Inauguration Day 1/20/05

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Inauguration Day 1/20/05

Post by SanDeE* » Jan 13th 2005, 1:07 pm

I read in the paper that there are going to be a lot of people protesting Bush on next Thursday - it's called "Turning Your Back On Bush." What you do is wear all black, don't watch the inauguration speech/celebration/anything on TV, and face away from Washington DC during the inauguration speech, ie. turning your back on Bush. I will look around on the internet for a website talking about this... I'll post it if I find one.

One more thing --- way to go Boxer! (She is the senator that joined the petition to question Ohio's voting system, therefore making it so that Bush didn't fairly win this election, either.)
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Post by wicked » Jan 13th 2005, 4:04 pm

well I found this:

if you google Turn Your Back On Bush you get a whole page about this campaign; ... +day&meta=
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Post by SanDeE* » Jan 13th 2005, 4:54 pm

Perfect! Thanks wicked, for finding that.
Um, in my room, one seam is a little off and I stare at it constantly. It's, like, destroying me.


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Re: Inauguration Day 1/20/05

Post by lance » Jan 14th 2005, 9:49 pm

Kristin wrote:I read in the paper that there are going to be a lot of people protesting Bush on next Thursday - it's called "Turning Your Back On Bush." What you do is wear all black, don't watch the inauguration speech/celebration/anything on TV, and face away from Washington DC during the inauguration speech, ie. turning your back on Bush. I will look around on the internet for a website talking about this... I'll post it if I find one.

One more thing --- way to go Boxer! (She is the senator that joined the petition to question Ohio's voting system, therefore making it so that Bush didn't fairly win this election, either.)
Well last time Bush's motorcade got hit by eggs. I was just shocked that they issued permits to protestors along the parade route, especially given how choreographed all of Bush's other appearances have been. Obviously someone slipped up in the White House.

Boxer... :D For one brief moment I was proud to be an American, proud to be Democrat. A Democratic leader who actually defied the Republicans.


Great moment, great moment. Now if only Howard Dean can become DNC chair we (Democrats, Independents and Moderate Republicans) might just have a chance in 2006/2008. If we get another Terry McAuliffe or Tom Daschle type as leader...


Anyway here's to positive thinking.


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Post by special_k » Jan 15th 2005, 2:31 am

Lance, are you free on the 20th? ;)

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Post by SanDeE* » Jan 20th 2005, 10:32 am

Don't forget to wear all black today if you still have the chance!
Um, in my room, one seam is a little off and I stare at it constantly. It's, like, destroying me.


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Post by SanDeE* » Jan 25th 2005, 12:33 am

You know, I really really wish that I could meet George W. Bush.

Before you go :shock: , here's why I'd like to meet him:

So I could say, "I'm sorry Mr. Bush, but you do not deserve to shake my hand."

Then I'm sure I would be immediately tackled by secret service. But it would be worth it.
Um, in my room, one seam is a little off and I stare at it constantly. It's, like, destroying me.


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Post by lance » Jan 26th 2005, 9:51 pm

Kristin wrote:You know, I really really wish that I could meet George W. Bush.

Before you go :shock: , here's why I'd like to meet him:

So I could say, "I'm sorry Mr. Bush, but you do not deserve to shake my hand."

Then I'm sure I would be immediately tackled by secret service. But it would be worth it.
I hear ya Kristin.

My Vegas brother was off recently at a corporate pow-wow. This woman kept offering him a raffle to win inauguration gear. He refused. She kept pressing. Finally he just said, I wouldn't take it from you if you gave it to me. He said he felt...good. :D

The ironic thing I have heard from some conservative pundits is how amazed they are that the country is still so divided.

Gee ya think?



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