What did Brian tell Sharon abt the experiment night?

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What did Brian tell Sharon abt the experiment night?

Post by estherlo » Oct 7th 2006, 3:47 am

Now we see it's Brian who spreads the rumor of complete sex of Angela and Jordan. But on what ground does he have such idea since he didn't see it happening himself like he does in the later Rayanne and Jordan's affaire. Furthermore, I just can't believe Brian would have done such bad thing agaist Angela. May I speculate that he does tell something abt Jordan's visit but it goes out of control when the news goes through different peoples mouths?

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Natasha (candygirl)
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Oct 8th 2006, 1:57 am

First, I have no problem believing that Brian did such a terrible thing. He was hurt and jealous and as we see in later instances, he is not above intentionally hurting someone's feelings (see: Delia Fisher).

In addition, Brian admits that he told Sharon something about Jordan and Angela:
I didn't lie to her, I just...what difference does it make? I can imagine what she did with it.
I would guess that he told Sharon something simple (and true), like that Jordan came to see Angela, knowing that Sharon would make assumptions and embellish and then spread it around school. Sharon is an ideal person to start this rumor because (1) Brian knows her (2) Sharon knows that Brian wouldn't lie (3) Sharon is still hurt and jealous about Angela's friendship with Rayanne/being dumped by Angela (4) Sharon knows enough other gossipy people to get the rumor spread quickly.

I doubt it got more out of control when the rumor went through other people. Sharon, the only person that Brian told this to, is already saying that Angela and Jordan had sex. Unless other people are going to elaborate on that even further by adding costumes, animals, or the football team, I'd say that's about as out of control as you can get with a sex rumor in high school, especially about someone like Angela who definitely hasn't had sex yet.
Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com

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Post by Jody Barsch* » Oct 8th 2006, 6:16 pm

candygirl wrote:Unless other people are going to elaborate on that even further by adding costumes, animals, or the football team
Okay, that's why you're awesome Candygirl!
Sometimes I write a little MSCL fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1039807/Jody-Barsch
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Post by emmie » Oct 8th 2006, 11:02 pm

Jody Barsch* wrote:
candygirl wrote:Unless other people are going to elaborate on that even further by adding costumes, animals, or the football team
Okay, that's why you're awesome Candygirl!

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Oct 9th 2006, 2:12 am

Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com

Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer.
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Re: What did Brian tell Sharon abt the experiment night?

Post by majesty » Aug 3rd 2008, 7:47 am

This is an interesting question. In my head, I make sense of the situation by imagining Brian complaining to Sharon, is was all too willing to hear criticisms about Angela. He must have said something about how she lied about why she was coming over and how she made a big to-do about going outside to sit in a car with Jordan. He probably mentioned that Angela has feelings for Jordan as well because, as I'm thinking about it, Sharon may not have known about Angela's crush until Brian told her. I don't think we ever learned exactly when Angela's crush for Jordan started, but I've always assumed it was sometime during the beginning of the school year; so it was fairly recent, around the time she started hanging out with Rayanne and Ricky.

Anyway, the whole situation as described by a hurt, passive aggressive Brian may have led gossipy Sharon to make some assumptions and logical leaps. Angela likes Jordan, she lies to cover her tracks and goes out and sits in his car with him for awhile. Sharon, of course, takes it and runs with it. Sharon may also have thought Angela had sex particularly because of Angela's new friendship with Rayanne, who has a reputation for being sexually active and a little loose. Perhaps Sharon thought about the ways in which Rayanne would make a horrible influence on Angela, one of them being having sex in boys cars outside her neighbor's house.

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Re: What did Brian tell Sharon abt the experiment night?

Post by TomSpeed » Aug 28th 2008, 9:41 pm

I think Brian tells Sharon a big story with the intention to hurt Angela. Given his reaction to Angela when she confronts him about what he said -- he doesn't try to deny that he said things intended to inflict pain -- I think we can assume he made up some awful things. Also, I don't think Sharon is in conflict with Angela enough at this point to embellish too much on what Brian tells her.

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Graham: And how much of you?
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Re: What did Brian tell Sharon abt the experiment night?

Post by HeyDave » Oct 24th 2008, 8:08 pm

Hi Tom,

I have to agree with you. I think he did it to hurt Angela because of his feelings for her. I also think Sharon sort of ran with it and expanded on the story which always happens with this sort of gossip

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Re: What did Brian tell Sharon abt the experiment night?

Post by Cami A. » Oct 25th 2008, 2:11 am


I actually don't think that Sharon made up any of it. She says to her friend in the bathroom that Angela's not a bad person, just confused--she doesn't want to hurt Angela. She still cares about her friend, even though she feels she's been dumped.

I think Brian was really upset that Angela used him in order to communicate with Jordan, so his imagination ran away with him when he was recounting his frustration to Sharon. That's all that happened.

He doesn't feel great about it, as we see him put down his head when Angela confronts him about it. But he does feel he's slightly justified, because she hurt him too.
Last edited by Cami A. on Oct 27th 2008, 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What did Brian tell Sharon abt the experiment night?

Post by HeyDave » Oct 25th 2008, 6:39 pm

I have to agree with you regarding Sharon. I really didn't mean that she was making things up, but just doing what alot of us do......unconsciously embellishing the story. You know, the old experiment where one person tells a story to the second who passes it down the line and it ends up changes considerably by the end of the line.


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Re: What did Brian tell Sharon abt the experiment night?

Post by Cami A. » Oct 27th 2008, 4:06 am

Yeah, totally! "Telephone"...I used to love that game at Summer Camp when I was little.
Oh, I'm sure she caused some unintentional damage. Ah, high school. My high school experience was much less dramatic that this...but at the time--it felt like hella crazy stuff went down.
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Re: What did Brian tell Sharon abt the experiment night?

Post by MonnyUK2 » Oct 27th 2008, 10:35 am

I think Brian was angry and he told Sharon what happened. He may have exaggerated. In the Guns and gossip episode when Angela confronts Brian, Brian does not have anything to say in response to the fact that Angela accusing him of lying. This is another great Angela and Brian moment. What I want to know is who writes the note we see in class? Is it Brian? Is it Sharon? anybody else?

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Re: What did Brian tell Sharon abt the experiment night?

Post by HeyDave » Oct 28th 2008, 7:29 pm

My guess is that it's just some other student in the class. I think that's part of the point of the rumor spreading around the school...that people are starting to talk about her and "what happened" Just typical HS gossip

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Re: What did Brian tell Sharon abt the experiment night?

Post by Cami A. » Oct 29th 2008, 7:24 am

Monny! My man!
How've you been?

I'd agree with Dave--it was some other unknown student who wrote the note.
It was supposed to dramatize how far spread the rumor had become...it highlighted the essence of high school.
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Re: What did Brian tell Sharon abt the experiment night?

Post by 411314 » Jul 19th 2010, 11:49 pm

Interesting, it never even occured to me that there were multiple ways the rumor could have spread. Here's what I always assumed happened:

Brian, worried by Sharon's accusation that Angela was taking advantage of him for better grades, wanted Angela to help him with that extra credit project to prove to himself that she still cared about him, or at least didn't have the utter disregard for him that Sharon implied. By pretending she planned to help him and then making it obvious that she'd just been planning all along to use his house as a place to meet Jordan, Angela deeply hurt Brian, so he wanted to hurt her back, hence he spread the rumor.

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