Claire spiffs up "Los Angeles" magazine

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Claire spiffs up "Los Angeles" magazine

Post by Greybird » Jul 13th 2007, 7:06 am

She's really grown up *sigh* ... Claire Danes glistens in a billowing gown and Himalayan heels, all showing her off beautifully, on the July cover of "Los Angeles" magazine. You can see it here ... (795 x 1045, 185 KB)

If you'd like the whole piece (cover, three photo pages, two text pages) you can get a ZIP file here until at least 12 August ... (1.01 MB)

The article is fairly short, but quite lively: Claire visits some of the classic downtown L.A. movie palaces in a private tour, snapping photos with her digital camera. Thoughts on her career, and current appearance in "Evening" (with one photo), are hung thereupon.

"MSCL" is mentioned, and her iconic role. I've gathered indirectly - from this appearance, other recent interviews, and her participation on the DVD re-release - that she's become more comfortable with the fact that Angela Chase will lead off articles about her, until she's Vanessa Redgrave's current age and older. Maybe it takes a decade to get some perspective.
Greybird of Starhaven
"MSCL" crazy since March 1995

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