Star's Wedding

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Star's Wedding

Post by SanDeE* » Nov 12th 2004, 1:36 pm

Is anyone else sick of this? I only say this because I watched the view for a few minutes just now and the whole episode is devoted to Star Jones's wedding. I also remember watching the Oscars where she was on the red carpet doing interviews and she just talked about her wedding the whole time. Does it even seem like it's a wedding anymore? Total publicity. It's like a parade. Bridezilla to the max!

My cousin is getting married in eight months, and her sister (my other cousin) is maid of honor and she's pretty bothered the bride-to-be because the bride-to-be seems not as involved as her or their mother. She's not being bridezilla - she's like the total opposite. I think she'll take over more closer to the wedding day. All I know is I'm supposed to make a song list for the reception and sing a song during the ceremony!
Um, in my room, one seam is a little off and I stare at it constantly. It's, like, destroying me.


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Post by schris » Nov 12th 2004, 1:45 pm

Yeah I have heard enough of this too. Why do we care that she is getting married? Most celebs try to keep it as private as they can.....

My sister was the same way when she got married this spring. I was the Maid of Honor and my Dad and I planned the whole thing! She just wanted to get married and didn't care about the details. But someone had to, so we stepped up. It was kinda fun though. Good luck with the music!

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Post by Nothingman » Nov 12th 2004, 2:37 pm

*takes gloves off*

She can't shut up about it because she's a fat cow who has to announce to the world that someone will marry her because somewhere beneath that Big Beautiful Woman facade is a insecure little girl. The girl that everyone made fun of and no man wanted, now she's going overboard attempting to prove the world wrong that she has value, and that her dillusions that she is sexy are real. You know she even took belly dancing lessons for her fiance. Doesn't that belly dance enough just when she walks? How could that possibly turn anyone on? I could care less if they want to get married, good for them. But if she's going to blab on and on about it and make a big production, I'm going to call it as I see it and call the pig, a pig.
"To come to your senses, you must first go out of your mind." - Alan Watts

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