I wanna be sedated...~
I got the Felicity DVDs last night. I was surprised to see the audio commentary by the shows creators, J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves. As I watched the pilot episode with the commentary on, I was delighted to hear about what happened behind-the-scenes of one of my favorite shows. Interesting tidbits: Scott Foley was originally cast as the "Ben" role, Ben's name was originally Billy, until they read the Ally McBeal script, Meghan was not originally supposed to be a main character...
I only hope that the MSCL bonus disc is as fascinating and insightful (if it ever gets completed). I also need to echo sonica's comments about Felicity and MSCL's similarities. Rewatching the pilot of Felicity, I noticed the voiceover/tape to Sally, which they stopped doing later in the series. Also, the non-traditional use of light and shadow is very similar in the two series. I wish my cable company offered WE...
FELICITY RULES!!Felicity was the best show on television after 1995. I was totally devestated when it got cancelled, but glad to have had it around for the four years that it was.
In the last episode of the first season on the DVD, the creators do another audio commentary and they say that they were glad that the WB took a chance on their show and kept it around for as long as it did because shows like this really need time for people to fall in love with the characters. They also mention that other shows like My So Called Life never got that chance and that was too bad. If you haven't seen Felicity, you MUST start watching it. At first, it was toted as being the next MSCL, but eventually, it did develop its own little personality and became its own show. It's very quirky, romantic, and funny. The actors are amazing, the writing is great, and it really made me happy watching this show. If you've only seen the first season of it, let me tell you it gets even BETTER. I hope they release the rest of the seasons on DVD too....
Last night was like Christmas! Came home to find the following waiting for me: Felicity, Once & Again, Sports Night, Before Sunrise, and Dark Shadows, vol. 3. Actually met the UPS guy as he was stepping off the truck, package in hand.
![]() It was the coolest thing ever, watching the pilot with commentary. Keri said that Matt Reeves directed it, so hearing his thoughts was a big PLUS, as the pilot is probably my favorite episode in the series for it's cinematic quality. Looked kind of odd on my computer, might have to try watching on a tv...ech. The only thing that blew were all the ABC daytime promos at the start of the disk. -Kassandra "Sometimes things happen between people that you don't really expect. And sometimes the things that are important are the ones that seem the weirdest or the most wrong, and those are the ones that change your life."
Jessie, "Once and Again" on WE all the music was changed. for details check out http://www.felicitytunes.com/ The Unofficial AnotherUniverse.com/My So-Called Life DVD-Booklet - Finally available for download!
*** The AU/RR appreciation Site *** Interesting. I didn't notice at all, but how could I? I never watched the original. That blows. "I have all these dreams where I know exactly what to say. And you tell me, you know, that you forgive me."
I've never seen Once and Again, but I really enjoyed Felicity early on. The first couple of seasons were pretty charming and unique. Things started going downhill in the third season, with retread plots and both Felicity and Ben getting to be pretty unlikable as characters. The last season was definitely limping to the finish line, with endless, ridiculous recycling of the Ben/Noel/Felicity triangle. They partially redeemed things with a quirky stunt for the last few episodes, but it really was time for the show to go. The supporting cast was great throughout the series, though, especially early on when Felicity lived in the dorm with a cast of freaks. But the lead characters got more obnoxious and self-absorbed and unlikable as the show went on. One other thing... It's really too bad that they're changing all the music, since music is such an integrated part of a lot of the WB shows. I'm really disappointed that we're not getting the show as it was originally aired, especially since some artists that I know personally had songs featured on the show at various times. It would have been cool for that to be preserved for eternity on DVD. JRjr That's EXACTLY how I feel about the show. I was a very dedicated fan, and I was even a huge Felicity and Ben supporter, but even I could admit that they went to the well one too many times with the Ben/Felicity/Noel triangle and that they started creating more and more absurd obstacles in the Ben/Felicity relationship. It got very soapy by the fourth season, and they seemed like they had just run out of ideas. I did like the final four episodes, and that's the perfect way to describe it --- "redeemed". I think the fourth season was the very weakest of the four. I wasn't too sad to see the show go, despite the fact that it was my very favourite show after MSCL went off the air. It really was time for them to hang it up. Four seasons were enough to see them graduate and shows always go off the rails once the characters leave school in a show where school was the main setting. But I think season one and two of Felicity were magical. There were a lot of bright moments in season three as well. I'd be happy to see all four season released on DVD eventually. Wonder how sales are doing for the first set? As for the music, I'm very disappointed so much music has been replaced. The music was definitely a character on the show practically. I made all these CDs with Felicity music, and everytime I heard a certain song, it'd bring back memories of scenes. Now that's lost. But I read the Pilot and the first season finale episodes do have the music intact. Also that season two will have replaced music, but season three and four should have all the original music used. Don't have any reliable confirmation of this, but it's what I've read on other boards. As for whether to buy the Felicity set or the Once and Again set, my vote is obviously for Felicity. I never quite got into Once and Again. Those black and white confessionals annoyed me. They were like testimonials for some wonder drug or something. But if you loved MSCL, I think you would like Felicity a lot too. And, no, only season one of Once and Again has been released, not the whole series.
UK guy asks about FELICITYTo my knowledge it's never been on here, certainly not on terrestrial TV. What's it like? If I love MSCL is FELICITY a good replacement for a lack for MSCL season 2? Is there only 1 season of FELICITY?
I can buy it on DVD, I have a multi-region player, just want to know what it's really like. Somebody give me a write up please!! ![]() Who is onlineUsers browsing this forum: No registered users and 1 guest |