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Post by SanDeE* » Oct 27th 2004, 6:03 pm

Here's mine: ... C00101.jpg

For those who don't know this symbol, it's the OHM symbol, and it means the beginning of life, the first sound that created all sounds, serenity, center, balance. I thought it was pretty meaningful, since I had just started my adult life (I was 20) and I'm a music composer, so I create sounds/music. I got it in June 2003, so it's not exactly new, but... I like tattoos and I was wondering if any other MSCLifers have tattoos. I don't think I'll be getting another one, though --- I can't think of another thing I would get as a tattoo, so that's probably a sign that I shouldn't get another one.

As for family members... that I know have tats... a cousin has a flower on the top of her foot, an aunt has a rose on her shoulder blade, my brother has a four-leaf clover on his right shoulder blade and a Chinese phrase on his left arm (means something like "extraordinary man hidden among the masses") and my father has an eagle with an anchor on his right arm, courtesy of his days in the navy.
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Post by wicked » Oct 28th 2004, 9:47 am

I like that tatt! I actually did an OM paniting, it's owned by a friend of mine. ... _6_2_G.htm

I REALLY like ink , but I have a needle phobia from my childhood of illness. Did it hurt being so close to the spine never bundle. I had a frined who had his head inked :shock: he said that hurt like hell! :lol:

I'm still thinking about getting a small one somewhere :)
I used to be a make up artist and have had really nice temp tatts
actually I wore one at my wedding LOL

When I lived in New Zealand EVERYONE had ink!! seriously there would be these totally straight laced lawyer/banker/accountant types and they'd roll up their sleeves and have tattoos all the way down thier arms !
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Post by SanDeE* » Oct 28th 2004, 1:13 pm

Yeah, it hurt like crazy! I think that right there, at the bottom of your back, is one of the most painful places to get a tattoo. I hear that's where a lot of nerve endings meet. The next day, though, it didn't hurt as much. Only if I tried to sleep on my back, or if I sat down too fast or something. A week after I got the tattoo I went to Florida on vacation --- going into the salt water really helped it heal faster, I think. But the tough part was keeping it out of the sun.
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Post by SanDeE* » Oct 28th 2004, 1:18 pm

Oh yeah, and the people I work with have a lot of tattoos. Almost everybody. I work at an organic grocery co-op in Madison Wi every summer, and a lot of people there are counter-culture. Lots of tats, dreadlocks, piercings. I love it! I feel like I really fit in there, even though I don't have dreads. One co-worker of mine has tattoos all over his arms, legs, stomach (he said that was really hard), even around his neck. He's had over 60 hours of work done, I think. Mine only took twenty minutes!

Ps---- You know the Pirates of the Carribean movie with Johnny Depp? When that first came out a couple summers ago, I saw it and my co-workers were like, "I heard all the pirates have dreads, piercings, and tattoos, right? So I guess that makes us pirates." HA! :lol:
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Post by wicked » Oct 28th 2004, 1:36 pm

Ps---- You know the Pirates of the Carribean movie with Johnny Depp? When that first came out a couple summers ago, I saw it and my co-workers were like, "I heard all the pirates have dreads, piercings, and tattoos, right? So I guess that makes us pirates." HA!
arrrrr...well I've had dreads, and my nose has been pierced for freakin ever. :lol: ( sigh I actually remember when nobody had their nose pierced.) I won't even get into theholes in my head :wink:

I may still do some ink, but since I have lots of nice fleshy bits I think I'll ink the fatty tissue!
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Post by SanDeE* » Oct 28th 2004, 3:38 pm

I have a navel piercing and two holes in each ear. I got my ears pierced in 6th grade and my mom turned white and almost passed out!

Anyway, no matter where where you get a tattoo, it's going to hurt. I think some people fool themselves into thinking the fleshy areas don't hurt, but they do. Just a little less than like where I got mine. My brother knows someone that has his tongue tattooed! OUCH! That's hardcore. Another place that is really painful (I'd imagine) is under your breast (for the ladies). The skin on that spot is really thin, and the breast plate is right there, so there's no fat really. Definitely not for me. :P
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Post by Megs » Oct 28th 2004, 9:32 pm

I have one on my lower back. It is the Pisces symbol with artwork surrounding it. Maybe I will get the husband to take a pic for y'all.
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Oct 29th 2004, 2:01 am

Megs, I definitely want to see your tattoo! Tell your husband to break out the camera.


This is my tattoo. It's on my lower back too (aka the Santa Cruz license plate) - I think a lot of girls get them there for the same reason - they won't show when you have to get a non-mall type job. Thanks to the low rise pants trend, you get to peek at an awful lot of tattoos in that area these days. I had mine done a few years back (before Britney Spears started wearing her pants below her pubic bone) so I thought it was low enough that no one would see it unless I chose to show it to them. Just my luck that low rise jeans became all the rage right afterwards.

I actually thought it would hurt MORE than it did. Don't get me wrong - it hurt, but just not as much as I thought it would. I probably psyched myself out by thinking it would be excrutiating pain. It hurt, but it was bearable. The only time it really hurt a lot was right on top of my spine. Even better, it only took about 15 minutes.

I, like wicked, have a needle phobia as a result of getting allergy shots every week as a child, so I really procrastinated about getting a tattoo. I knew I wanted this tattoo for over two years before I finally had it done. I figured if I waited that long and still wanted it, then it wasn't a stupid drunken "oh crap, now I have a cartoon character on my ass" impulse (no exaggeration - I can think of a lot of people who ended up with cartoon characters and the like). Like everyone has said, places with thin skin hurt more - a friend of mine who has tons of tattoos said that the tricep area hurts a lot.

Both of my sisters have tattoos, and we all had our helixes pierced. One of my sisters has her navel pierced too. I wanted to get mine done when I was a college freshman way back in 1992 (gawd I feel old!), but I stupidly thought, "I'll do some more sit-ups and get my stomach totally flat first!" Never mind that I weighed 100 pounds at the time. Between not getting any skinnier and everyone else getting their navels pierced, I decided not to do it. My youngest sister told me that there was a guy in a van who would pierce all the underage girls at the high school. Nice.
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Post by starbug » Oct 29th 2004, 5:14 am

No tattoos. But it's more for the reason that I've got far too many moles (225 approx) and tattooists won't tattoo over a mole (cancer, cancer...). Plus it would look stupid to have a nice tattoo right next to a brown blob - from a distance like the ink had splattered :shock: .

I love tattoos, but over time I've just had to accept that my moles are like my own little individual tattoos. Who else is going to go for the 'mudsplattered' tattoo look, after all.

I've made up for it a bit on the piercing front though - one navel and 5 ear piercings... :D I would get a nose-piercing (LOVE them) but I think it would send Mr. S over the edge since he hates them... maybe when I'm working in an NGO where nobody is so judgmental about that kind of thing.. right now I at least have to pay lipservice to work uniforms too.

Megs - definitely get us a pic! Your tattoo sounds intriguing.


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Post by Nostradamus » Oct 29th 2004, 6:14 am

Other than some massive orthodontic work I am completely un-modified. Never really did anything for me. My friends however are nuts about body mod: tatoos, piercing, stretching, implants (not the soft kind), scarification, branding, you name it. They get special discounts from their artists because of their frequent custom. They are also kind of body mod art-nazis, openly critical of anyone who gets "flash". I guess you are either with the "in" crowd, or you are hopelessly lame.

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Post by wicked » Oct 29th 2004, 9:39 am

They are also kind of body mod art-nazis, openly critical of anyone who gets "flash". I guess you are either with the "in" crowd, or you are hopelessly lame.
flash????...I feel so old . I get crap for my art all the time, but I have reached a point in my life where I honestly do not give a crap. I do what I do for me, and if you like it aces if not your welcome to keep walking.
figured if I waited that long and still wanted it, then it wasn't a stupid drunken "oh crap, now I have a cartoon character on my ass" impulse (no exaggeration - I can think of a lot of people who ended up with cartoon characters and the like). Like everyone has said, places with thin skin hurt more - a friend of mine who has tons of tattoos said that the tricep area hurts a lot.

HA HA HA yeah I know a guy was ll impressed he got winnie the phoo with a baloon :shock:

I figure as I have made it through 13 hrs of labour twice chances are I could handel a tattoo. :wink:
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Post by starbug » Oct 29th 2004, 9:46 am


I just found this - wow. warning. If you're squeamish, stick to the things you've probably considered in your time. I didn't, and now I feel a bit queasy.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

BTW Wicked I think your artwork is really amazing :go:

Edited as I can't spell


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Post by SanDeE* » Oct 29th 2004, 12:30 pm

Wow, starbug, I would have never found a website like that on my own. I think the artwork is fantastic, and the artists are very talented. But some of those things I just don't know why anyone would get, like the more cartoonish stuff.
I have a lot of respect for tattoo artists (because they can't just erase, like you can with pencil). I can draw, but I wouldn't be cut out to be a tattoo artist. The guy who did my tattoo was named Bleach, and he was very highly recommended by all my tattooed friends. He had actually tatooed himself... there were pictures of that on the wall at the tattoo parlor. He tattooed his own legs, so he had to do it upside down - they were portraits of people, one on each leg. I want to say Andy Kaufman and his alter-ego Tony Clifton? That sticks out in my mind as being right.
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Oct 29th 2004, 2:58 pm

wicked wrote:HA HA HA yeah I know a guy was ll impressed he got winnie the phoo with a baloon :shock:
Exactly what I'm talking about - my friend dated this girl who had a tattoo of Flounder (from the Little Mermaid) jumping out of her ass crack. No joke. One of my RAs had a tattoo of Peter Pan's hat on her hip. I could go on and on - so many tattoos that seemed like a good idea and then were regretted later in life.
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Post by Megs » Oct 29th 2004, 4:27 pm

What do you mean by flash? :oops:
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