if u like brit comedy like the office...

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if u like brit comedy like the office...

Post by guest420 » Jan 7th 2004, 6:44 pm

Moderator note: this topic has been moved to the Other TV Shows forum

i remember reading something about the office (ON BBC). being a uk resident i have to agree that this is a fantastic program. Another great british comedy IMHO is 'phoenix nights' - i dont know if u guys get this in the US but if u get the chance, do watch it.

I just watched the US version of trigger happy tv and i gotta say it kinda sucks compared to the original but i kind quite put my finger on the reason for it. it's a shame cause i was really looking forward to it.

i generally love american comedy that we get over here such as friends, frasier, will and grace. could anyone suggest any others i should be looking to get into

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Post by starbug » Jan 8th 2004, 5:54 am

?? think this might have been moved to the wrong place


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Post by fnordboy » Jan 8th 2004, 12:54 pm

I don't believe Phoenix Nights airs here in the US at all...maybe on BBCAmerica. I have been curious about this show for awhile now, it has been recommended to me. Eventually I will pick up a DVD of it.

As far as US comedy shows, if you like something a little on the bizarre end of the comedy scale you should check out Strangers With Candy, it is a spoof on the "after-school-special genre" of TV.

IMO on regular network TV it doesn't get much better than Will & Grace.


Post by guest420 » Jan 8th 2004, 1:23 pm

thanks fnordboy. i'll try to get a dvd of it or something even though i really should be revising for my exams. :lol:

Something tells me my priorties aren't what they should :twisted: :twisted:

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Post by fnordboy » Jan 8th 2004, 3:31 pm

guest420 wrote:thanks fnordboy. i'll try to get a dvd of it or something even though i really should be revising for my exams. :lol:

Something tells me my priorties aren't what they should :twisted: :twisted:
Priorities Schmiorities! :P

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Post by dTheater » Jan 10th 2004, 1:53 am

Well it's not America (it is Canadian however), but The Newsroom is just like The Office, brilliant and hilarious, and predates it by 5 years.
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Post by guest420 » Jan 10th 2004, 8:02 pm

just remebered another show that fits into the not ur usual comedy show-
try peep show that airs here on channel 4.
it's the same station that shows graham norton (i heard he has like a cult following over there), ali g, trigger happy tv. :-P

For good stand up i would definitely recommend 'eddie izzard - Dressed to kill'. i dare you to watch it and not laugh ur ass off.
anybody who does not laugh at this has no sense of humour

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