Why are there always bonus discs on eBay?

Looking for "My So-Called Life" items or willing to part with one?
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Why are there always bonus discs on eBay?

Post by sirhansirhan » Dec 23rd 2003, 4:12 pm

Has anyone but me noticed that ever since AU actually started shipping the lunchboxes and bonus discs, there has consistently been one or more up for auction on eBay?

Who are these people who are getting their discs before everyone else, and are willing to part with them so easily? The auctions don't even go very high any more.

Sigh. I wish mine would come.

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Re: Why are there always bonus discs on eBay?

Post by fnordboy » Dec 23rd 2003, 4:32 pm

sirhansirhan wrote:Who are these people who are getting their discs before everyone else, and are willing to part with them so easily? The auctions don't even go very high any more.
Probably since the disc seems to be so crappy they are willing to get rid of it for the crazy amount some people are willing to pay for it. Personally, I couldn't part with mine...I am way to much of a completist.

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