New example of web-board censoring

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Substitute Teacher
Posts: 179
Joined: Aug 29th 1999, 1:43 am

New example of web-board censoring

Post by oldguy » Sep 27th 1999, 3:11 pm


You know, I posted a comment at the site for the new show "Freaks and Geeks".
My comment was partly critical --- and I suspect that's why I now can't read my
earlier post (It's title is there but it doesn't come up!). Also, I tried to post
a new comment and a message comes up telling me that I have profanity in
my note! It's ridiculous --- There was no profanity in the letter ---- I've probably
just gotten blacklisted for that site!

Don't be surprised if you go to this site and see only glowing praises ---- It looks
like they are promptly removing anything remotely critical.


Substitute Teacher
Posts: 179
Joined: Aug 29th 1999, 1:43 am


Post by oldguy » Sep 28th 1999, 11:48 pm

I was wrong about the "F & G" web page... It turns out they just
had some freaky web glitches that resulted in my getting booted
from their board. They have assured me that they will not remove
any message for content, or exclude anyone from the site.

--- OldGuy

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