Dirty tricks

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Ed Zwick Wannabe
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Dirty tricks

Post by lance » Oct 14th 2004, 12:12 am

Well they have already started this year.

Dirty tricks for the election. Here in Las Vegas National news was made with voter fraud. Apparently a company called Voter Outreach of America was hired by the GOP to register voters here in Nevada.

Nothing wrong with that. Except they were destroying Democratic registrations.

Absolutely true. Here in Nevada you declare party affliation when you register. When you do you receive a registration receipt with a registration number. One employee took destroyed registration forms to the local FBI and news channel here. The news channel called the Board of Elections with the numbers of the destroyed registrations and of course the Board had never received these forms.

A huge court fight is now on to determine what happens when hundreds of voters turn up at the polls with their receipts and the registrations don't show in the Board's computers. Apparently they may be allowed to vote anyway on provisional ballots. These ballots allow you to vote only for Federal offices but not state races. The county prosecutor is looking into filing charges.

You can listen to the story from NPR here:

http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php ... 04&prgId=2

Just scroll down to "Voter Registration Fraud Reported in Las Vegas"


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Re: Dirty tricks

Post by starbug » Oct 14th 2004, 4:37 am

lance wrote: Here in Nevada you declare party affliation when you register.
WTF is up with that? Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me, and I'm surprised it's not illegal. Actually, according to international 'law' on free and fair elections, it probably is.
Whoever came up with that should be seriously hauled over the coals.
It's like something you'd read about regarding communist china.

Surely they will have to count the votes made by these poor unfortunate disenfranchised voters... :?: If I were the person whose vote wasn't counted I would launch an action alleging violation of my human rights faster than you can say 'democracy'.


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Ed Zwick Wannabe
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Post by lance » Feb 9th 2005, 12:43 pm


Appears that some of the dirty trick meisters actually got their come uppance after all.



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