double standard?

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Frozen Embryo
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double standard?

Post by betweennames2 » Sep 30th 2005, 2:03 pm

Hey! I'm new to the site, and just got into the show recently...I love it!

Just wondering how other fans feel about Angela forgiving Jordan at the end, but not Rayanne.

Is it because she was closer to Rayanne, and therefore the betrayal is worse coming from her? Or is it the stereotype of the guy appearing more "excuseable" in these types of situations?

It bugs me that Angela could patch things up with Jordan, while Rayanne is still an outcast. It takes two! Especially considering how Jordan treated Angela in their short-lived relationship.

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double standard

Post by motorphyschohell » Sep 30th 2005, 3:21 pm

I 'm not so sure Angela completely forgave Catalano, but it's easy to see she overlooks his betrayal more so than Rayanne's.

I think it is because she was supposed to be her best friend, they were close, Rayanne knew every single intimate thought and truth Angela ever had. That's a big time betrayal. She got what she deserved. (Rayanne that is.)

I'm not excusing Jordan's actions, however he was out of it when it came to girls (Angela's) feelings and as far as he figured they (him and Angela) were over. Maybe he wanted to hurt her by doing her best friend, maybe he's smarter than we give him credit for, knowing it would blow Angela's life away.

I can't really agree that it's a doublestandard, yet somehow that does seem to be the way it rolls.

What about Angela's new found respect (or love?) for Krakow, what does anybody think how that would have played out, would she date him or just ignore him out of total embarassment.

Any thoughts?

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Post by danafan » Sep 30th 2005, 4:16 pm

One of the reasons I was so pleased with the final episode (which I only just saw three days ago so it's fresh) was the way Angela looked at Brian at the end, even from Jordan's car. She was seeing him with new eyes. So I think she would have at the very least given dating Brian serious consideration.

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Post by Kryzbn1 » Oct 4th 2005, 12:35 am

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Post by betweennames2 » Oct 4th 2005, 12:39 pm

I see what you mean about the "Weekend" episiode. It's just sad at the end of the last show, when Rayanne is sitting in the washroom, still feeling sorry for herself! Even if Angela still cares about her, obviously she's not showing it enough for Rayanne to feel better. But you're right: girls are tough on each other that way, especially when there's a guy involved. (I love Rayanne, too!)

As for the possibillity of a relationship between Angela and Brian, I like to think the last episode definitely shows Angela's increased awareness of his feelings. Now that they're on the table, I imagine her spending a lot of time struggling with her own feelings. If they ever do get together, I imagine it would take years. Sometimes more maturity is required to make those types of decisions!

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Post by shelley25 » Nov 2nd 2005, 3:55 pm

I would imagine it hurt more that Rayanne betrayed her. Jordan was never that great of a boyfriend anyway. And him and Angela were not together when he slept with Rayanne. Not that it makes it any better, but they weren't. And I think the fact that he slept with her friend would have become more of an issue as the show went on. And I do think that Angela and Rayanne would have possibly become friends again, but I don't know if it would have ever truly been the same between them. Though I do think they would have hung out again at some point.

As for the Brian and Angel connection.... NO WAY! I definitely feel Angela had a new found realization about Brian in the finale, but I don't think there was any sort of *feelings* there on her bahalf. Her look to him in the end, I felt, was more of a 'Oh my God Brian, you do like me! I'm sorry I don't feel thee same way, but maybe now I might not treat you like crap as often' kinda look. I did not suspect a love connection there. Jordan treated her like crap half the time, and evetually she would have let him go. I just don't think Brian would be her next chioce. I only ever saw them as friends. But maybe that's just me.

Love this show!!


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Post by CrimsonGlow » Nov 3rd 2005, 12:15 am

I think that Rayanne is a person with more emotion than she seems to have. We could see this as the series went on, and how little things in scenes would show Rayanne almost sentimental. But she masked this. And because she masks things, it's no doubt that she felt totally guilty about what she had done to Angela, and she masked it by looking at it through a different perspective: that she was the one who really suffered and got hurt due to losing her best friend. She knew she really bombed and was a complete idiot.

And I agree with what some have been saying, that Angela and Rayanne would have eventually become friends again, but it wouldn't be the same. Maybe Angela would become closer once again with Sharon, now meet a new group of friends where Sharon and Ricky would become a part of as well. Maybe Delia would have been in their group too. Interesting to think about what kinds of characters any new friends would have been. Anyways, Due to Rayanne's stupid doings, I think she put the end to their true state of their friendship. I think they would have gone on to be occasional hanging out friends, but only the stop for a quick chat in the hall type. I think the situation that happened was just a big blow and things can never recover from that. How could it?

But it's obvious that Angela and Brian would have been the new stage of the series. I think slowly because they'd have to make things go with the speed of the show.
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Post by chosenone76 » Nov 29th 2005, 5:32 pm

Hmm, this is a good topic. I agree with others who said that Rayanne's betrayal seemed worse because she was Angela's best friend and knew about her feelings for Jordan. Rayanne, as her best friend, was closer to Angela than Angela was to Jordan. Jordan and Angela didn't have much of a relationship besides their obvious attraction to each other, they didn't really talk much, did they? So I think just because Rayanne was closer to Angela, it hurt more and was harder to forgive. I hope I made sense here. :p

ETA: Oooh I'm the elusive Tino now. :lol:

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