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Jared Leto in American Psycho
Jared Leto in American PsychoMan do I feel out of the loop when it comes to catching the MSCL cast in other roles! I see that Jared Leto plays Paul Allen in this 2000 flick that also features Christian Bale, Willen Dafoe and Reese Witherspoon. All I can remember about the premise of this movie is seeing the creepy trailers on TV. So is this worth checking out?
The movie is slated to air Sunday, 1/20, on HBO Plus from 11:40 p.m. to 1:25 a.m. Eastern time. "When you drink from the cup of life, chug." ~ Citibank billboard
Re: Jared Leto in American PsychoYes, yes, yes! I thought that this was a great movie. Very gory, but good. And Jared Leto does an amazing job- it's very funny to see him play this character, especially if you're used to seeing him as Jordan. Another good movie that he is in is Fight Club. He has a fairly small role in that but it is an excellent movie. If you haven't seen it, you should check it out.
Re: Jared Leto in American PsychoAmerican Psycho is definitely a strange and morbid movie. I liked it, but I like strange and morbid movies. since you are such a Jared Leto fan, you have to see Requeim for a Dream. it is Jared's best performance to date. all of the actors in this movie are fantastic. but like American Psycho, it's not for everyone. so if you have a weak stomach, I don't think you should see it.
Re: Jared Leto in American PsychoThanx for giving your insights, chosephine and emmie. Unfortunately I think the airing this weekend conflicts with something else I'm watching, but I will be sure to check this out the next time it airs. Gory doesn't bother me at all so this should be right up my alley.
I have seen Fight Club but I don't remember Jared's part so I am definitely going to check that one out the next time it airs. And Requiem for a Dream is on my list of must-sees since so many people have been recommending that one to me lately. I really think it's great that Jared has taken some risks in his acting and didn't just fall into the trap of being typecast as a heartthrob. "When you drink from the cup of life, chug." ~ Citibank billboard Re: Jared Leto in American Psycho -- WARNING: possible FC spI've seen Fight Club a couple of years ago and really liked it (Meat Loaf did a wonderful job!) But also I can't remember what kind of role Jared Leto had in this movie. Was he one of the Durden's "followers"? In what scenes did he appear?
Re: Jared Leto in American Psycho -- WARNING: possible FC spHe plays the character Angel Face- the one that Tyler beats to a bloody pulp. He has bleach blonde hair so it's hard to recognize him.
I would reccomend Requiem For a Dream, too. He was also in this little indie flick called Sunset Strip. It's not a great movie, but it's worth watching to see Jared play an obnoxious rock star.
Thanx, chosephineI appreciate the additional tip on Sunset Strip. Anything involving music sounds like Jared would work well in so I'll be sure to catch that one if I find it in the video store or see it's coming on cable.
"When you drink from the cup of life, chug." ~ Citibank billboard Re: Jared Leto in American PsychoAmerican Physco is an awsome movie. Jared is good, for the small amount of time es in it. have to agree with everyone that Requiem for a Dream is his best movie to date. Requiem is truly a great film, Darren A is a god of film making.
out of all the Jared movies iv seen, dosnt something bad always happen to him? example: Fight Club, he gets the crap beat out of him. Requiem, he get an arm choped off. Thin Red Line, he gets shot. American Physco, hes murdered via axe(wich is up to ones own perception i suppose) does any thing bad happen to him in a movie not mentioned? Re: Jared Leto in American PsychoWow, now this is interesting! There's this costume drama called Basil. In this one Jared's character (Basil) gets beat up. Talking about doing the same kind of roles one after another...
![]() Yes, Requiem for a Dream is magnificent. But also disturbing. Seeing it left me as powerfully affected as only Magnolia had before -- an excellent quality for a movie.
Re: Jared Leto in American PsychoWhat an interesting question you've raised, Dengar! I just started trying to catch up on the different movies that Jared appeared in, so I'll have to let you know if I come across one where nothing bad happens to him. So far, the closest one would be The Last of the High Kings, where he's a bit tormented but nothing physically drastic happens to him. Have you seen that one?
BTW, this movie is slated to air again early Sunday, 1/27, on HBO Plus from 2:05 to 3:50 a.m. Eastern time. "When you drink from the cup of life, chug." ~ Citibank billboard
Re: Jared Leto in American Psycho*
* * * * * SPOILERS * * * * * * I finally had a chance to watch this one, and I must say I was quite confused at the end of it. I guess it would have helped if I read the book or if I had seen it a couple of times and realized that the man was delusional. As for Jared, would you believe that I did a double-take when I first saw him? I didn't even realize it was him and literally had to rewind the tape when it dawned on me. Still, it was good to see him if only for a little bit. He did a good job with the role he had, and while he may not have been on the screen the whole time, his character was certainly pivotal to the plot. "When you drink from the cup of life, chug." ~ Citibank billboard
Re: Thanx, chosephineJared was pretty good in American Psycho. One of his better performances. But other than a few funny scenes (the business card and the Phil Collins/Genesis monologue), I didn't care for it too much.
- jim Kaytee Bodle: Girl With Guitar http://girlwithguitar.0catch.com/
I really liked American Pshyco. I havent seen the movie for a long time. well I havent seen it since I started watching My so called life. I just never noticed him in that movie. Ill have to get the movie and watch it again.
I have Requium of a Dream. He does do a really good job in that movie. I just rented Basil last night! I thought it was a Awsome movie! I think Jared Leto did a really good job playing in the Role of Basil, and he also had the whole Jordan Catalano look going on in that movie! I loved it! Re: Jared Leto in American PsychoReqiuem for a dream is my favorite movie of all time and at that moment i swear we were infinite
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