*UNOFFICIAL* MSCL soundtrack

Talk about the soundtrack of MSCL. You can find a list of songs played in the episodes here.
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email problem / new address

Post by oldguy » Oct 4th 2001, 7:14 pm

Hi folks,

Unfortunately, my go.com email was pulled from me (for no apparent reason!). So I lost all of the messages several of you already sent me. Can each of you interested in the CDs again send me your postal mailing addresses? Send to:


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MSCL Audio CDs

Post by oldguy » Dec 4th 2001, 9:05 am

For those of you who sent me postal addresses: I just (finally!) sent out your copies of the MSCL Audio CDs. Each of you should get two CDs; I apologize in that there are no fancy artwork on these copies --- My printer is broken. But all of the songs featured on the show are included, as well as some memorable audio clips taken right from the show. I think you will enjoy them!

NOTE: There is a slight chance with these CDRs that they might not play on every CD player. I tested all of them on my CD players, but let me know if you get any you can't play.

Best wishes,

Old Guy

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Re: MSCL Audio CDs

Post by Dengar » Dec 6th 2001, 5:02 pm

Oldguy......your the best! Got mine yesterday and ya know what, the art work dosnt matter because theyll never leave my CD player. TYTYTYTYTYTYTY! By the way, are you the original maker of this cd? who ever made it did a very nice editing job.

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Natasha (candygirl)
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Re: MSCL Audio CDs

Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Dec 7th 2001, 3:25 am

I pledge my undying gratitude to you!! The clips are matched up with the songs so well. I could rave and rave about how awesome the CDs are and how much ass you kick for doing this. I owe you big time for this. I agree - cover art is unnecessary since this will be in the CD player forever. I also kind of like not having anything but the CD - it was a fun game to listen and not know what song or clip was coming next.

Funny related story - when I got home from work today, my boyfriend said that I got a package in the mail from Kentucky. Now I don't know anyone in Kentucky and I had totally forgotten about the CDs so he jokingly suggested that we have it tested for anthrax. (Coincidentally we just got a bunch of hepa filter things at work that will (supposedly) protect us from anthrax.) While I was inspecting the envelope, it all came together and I remembered exactly what this was and I kissed the envelope, running around the house yelling, "Oh, I love him! I love him!" Needless to say, my boyfriend wondered who this "him" from Kentucky was that I proclaimed to love so much. Then, ever the practical one, he asked, "You didn't really kiss that envelope, did you?"

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Re: MSCL Audio CDs

Post by Brandon » Dec 7th 2001, 10:01 pm

You, my friend, are awesome!! Thanks so much!!

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Re: MSCL Audio CDs

Post by oldguy » Dec 12th 2001, 5:42 pm

Hi --- Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I am the original editor. I dabble a little bit in home recording and audio work, so this was a fun project for me. I recorded all of the audio excerpts from the shows directly from video tape (with a little bit of processing). I got a lot of help, though, from folks who provided me with recordings of all of the songs. We had about 10 people in on the planning for it.

Glad you enjoy it.


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We are not worthy - you are our Hero!

Post by Joanna » Dec 12th 2001, 5:51 pm

Hi Patrick -------

Thank you so much for shipping these cd's over to the UK for me - they are truely fantastic. I have been waiting for 7 years to get some of those songs on cd and it's also so great to be able to listen to some of Angela's wisdom without having to switch on my video! Thanks again so much......what can I say? Oh how many times have I listened to 'I wanna be sedated' in the last 48 hours - I can't tell you...but I think my neighbours are starting to agree lol! These cd's are an absolute must for any MSCL fan.....go and re-live some memories...go now, GO!

Thanks soooooooo much Patrick........these cd's are the BEST (and sooooo much better than the SO-CALLED official soundtrack in the shops - yawn)!

Joanna x

"And dance by the light of the moon!"


Re: MSCL Audio CDs

Post by Guest » Dec 14th 2001, 3:36 am

Hey Oldguy, or Patrick or whatever...
I wasn't part of the original deal for these audio cds, but I would definitely interested if you are still willing to make some more of them. Let me know what you think. Email me at zandorpha@hotmail.com

Thanks! Laura


Re: MSCL Audio CDs

Post by Guest » Jan 1st 2002, 2:47 pm

Hi there,
I know you (Old Guy) sent me an email about the audio CDs, I was the late comer who was interested as well. Well can you resend that email? Somehow it got deleted, don't ask. Sorry, appreciate your help.


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Re: MSCL Audio CDs

Post by NIGHTJESSI » Jan 13th 2002, 9:36 am

I just found this site and this board, but my curiosity is definitely piqued by this thread. If you are still making these CDs, can you e-mail me the details on how to get them at: NIGHTJESSI@aol.com . I hope to hear from you soon.

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Music from the show

Post by Nevena » Jan 18th 2002, 12:38 am

I've recently been looking around on http://www.audiogalaxy.com (if you need mp3's I highly recommend it!), and found some of the songs from MSCL, as well as a few audio clips from the show. I'm thinking of putting together a CD or two of music and quotes from the show, since I've been reading the posts about oldguy's CD. I was wondering, could someone post the track lists for those CDs, with references to the appropriate quotes, just to give me an idea of how it was done?

On a somewhat related subject, I was looking at another MSCL site and noticed that the list they had of all the songs used in the show contained "Calling All Angels" by Jane Siberry and k.d. lang, but I haven't heard any mention of it on this site. I haven't seen the episode "So-Called Angels" in a long time and was wondering if that was a mistake on their webpage or if the song is actually featured in that episode. If it was used in the show, I'll definitely want to include it in my CD as it is a favorite of mine.


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Re: Music from the show

Post by NIGHTJESSI » Jan 18th 2002, 4:50 am

Nevena, I don't know the answer to your question, but the list here at this site in the Bible, <A HREF="http://www.mscl.com/bible/music.html">h ... ic.html</A> , doesn't have that song listed as being featured on the show.

As far as the CDs that are discussed on this board, the posts led me to believe it's a comprehensive collection of all the songs featured on the show, interspersed with relevant quotes. I just started posting on this board, and I e-mailed the person listed as the contact in a previous post and he got back to me fairly quickly. I don't have the CDs yet but they should soon be on their way, so you might want to check that out since it seems those CDs are still available.

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Re: Music from the show

Post by oldguy » Jan 18th 2002, 4:07 pm

Thanks for your post. I am the one who compiled a CD featuring "all" music from the show. I am unaware of a K.D. Lang song in the episode "So-called Angels", although I suppose it could be a very brief clip.

I have a 2-CD set that also features selected audio quotes from the show. If you email me your postal address, I will make you copies and ship them to you. I admit I am a little slow, don't expect them tomorrow --- but I will send them (It just may take a few weeks).


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"Unofficial" MSCL Soundtrack

Post by Brooklyn » Mar 17th 2002, 3:00 pm

I was just listening to the 2 CD's oldguy and some other people here put together. I got mine about a year and a half ago, but I haven't listened to them in months. I had forgotten how great they were! All of the songs are great and I love the added dialogue from the show. My favorite songs are Late at Night, Try, and Return to Innocence. Thanks again, oldguy.

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Re: "Unofficial" MSCL Soundtrack

Post by NIGHTJESSI » Mar 18th 2002, 4:36 pm

Oldguy, I know you do the CDs simply as a fan gesture, but I was wondering if you've had a chance yet to put together the ones you said you could send me. I'd love to hear what everyone's been raving about here.

"When you drink from the cup of life, chug." ~ Citibank billboard

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