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Claire Danes hosting Saturday Night Live
Claire Danes hosting Saturday Night LiveHas anyone ever seen this episode? Not only does it have Claire doing the hosting honors, but Mariah Carey is the musical guest. This just seems like one that would be interesting to check out.
The SNL episode is slated to air Wednesday, 2/6, on Comedy Central from 6 to 7 p.m. Eastern time. "When you drink from the cup of life, chug." ~ Citibank billboard
Re: Claire Danes hosting Saturday Night LiveIt's only worth checking out her opening monologue (MSCL gets a brief mention). Other than that, not very noterworthy (although she does play a drunk Tinkerbell in one skit). Also, I hate Mariah Carey. The worst decline of talent ever. Had to say it.
- jim Kaytee Bodle: Girl With Guitar http://girlwithguitar.0catch.com/
Re: Claire Danes hosting Saturday Night LiveWell, I watched it, dTheater, and you were right. I only saw the pared down version for reruns, so I'm guessing the best of the show was put forth in that one hour. I did enjoy the reference to MSCL and also Claire making mention of being on a network show. The skits were decent and I enjoyed seeing her do different accents, but I have definitely seen some much better SNL shows. I think Claire's strength is in more serious roles.
"When you drink from the cup of life, chug." ~ Citibank billboard
Re: Claire Danes hosting Saturday Night LiveThis episode is slated to air again Saturday, 2/16, on Comedy Central from 4 to 5 p.m. Eastern.
"When you drink from the cup of life, chug." ~ Citibank billboard
If anyone's interested in seeing the episode of SNL that Claire hosted in '97, it will be airing on Wednesday, October 13 at 12:00pm EST, and again at 12:00am EST on E!. It hasn't been on for a long while, since E! began airing SNL reruns fairly recently after Comedy Central stopped at the end of 2003 (...although some may remember that the episode aired a few months ago, in its entirety, as an "SNL Classic" on NBC). Remember that some skits from the NBC broadcast have been cut to shorten the episode's length to one hour.
"I'm hungry, I want eggs" - Claire Danes' impression of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Late Night with Conan O'Brien (January 22, 2003)
Well, the majority of the monologue refers to Claire's being accepted into Yale. At one point, a woman asks "You starred in that TV show about high school, right?" and Claire says "Uh Yeah, My So-Called Life". The woman then holds up a magazine and says "Yeah well, it says in here that you didn't even go to high school... but you still got into Yale." That was the brief MSCL mention. The rest of the monologue features other audience members basically questioning how Claire got accepted into Yale. My favorite being this one guy who stands up and asks, "I was just wondering, what did you write your application essay about?", and Claire says "Essay? What essay?", to which the guy responds "Yeah, yeah that's what I thought". Then of course Claire tries to defend herself by saying, "Listen, I know you people think I'm just some dumb actress who got into Yale because she's famous, but I'm very qualified! Oliver Stone wrote my recomendation!" Then some random guy off-screen yells "Oliver Stone is a lazy communist!" Ah, anyway... I think it was a fairly good monologue, though I perfer the syndicated version over the full NBC version. The syndicated version is cut a bit to only feature the Yale related questions, which I think lends itself to a better paced, and funnier, monologue. Also, in the full NBC version, Claire mispronounces Tim Kazurinsky's name ("Believe it or not, Saturday Night Live is actually 5 years older than I am! I think I was born in the Tim Kazui... Kazu... rinsky era. I'm so young I don't even know who that is.") whereas in the syndicated version she pronounces it just fine (Believe it or not, Saturday Night Live is actually 5 years older than I am! I think I was born in the Tim Kazurinsky era."). I have no idea how that happened.. maybe it was retaped specifically for syndication? "I'm hungry, I want eggs" - Claire Danes' impression of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Late Night with Conan O'Brien (January 22, 2003)
thanks so much ![]() - " It just seems like, you agree to have a certain personality or something. For no reason. Just to make things easier for everyone. But when you think about it, I mean, how do you know it's even you?" - Angela Chase
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