hypothetical movie question

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Re: hypothetical movie question

Post by Guest » Apr 4th 2000, 12:09 pm

I agree, a re-union movie would be great, how much do you think it might cost to get Claire Danes? I reckon that jared Leto would do it, he's not that busy.

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Re: hypothetical movie question

Post by mia » Apr 4th 2000, 12:12 pm

Jack, my dear, you completely skirted the question! :-)

Unfortunately, what with everyone on to other projects now, I don't know how likely an actual reunion is. As for my choices for a hypothetical replacement cast, I'm not paying attention to how famous my picks are. Assembling a hypothetical unknown cast would be too impossible, because, well, they're unknown. So I'm going with the famous people I know. And in some cases worship. ;-)

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Re: hypothetical movie question

Post by gromit » Apr 7th 2000, 9:29 pm


Thought I might put my two cents in:

Angela: Laura Prepon (from That 70s Show) or Alyson Hannigan (from Buffy) or Natalie Portman (though her price is probably the same as Claire Danes)

Jordan: the actor who played Parker on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Parker is the guy who bailed on Buffy. He was also on Dawson's Creek this week as Jack's gay friend.

Rayanne: Mena Suavari is a great choice!

Sharon: Selma Blair (from Cruel Intentions and Zoe)

Brian: Eddie Kaye Fisher (geeky guy from American Pie)



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Re: hypothetical movie question

Post by worldsapart » Jan 15th 2002, 9:59 pm

Somehow I accidentally jumped to page 21 of the posts and started reading this one (I thought it was one of the many old posts that had been brought up again). Anyway, I thought this was an interesting topic that people might like to give perspectives on. Interestingly enough, I was going to read my choices for each part and then post my ideas (2 years later), but I still would go with my original choices, except maybe Winona Ryder, who I would replace with I don't know who. I might substitute Eliza Dushku for Julia Stiles as Rayanne, but not definitely.

Tee hee. I just responded to my own post...


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Re: hypothetical movie question

Post by Jack » Jan 16th 2002, 3:40 am

Hey Tracey, how you doing? I just remembered now that you e-mailed me months ago about a writing class you were taking and I neglected to respond. Sorry about that; been crazy busy. I also see that Adam and Patrick have made posts recently. Remember way back (a few years ago) when all of us made a half dozen posts a day? Everyday! Then the board got quiet for months; hardly a single post. Now of course it's quite active again. anyways, I'm starting to babble now. I guess I should get some sleep. Seeya.

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Re: hypothetical movie question

Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jan 26th 2002, 6:04 am

Wow, James Marsden would be a good subsitute for Jared! Those blue eyes...

Um, sorry, I was distracted by thoughts of Jared and James staring at me. Since James is busy with Ally these days, how about that hottie dancer from Center Stage? Or Paul Rudd?

What about Seth Green (Oz on Buffy) for Brian?

The girl on 24 playing Sharon? That might be a bit of a stretch, but I'm drawing a blank. Topanga maybe?

Harrison Ford as Graham? Maybe a tad too old, but since we're talking about ultimate fantasy casting...

P.S. I was totally disgusted with the thought of Brian sleeping with Rayanne's mom and it wasn't just the koo koo kachoo Mrs. Robinson vibe either. It was just WRONG - I was cringing and making noises out loud while I read that horrid book.

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Re: hypothetical movie question

Post by worldsapart » Jan 27th 2002, 11:09 pm

I know! I can't imagine having that kind of time to post now (though I wish it were possible). I'm struggling to find time to do homework (which is mostly reading), read (for fun) and write (for fun and possible publishing in the future). Did I tell you that I submitted a short story to a magazine for the first time? The website said I'd get a response in 6 weeks so I'm hoping to get a really nice rejection letter very soon. =) We need to chat--it's been so long!

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Re: hypothetical movie question

Post by dTheater » Jan 27th 2002, 11:37 pm

I can only think of one person for Angela and that would be Julia Whelan, AKA Sela Ward's oldest daughter on Once and Again. She practically is Angela. I would bet my life that she studied Angela Chase for her role.

- jim

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