- My So-Called Life (Pi... - #1 »
- Dancing in the Dark - #2 »
- Guns and Gossip - #3 »
- Father Figures - #4 »
- The Zit - #5 »
- The Substitute - #6 »
- Why Jordan Can't Read - #7 »
- Strangers in the Hous... - #8 »
- Halloween - #9 »
- Other People's Daught... - #10 »
- Life of Brian - #11 »
- Self-Esteem - #12 »
- Pressure - #13 »
- On the Wagon - #14 »
- So-Called Angels - #15 »
- Resolutions - #16 »
- Betrayal - #17 »
- Weekend - #18 »
- In Dreams Begin Respo... - #19 »
I finally bit ... *sigh*
I finally bit ... *sigh*I finally, today, bought a set of the "My So-Called Life" DVDs. On eBay, new, factory sealed, $64.95 plus shipping. (When I could have gotten them for as low as $46.95 -- up to 21 months ago -- I didn't yet have a DVD player.)
Please tell me I did the right thing. And that I was right to give up, for now, waiting for the truly decent release from Buena Vista with extras (period). And that I really do need this, alongside my three taped sets -- the entirely decent Steve Joyner bootlegs, and two sets from MTV -- more than I do a hole in the head. Anyone? ... Anyone? ... Bueller? Greybird of Starhaven
"MSCL" crazy since March 1995
If you enjoy the show, you did the right thing. I hold out for extras sometimes, but in the case of MSCL, an additional run with extras is not a sure thing.
Patty: If Rayanne's not seeing you, and we're not seeing you, who is seeing you? Graham: And how much of you? Angela: Dad! Graham: Oh, I'm sorry! I asked a question about your life, didn't I? Woah, what came over me? http://www.last.fm/user/TomSpeed/
The DVDs are worth it Greybird. You can skip to episodes and chapters more easily than with tapes, and never undervalue the DVD pause button
![]() ![]() Sometimes I write a little MSCL fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1039807/Jody-Barsch
Also, after multiple V. Mars reiterations, and finally a Deadwood movie, still wishing for some continuation of The Riches !
So...Do you guys think that Buena Vista will ever release a Special Edition Box Set for MSCL?
I'm new here, btw - and I was just utterly duped by that April Fool's joke thread from back in 2003...(D'oh!) I guess I wasn't really paying much attention to the titles of the posting threads and my eyes were literally threatening to pop out of their sockets once I started reading the supposedly 'confirmed' bonus features that were going to be on the new 6 disc set. Aw man, of course it had to be too good to be true! I really would love to hear what the creator had been planning for a prospected 2nd season had the show not been tragically cancelled...and a MSCL reunion chat session with the cast?! God, I'd probably die of happiness if they ever shelled out the dough to put stuff like that together! And behind the scenes vintage footage? Can you imagine? I mean, it's the least they can do, considering we're all still hurting from it being cancelled (even if that was 10 years ago - and many of us probably missed the original run...not me though - I was 13/14 when the show aired..so I was right in the thick of things - I lived and breathed that show...and I still do! I'm currently revisiting it on Family Channel - they air it at 1am from Mon-Thurs and I'm totally lovin' it all over again.) But truthfully, I held out on getting the Dvd Box set, cuz I really, *really* wanted one with at least *some* special features, before paying astronomically high prices for a set that had zilch, you know? But, now I'm seriously regretting that...because it really doesn't look as if they're ever going to put out a decent set...sniffle... Glad I didn't fall for that AnotherUniverse scam I've been reading about...man, what scumbags! I can't believe they stooped to that level...hope that jerk goes to prison for a good long time. Anyways, I'm rambling aimlessly as usual, so I'll just conclude this post by reitterating my desperate pleas - for anyone in any way connected with Buena Vista (or whoever happens to be controlling the rights for this show currently) to please, please, PLEASE try to put out another box set...and if that's next to impossible...at least have them make a slew of more copies of the current set (as the pickings are mighty slim as far as I know) that are more reasonably priced for us poor schmoes who aren't rolling in millions That would be okay...and better than nothing I suppose. I think I'm probably going to cave in and see if I can get my hands on one of the 5 Disc sets...I'm just really not to keen on paying more than 80 bucks on it... K, bye all!
You can read some of Winnie's ideas for the second season in this thread.
Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?
Thanks for the replies above, and I'm still glad I bit. That's even with my seeing a re-release by Buena Vista as being likely at some point.
Not for at least two or three years, though. The major studios usually make at least four to five years of separation between initial releases and "Special Editions," to keep the cash cow from being milked dry. Claire's 1994 "Little Women" had six years, from 1997's bare-bones version until 2003's stellar "Collector's Edition" with extras and director's commentary. ===== Some thoughts and observations after this new-buyer's week with the DVD set: ~ It's a thrill to see this so cleanly and easily, with three or four episodes per disc. I still don't regret having my original Joyner/OLS bootlegs, but I've been getting spoiled by the clean picture on DVDs. I live for the stories, though, and it's what could make me watch the tapes off of MTV if I had to do so. ~ All box and disc references to the ABC network (except "ABC Time" next to Dick Clark in "Resolutions") have been removed, though I'm still glad to have them on the OLS tapes. Those included the ABC Productions logo at the end, and the cast members' midpoint "bumper" voiceovers. (Such as Claire's "ABC's 'My So-Called Life' isn't over yet." As I said nine years ago this month, I WISH.) It was corporate cowardice that torpedoed this art, more than anything else. I don't miss having reminders here about those who didn't believe in this series enough a decade ago. ~ The picture is rich, vibrant, and constant on our 21-inch set. I see almost no sizable artifacts, and no "music staff" lines. The pilot does have that more muted set of colors, almost to sepia hues, but I didn't see it as being any less sharp in resolution. I've seen many small items that I hadn't before, such as Patty taking Rickie's arm at the end of "Angels," and details of facial planes in close-ups. ~ The sound works well, both in my preferred stereo and on the 5.1 Surround. (Except, for this last, with "Other People's Mothers," which is indeed a whisper out of sync. That's not a bad track record, though, given the low budget for this release.) Everything is in place, including the "OPM" initial line by Rayanne over a black screen, and the music is clear. ~ Stereo sound and subtitles "stick" once set, from episode to episode, even when "playing all," and contrary to some other reports. That could be from my having a newer (April 2003) DVD player, though. ~ The subtitles are more helpful than I'd thought, especially when you don't want to wake a sleeping roommate in the next bedroom. (Though I got my brother to watch and be riveted for the first time with The-N's showings, I don't want to admit to him yet that I've gotten this set {rueful smile} along with my three taped sets.) ~ A few dropped stitches in the subtitles, such as marking alternating dialogue when it's not, but that's not bad as against other DVDs I've endured. I do wish that "yeah"s weren't nearly all changed to "yes"s, and that most "like"s weren't dropped. On the other hand, the titles were a boon for the faint background voices on "Angels." On the other other hand, the song lyrics aren't subtitled, but I could see that might cause copyright tangles. (They did so, though, on, say, the lovely song-laden "Love Actually.") ~ The menus work well. The typeface isn't one of my favorites, but it does a superb job in making the choices readable, and that's what's important. (See, again as an example, "Love Actually" for menus that are truly elegant yet nearly impossible to read.) The full-motion background clips are mostly decorative, but they do remind me of the episode's contents when my mind is bleary. The Snuffy Walden music clip gets repetitive, but I love it anyway, so ... ~ The packaging isn't at all bad. I can understand their taking insert material and putting it on the back cover, as it saved a fortune in printing and assembly of the set. The pictures are well chosen. I find the color-coding helpful. GaryEA's attractive revised covers are shaped to good ends, but I can't see going to the trouble to print them, now that I have the discs in hand. And for when this is re-released? Sascha's April Fool's joke list would be a good start {grin} but I could certainly see this being placed in three double Amaray cases, with the sixth disc being the special features. I'll probably buy it again. I'm besotted. As, I suspect, are many of you. Greybird of Starhaven
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