- My So-Called Life (Pi... - #1 »
- Dancing in the Dark - #2 »
- Guns and Gossip - #3 »
- Father Figures - #4 »
- The Zit - #5 »
- The Substitute - #6 »
- Why Jordan Can't Read - #7 »
- Strangers in the Hous... - #8 »
- Halloween - #9 »
- Other People's Daught... - #10 »
- Life of Brian - #11 »
- Self-Esteem - #12 »
- Pressure - #13 »
- On the Wagon - #14 »
- So-Called Angels - #15 »
- Resolutions - #16 »
- Betrayal - #17 »
- Weekend - #18 »
- In Dreams Begin Respo... - #19 »
Favorite episodes (or rank them all?)Favorite episodes (or rank them all?)Hey, how about a discussion topic --- ranking your favorite episodes!
Mine are a little unusual, probably (But isn't that the point --- to see all the different reasons why people like the show?). Here is my top five: 1) Betrayal 2) Self Esteem 3) Pilot 4) Life of Brian 5) So-Called Angels Re: Favorite episodes (or rank them all?)I'll play along, here are my fav. eps. but looking at them, they might as well be called the Angela and Jordan chronicles. oh well.
1. Why Jordan Can't Read 2. Self-Esteem 3. Pressure 4. Betrayl 5. (a tie) Life of Brian and In Dreams Begin Responsibilities emmie Favorite episodesMine change all the time. I can never make a firm decision of what I like best. Here's top 5 at the moment.
1. Betrayal 2. Halloween 3. Strangers in the house 4. In Dreams... 5. The Pilot Re: Favorite episodes (or rank them all?)Wow... I'm kind of stunned that you guys voted for some of the same episodes as me!
"Betrayal" is such a great episode, if admittedly a little dark. There is one that I forgot, that would probably figure in my top 5 or 6: "The Zit" ---- what a great episode! Anybody else?
Re: Favorite episodes (or rank them all?)I would have to say...
1) Pressure 2) In Dreams Begin Responsibilities 3) So-Called Angels 4) On the Wagon 5) Life of Brian tied with Self Esteem Pressure is my fave because I LOVE the scene where Jordan and Angela say their goodbyes (I am thinking of the right episode aren't I? It's been ages since I've watched them). Brian is my favorite, so that's why there is #2&5a....you can't NOT love the Christmas episode (it always makes me want to cry...of course, so does ep 19, for obvious reasons!)...the end of Self Esteem is just classic....but then again, I really like Why Jordan Can't Read, just because it reveals so much more about Jordan. Oh yeah, and I like On the Wagon because I love the whole Jordan singing thing. =) Tracey
Re: Favorite episodes (or rank them all?)wow...very few of mine match up- but it's good to be unique! =) It's really hard to pick your favorites because they tend to change with your mood and which one you are watching at the time!
Tracey Re: Favorite episodes (or rank them all?)I haven't picked my favorite yet, I'll have to think about it more because they're all so good. But I, like
Tracey, enjoy episodes with Brian (even when it's a smaller part) because he's one of my favorite as well. And yes Tracey, Pressure is the one where Jordan and Angela say goodbye which is tremendous. It's a tear-jerker when she touches his hair and comments on how much she's going to miss that, and then they kiss and acknowledge they'll see each other tomorrow. That's so sad and touching it makes me wanna go out the window (and for those who don't remember, that's eight long stories down). One last thing: "It's been ages since I watched them." (???) Shame on you. Go to the end of the line. (And one more last thing: Make sure the VCR heads are clean before you watch them again.) Re: Favorite episodes (or rank them all?)Fave episode: Self Esteem. Those on the mailing list already know i can't pick a favorite scene.
Other faves: 2) In Dreams 3) Pilot 4) Pressure 5) Mr. Cherski's Heart Attack (I know that's not the actual title. I'm blanking.) 6) Other People's Mothers 7) ...ok, you know what? I'm gonna stop now. I'm at WORK, for Pete's sake. Shame on me for using my computer for something other than business-related tasks (which lately has been surfing the net. Hey, I'm in Advertising. I gotta get ideas somehow.). Yours, very adept at procrastinating, Mia
Re: Favorite episodes (or rank them all?)I pulled out Pressure and watched it last night because I hadn't seen it in so long. Happy? =) I absolutely ADORE Angela and Jordan's "goodbye" scene. I also like the part before it when she's talking to Brian (and they are actually getting along and sharing feelings and everything!) and then also the scene before at Jordan's house when Jordan says that line "You can say whatever you want about me, I never lied"...I LOVE THAT LINE! I don't know why, I just do. I would have watched more, but it was already like midnight when I started that one and I was supposed to leave for school at 8:00 today, but then (when I woke up and was REALLY exhausted) I decided to skip my beginning classes and not go until later...so I might get around to watching another one with my little bit of free time.
Tracey PS- the VCR is working beautifully, and the first one is working again...but we'll probably take them to get professionally cleaned sometime soon just to make sure. Re: Favorite episodes (or rank them all?)I was really happy when I saw all the new subjects on the board, it had been so long. Anyway back to my favorite episodes, seeing as I haven't seen the 7 not released by BMG since they were on Mtv my favorites in no paticular order are
1. Self Esteem 2. Pilot 3. Why Jordan Can't Read 4. In Dreams 5. Pressure Mine all are also Jordan and Angela related Re: Favorite episodes (or rank them all?)Ok, so, sadly I've never seen the last 7 episodes, but I have to say my favorite ones are probably Self Esteem (who doesn't have it on their list?) and Guns and Gossip. I guess I'm the only one who's said this...I'm not really sure why I like it. It's pretty sad. There's just something about it...Why Jordan can't read is pretty good, too, and I like Strangers In The House, because I love how Angela and Sharon admit how much they miss each other and all.
Re: Favorite episodes (or rank them all?)"Guns and Gossip" is a great episode --- particularly in that I think it's the first episode
that showed that these characters weren't going to just be stereotypes. The scene where Brian tells the school administrator to get off his back or he's going to raise hell --- that's a great scene. We see that Brian isn't just a "nerd" but someone with complexity and passion. We see a lot of Ricky for the first time too. And I think Rayanne establishes herself very well in this episode too ---- all of her comments about getting into the "excitement" of the gun controversy. It's a key episode in the show's development. Re: Favorite episodes (or rank them all?)My top 5 favorite episodes:
1. Self Esteem 2. So-Called Angels 3. Life of Brian 4. Halloween 5. In Dreams Re: Favorite episodes (or rank them all?)Some things are just imposible ranking Mscl is imposible.. when i watch my copies i dont stop (with severe sleap depravation as an efekt)untill i fall a sleap in front of the tv. so if you ask me i wold say 1-19 on nr 1 and thats it.
Well i have vacation and enyoing the clouded sky and the repeating rains NOT. where is the sun? the lazy swede saake "There's something about Sunday night that makes you want to kill yourself"
Re: Favorite episodes (or rank them all?)I apologize but I just can't lay down a list without elaborating. Please bear with me.
1.) Weekend...I've said it before and I'm sticking to my guns. 2.) Why Jordan Can't Read...I am surprised that this episode only was mentioned two other times on this list. Does anyone remember the scene with Angela and Jordan in the classroom discussing the 5-page letter that starts "Dear Jordan"? Angela's "dance of joy"? "Red"? The oh-so-painful "no-show" by Jordan? Patty and Graham's pregnancy scare? Angela eating the cookie dough ice cream at the end? Danielle and Brian? The exchange in the kitchen when Angela asks about dating? 3.) Dancing In The Dark...As noted in the video section of this site, the editing on this one is amazing. Rayanne shines. The buildup to Angela meeting Jordan throughout the show is great. Krakow fans gotta love this one too. Did anyone else love this episode like I did? 4.) Self Esteem...I think it's all been said about this one. 5.) In Dreams Begin Responsibilities...So many classic scenes. 6.) Pressure 7.) Resolutions...The scene where Brian tutors Jordan is one of the best. 8.) So Called Angels 9.) Life of Brian 10.) Halloween 11.) Pilot 12.) The Zit 13.) On the Wagon...That is too funny when Graham catches Patty eavesdropping on Angela's call from Jordan. That's about all. The rest are all about the same level for me. I loved them, just can't really say one was any better than the others. This was a great question to post. Thanks Oldguy! k-man Who is onlineUsers browsing this forum: No registered users and 3 guests |