Middle Names!

General discussion about the nineteen episodes of "My So-Called Life". Note: Our episode guide can be found here.
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Angela's best friend
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Middle Names!

Post by Joanna » Jan 16th 2002, 8:18 pm

OK, I must have been a fan of MSCL for too long now that I am really getting down to detail....I was just wondering, other than "Rayanne-Marie" if any of the other characters had middle names that were mentioned?? I always think that knowing Rayanne's middle name gives you a bit more insight into her character for some reason. I can't remember off the top of my head if any of the other characters full names are ever mentioned - although I have a feeling they might be? Any thoughts from anyone or am I going to have to start on the Pilot episode again and work my way through....damn eh??

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Re: Middle Names!

Post by adam » Jan 17th 2002, 3:44 pm

i don't think they were if you go to the MSCL bible the only middle name they have is for rayanne. i think if the others were mentioned we would remember and they probably be there but we dont and there not so who knows.

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